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Posts posted by dirty_keso

  1. i think that your willpower is your capacity to endure what has been given to you. whether is be the loss of a loved one or the gain of a new born child( they can be hectic at time). it also means, to me, having the ability to let go or remain steadfast and the knowledge to know when to back down.. It is said that time heals all wounds, i don't believe this statement. My response to this is that you are responsible for your own emotions, likewise your will power to strive forward into the abyss.

  2. anwii, as it was previously stated" by you seeing the image it has already been downloaded" hence there is no bullet proof form of keeping an image safe from the public. however, you can use other features to help prevent the exploitation of your work by random visitors to your website. one way is by disabling the right click feature as recommended by web_designer. another form of disabling this feature is by putting the images in a swf format. in order to do this easily you can download picasa then zenflash gallery template. all you have to do is add the template to the directory ( should look something like this: c:\program files\picasa2\website\template) then open up picasa, highlight the images you want and go to folder>export as html and follow the guide that will come after that you should choose zenflash when the webtemplate design come out. after you have created the html file you can integrate it into your webpage. this will give you a create design and protect your work from others.

  3. gimp is a open source program that was originally developed for linux based computers. it is really light weight but the editing capabilities are immense. i would recommend anyone to at lease give it a try for is simplicity and ease on you computer load.

  4. I am currently developing a webpage and wanted to have a cool and appealing flash intro. I have downloaded a template that seems to incorporate everything i require. however i do not know how to edit the fla. file because i am unable to find a free fla editor. does anyone have an words of advice? should i continue with fla?

  5. hello everyone viewing this topic. i have recently obtained 1800 dollars and wanted to buy a fantastic gamers laptop. however i am not certain as to where i should go to buy it and to know if i am getting ripped off. does anyone have any good computer suggestions as to which computer i should by with the amount of money that i have.

  6. When it comes to html editing there is non better than dreamweaver, provided by ADOBE. The reason why dreamweaver is so easy to use is because of its user friedly features and ease to understand in the graphical interface. You don't need to memories long monotonous codes; if you want an image placed somewhere on your webpage simply drag it there. When your finished Dreamweaver also alows the user to so the outcome of his site without actually having to upload it.

  7. Photoshop is good and everything but i have found that gimp can also do many of the things that photoshop can. It may be done in a different way but the outcome is still the same. Gimp is also free and extremely light weight with add on to do more features. You can search youtube and find all sorts of editing techniques in Gimp. It is definately worth your time IF you want to do some fast effective editing with minimum download time.

  8. ever since i was little i enjoyed the super hero animations. these animations were derived mainly from comic books written long before. however i was oblivious to iron man and still am. what will this new movie lament upon? is he going to have a bigger suite or a female side kick? i don't know... anyone know the iron comics and could possible shed some light on this mystery.thanks for your contribution.

  9. i would have to say 2012(alternate version). it is an older movie than incorporates the Maya civilization and how they predicted the end of the world. the acting was completely horrible and the directing was completely careless. there was no twist in plot. everything was straight forward. the entire movie can be summarized as this:dude finds a rockdude moves the rockdude goes to temple and sets the rockdude walks out of the templeliterally straight forward like that!i'm sorry but the movie was just that bad.

  10. i have reading some posts online from different companies stating that windows have made major advancements in many aspects of the software provided. but my question is"is it truly worth the value and does it have any updates like service packs?" also can my computer run it or will it only wreak a negative effects?specs:3.03 processor512 ram32 bit256 video cardthanks in advance

  11. when genes come together two form new combination there is a percentage of products that can occur from that set of genes. the offspring will then have a certain set of the charactoristics obtained from its parents. for example:in colors of plant, a white plant can be demonstrated as ww(white allelomorphs) while a red plant can be represented as rr(red allelomorphs). there is a 100% chance of the offspring being pink because the genes are "incomplete demenance"(meaning: the genes blend forming the medium of the two). this will hold true for most of the plants offspring but there will always be a mutation. something that connot be explained. there will probably be a small percentage of blue plants or something to that effect. these are called mutation. the environment determines what mutation occur and if they are viable for survival. if they are not viable they will eventually die out. these random mutation eventually build over millions of years which is then called an evolution of the organism. hence if the enviroment suddently requires for us to become super smart then we will; but over willions of years.

