These are all good point.And me I've been a smoker for about a year,and I can't say I agree with your movement to outlaw cigarettes for a two reasons.Such as the fact that,as a few people have mentioned repeatedly(not trying to sound like a clone but...)There are more destructive things out in society,but those usually affect people with a chemical imbalance resulting in an addictive personality.That includes the vices such as Alcohol,Tabacco,Drugs(Legal and Illegal alike) Sex,Gambling,and the Internet,just to name afew off the top of my head.I mention the internet as an addictive item because of the recent tragedy in Korea with the starvation of a child due to an addiction to myspace.And my second reason is this, Making cigarettes illegal won't change anything, factories that produce smoke can be more harmful han cigarettes and to top it off,cigarettes while being the secondmost addictive substance on earth(Herione being the most addictive ,and destructive)should instead of being made illegal,maybe should have more restrictions,or even have the current restrictions better enforced( I can't count the number of time some of my underage[14-17] friends smoke with me and my of age friends at the mall) That would be a better use of a petition,not to out right ban themin fact I want to start a petition to enforce cigarette regulation and restrictions .