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  1. Parents are a role model for every child, who takes birth in this world. Parents are valuable for their child. When a child comes to this world, the first one, he connects is, with his parents.Mother plays a great role in the life of a child. She carries the baby for nine months in her womb. That is the divine blessing for a woman. Father is always secondary. His contribution towards his child is mainly for financial part and act as a guide in the real world.Every child is born with some unique gifts and qualities that mostly parents fail to recognize. Parents try to implement their own things on their child. That is really frustrating for the kid. When he starts going to school. A Parent's expectation for their child is to do well in academic studies. Every child is expected to score 80% marks because he has to achieve something in life. However, parents forget one point. That their kid is finding it difficult to score marks. He may be an average student. Sit with him and workout with his problems. Give him space and help him so that he can do well in his studies. Don't give him any targets; figure out where he is going wrong. Assist him in building up his inner potential and confidence. The only thing I can say respect your child for whatever output he gives. Be more caring and affectionate with him. You cannot bring changes in your child in a day. It's a long process.If your kid as some other interest apart from studies. Encourage him and check out that is he comfortable with that existing environment. Don't raise your child with an expectation or with targets. Take care of your child as he is a valuable asset for you…If properly taken care of, then he can make a difference to many individuals and can achieve many brilliant things in life.Kids are mischievous; that is a natural behavior of every child. Every parent goes through that phase of childhood. Parents must not forget their childhood. It is a natural phenomenon of a child to be mischievous. Don't get annoyed with their behavior. Expecting your child to be perfect at that age is wrong from parents end. Any house where female is patient and affectionate, their kids grow up well. Give your child good treatment, then only he will understand the value of treatment.When they are brought up nicely, then only they will grow up into better individuals. Don't pamper your child; let him struggle a bit, so that he can understand the real world, otherwise the moment he completes his college and enters the real world. Life will be a hell for him.If your child finds it difficult to walk, then teach him how to walk. Give a helping hand to your kid, but at the same time strengthen him in a way that when he gets into the real world. He enters with a bang and with a mental approach that he can bring that big change in him as well as in his fellow human beings.
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