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Posts posted by Crazy

  1. I have just recieved my beta disk for Jak X: Combat Racing a week ago. I have been playing it since. Most of you are probably familiar with the Jak and Daxter series, this is a little different. Instead of running around and having an adventure, you drive these real cool cars with guns and shields equipped to them. In the beta version I was only allowed online. Online, there were three different types of gameplay, Racing, Death Racing, and Death Match. There were many different options for each as well as maps. The cars look great and the weapons are fun! But after a while it gets really repetitive. I'm sure the single player would be awesome, but that wasn't included with the beta. Overall I give it a 8/10. I wouldn't buy it unless I rented it first to see what it's like. It's really kind of easy. If you have any questions about this game, just ask and I'll be happy to answer.

  2. I'd like to share my favorite RPG with you guys. It's a text MMORPG and is still in it's beta stages (Almost Omega). It is very addicting so be warned, you may spend hours on here, trying to upgrade and level up.

    I am talking about Dark Throne. In Dark Throne you start off and choose 1 of four classes and in each of those classes are sub-classes. What you do is train your army to great strength and popularity. You can battle other members and win gold off of them. The more gold you get, the more upgrades you can get.

    It is very addicting once you get into it. I currently have a level 46 Elf Cleric. My alias is Crazy3001. Add me to your buddies and maybe we can start an aliance or something. Remember, join and http://www.darkthrone.com/?dt_session_id1=96536804c5f5a529243d2a5fd34baf6e and have fun!

  3. Hey everyone! Wats up? This is really cool. I really appreciate the makers of this doing this. I mean free hosting! Anyway, I predict I will be very active, even after I am hosted as I have no life other than technology and skateboarding. So now you kknow a little bit about me and hopefully will learn more over the course of my life here.Thanks! Crazy

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