  12. i only know how to open the cmd but you still need the administrative privileges to do anything useful. instead of doing the long way like how an iGuest stated, i would only right click on the desktop the go to new then shortcut. after it has opened up type in command.com. this will open the old version of cmd which is msdos. it works in mostly the same way and theres no need to type in a lot of stuff. i do this when i need to get around quickly

  13. today my friend told me about an old program i once had installed on my system. it was about windows plus. i really liked the program because it allowed a greater variety of use compared to the regular msn. he told me that with the use of the scripts he was able to get files from other computers so long as they had the msn installed. this is because scripts had already been made that were able to take images from another user online. but he edited the script so as to be able to get the file itself. the script was not limited to only that file and it allowed the user to get any file from the other user. it is a really obvious back door but not many of us ever noticed. its just another interesting thing that can be broken down into evil with a few changes in code. what do you think about this and do you feel our files online are really safe from the grasp others?

  14. well for me in order to hind a folder, i would allow the folder to be there but you can't see it. for example, unlike hidden folders you can actually click on the folder, you only have to know where you left it. to do this you first have to create a folder on the desktop. once you have created the folder, right click it then go to properties. in properties click on the "customize" tab. Under that tab click on "change icon". a lot of images will come out. all you have to do is scroll down all the different icon until you find an empty space. click on this empty space then your icon with be nothing. click ok to close off the settings. although you have made the folder icon "hidden" you still have the problems of the words naming the folder. people don't normally know this but the space that you place between words is in fact recognized as a character. hence you can make you folder name into a space which will not display any letters. you can do this by right clicking on the folder then going to "rename". delete the name that the folder has then hold on the Alt button while typing in the numbers 255. the computer will recognize this as a space and will accept it. now you folder is fully hidden.

  15. the bios is reset by default when you take it out but it sometimes requires the user to input the time so that it can work again. so first check the time in the bios. once you have cleared that, check that your harddrive is working properly. you can do this by using a completely different computer and swappnig harddrives. reinstall the os and see if it works. if the hard drive works then try the ram then the power supply then the processor(all of these have to be compatible with the other computer being used) if it turns out that the ram is in fact the problem then simple go buy a new one(ddr2 preferable because it offers better tranfer rate of the files and effectively improving the speed of you computer). say for examply you had a 2.4 duo core processor and 226 ddr ram, your computer would work horrable and take long to load. this is because the processor processes the infomation but the ram is the sender. if the sender takes long it doesnt matter how fast the processor is. once the ram is filled, the information is tranfered with the aid of "page filing". since you have a small amount of ram, a lot of page filing is done to compensate. page filing is the copying of the temporary files of the harddrive itself. the harddrive is slower than the ram hense it takes longer. note: harddrives eventually give in after you use it a certain amount of times. page filing significantly decreases the life expectancy of your harddrive.

  16. For me the instruments are just for the ascetics of the product. If would be way more cost effective if it done with the aid of electrical devices due to no skill in the actually playing of the instrument is required. However the down to this is that device capable of providing the variety of the instrument, can at times, be more costly than the actual instrument. On the brighter edge of the spectrum, one is capable of deriving more advanced rhythms that are impossible to perform with the instrument.

  17. In actuality direct x10 is scheduled to debut shortly. However, apparently it is only going to be used in windows7 computers due to the advanced setup of the operating system. This was fist noted with the introduction of windows vista which paved the way for better setups. Vista initially started the modifications to provide programmers better, more effective, use of the dual core processors; windows 7 supposedly completed the task. The new direct x should provide a better overall gaming experience.

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