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Posts posted by mywebwork

  1. If you find out, would you object to telling me which php script you are using? I kind of need the same sort of database for a website.




    I have a mysql database with 99 people.


    The first column on db is call id and assigns a diferent 4 digit number to each person. Second column contains each person`s complete name....


    someone tells me i need an adittional user column to asign a username to each person...(cause i want a login page) but since i already have a different name and a different id for everybody, why would i need a such column?


    can someone please tell me how can i use this 2 columns (name and id) so they can type their complete 4 digit id and just part of their name to enter through a login page (i dont want them to type their complete name, just part of it, and theit complete id.

    can this be done with php? or its related to mysql?


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