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  1. In most cases the Windows XP crash drawback is not that onerous to fix. Unless you've got a severe hardware drawback your XP crashes are caused by incompatible software and other software related issues. Following the information in this text you must be in a position to fix the problem yourself. Saving yourself a substantial PC repair shop bill. To begin with think about what has changed on your PC when the issues started. Did you put in a replacement program?, modification settings, uninstall software or improperly shut your laptop down? In some cases you will be in a position to simply use your restore feature built-in to Windows XP for crash recovery. Move to your start menu and click facilitate and support. Realize your restore choice and go back to a day that you knew your laptop was working properly. This can not perpetually fix your drawback but it is straightforward to try to to and worth trying, if you've got not done thus already. A Windows XP crash will be caused by many totally different things. If you're in a position to begin your laptop normally you can start by doing a general cleaning. Move to my laptop, select your hard drive, right click and select properties. From there you can clean your hard drive and preform a ScanDisk. Once you've got done that you may need to update your antivirus definitions and run a full scan to make positive you are doing not have an epidemic infecting your computer. Next you will need to scan for spyware and ad aware. Spyware will spend heaps of resources on your laptop causing it to crash. Viruses and spyware will use all your obtainable memory leaving nothing to run Windows XP on. The result is a Windows XP crash. If you've got not solved your drawback however you've more than probably have a Windows XP registry problem. More often than not when PC users suffer from a Windows XP crash it is as a result of of a corrupted or broken registry. All your software and settings must reference the Windows registry so as to work properly. It is like the center of your computer. Every time you put in or uninstall software you create changes to the registry. Eventually you finish up with a bloated Windows registry with a ton of orphaned files that try to reference software that is now not there or working properly. The results are a Windows XP crash, blue screens, programs freezing, slow startup or slow shutdown, your laptop running terribly slow and other general problems. If the harm is severe enough your laptop might not be in a position to begin up properly. You may be in a position to begin up in safe mode and repair your registry. As Windows does not come with a registry cleaner/scanner you may must download one from a 3rd party. As tempting as they may be I suggest you avoid the free ones. There's a reason they're free, most of them don't work properly or do an entire job. Some might probably even harm your laptop creating your drawback worse than it is now. You are better off investing during a sensible skilled registry cleaner to begin with. It can still be but a single visit to the computer repair shop. Plus you may need to perform regular maintenance on your laptop, once you've got it running properly again. Regular cleaning and maintenance on your registry ought to be half of your regular routine. Doing thus might keep your laptop running sleek and error free. You may never must suffer the Windows XP crashed again. Notice from Buffalohelp: Copied from http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
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