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  1. Things to note down :- App Id (Step 2) Page Tab Name (Step 3) Page Tab URL (Step 3) STEP 1:- ADDING THE APPLICATION Go to the link :- facebook.com/login.php?next=https%3A%2F%2Fdevelopers.facebook.com%2Fapps and click on âcreate a new application.â Add a valid name for your application (No symbols or spaces). For now ignore the Namespace field and proceed to âI agree to the Facebook Platform Policiesâ, click to continue Step 2:- ADDING BASIC INFO ABOUT YOUR APP Give a NameSpace to your PageTab application in âApp Namespaceâ tab. Namespace is simply the url friendly version of your app display name. App Domain is the website your data will be fetched from. Note: - The domain/website you add here must have SSL installed on it (https://) Also make sure to note down your APP ID, this will come handy later on. Step 3:- INTEGRATING THE APP WITH FACEBOOK Website âSite URLâ is where you enter the url of your website. Page Tab âPage Tab Nameâ lets you decide the output you wish to display on the index of your page tab âPage Tab URLâ is the file that is used as the final display/output. This page contains html code that you wish to show on your facebook page. If adding an html page does not work, then try renaming your html file as .php and do not forget to enter the â/â at the end of the url. âSecure Page Tab URLâ and âPage Tab Edit URLâ will have the same url/website as âPage Tab URLâ. Step 4:- ADVANCED SETTINGS On the same page, you will find the âadvanced settingsâ. Here we move to the canvas settings and set the âCanvas Widthâ to âFluidâ. Save changes. Step 5:- SETTING IT UP TO SHOW ON YOUR FACEBOOK PAGE Now go to the facebook page copy paste the below url facebook.pagetab/?app_id=YOUR_APP_ID&next=YOUR_URL Remember APP ID from Step 2? Well YOUR_APP_ID = APP ID and YOUR_URL is the url/website you added in âPage Tab URLâ from Step 3. If done right, a dialogue box should ask you which one of your pages should be used for your PageTab APP. On selecting a page and clicking on âAdd Page Tabâ button your PageTab will be set on your facebook page. Step 6:- Making the App your default page or default landing page. (Every time a new visitor comes to your page, he will see the PageTab first.) For setting this newly created page tab as a default landing page. Click on âGet Startedâ on the left top side of your page. Now click on the âEdit Pageâ. Here click on âManage Permissionsâ on the left top side. In this section click on the dropdown list of âDefault Landing Tabâ and select the name which you had provided in âPage Tab Nameâ of Step 3. Finally click on âSave Changesâ in the bottom. Voila! Now every new visitor is shown your Page Tab. Once they like the page, they will be shown the updates, posts and so on.
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