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Posts posted by 230359

  1. I get no cursor to follow when I type in the posting box. It's a bit off-putting not knowing exactly where you are with your typing. I'm using Firefox - perhaps that has something to do with it??? I am used to posting comments in forums, but this is new to me. Also, if I make an error - say a spelling mistake - and wish to correct it, I would normally hover the cursor over the mispelt word and delete. I can't seem to do that here. I have to backspace all the way to the error. Am I missing something?For example, I wanted to go to the beginning of this post to say "thanks for the feedback" regarding my first post. I can't seem to do that. I had to make the comment here, rather than backspacing all the way to the beginning and starting everything from scratch.

  2. I have registered with free hosts before, but the procedure here is quite different from what I'm used to. To be honest, I'm just a wee bit confused. I'm not altogether sure how it all works and would appreciate some advice. Am I right in assuming that I have to earn a certain number of 'mycents' before I actually get the hosting? That's fine by me coz the features on offer are at least as good as some paid hosting I've used before. Like I said, I'd really appreciate a bit of feedback.Thanks

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