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Posts posted by DeathStroke

  1. Even though i use a lot of Kazaa and i download a lot of other stuff ^^ I dont have that mutch trouble whit virusses and stuf like that. I always scan my pc 1time/week and try to update my pc and virusscanner as mutch as possible. I'm happy that i dont have that mutch problems anymore. (thnx to northen 2005 => good investment :))The only thing i have is that stupid blank adware or something on my iexplorer, but it doesnt really trouble me becouse i dont use iexplorer anymore ^^

  2. I use firefox atm, i used to have internet explorer but because of some adware (it's called blank) i cant use it anymore. And i dont want to empty my pc and re?nstal evrything :-/ So a friend of my told me to use firefox and it roxx! The pop-up stopper is the best, I also like the download window better then the one of internet explorer. Also the tabs are really easy to use.

  3. Hello evryone, I'm Deathstroke :DI'm from Belgium (dutch-part) and i'm 18 years old.I like gaming, hanging out whit friends, going to party's and ....sleeping ^^ (who doesnt)Atm i'm playing WC3 TFT, i'm in a clan cald 1dmm (short for "eendracht maakt macht" > its a dutch expresion :) )Thats also the reason why i'm here, I would like to have a descent host for my clan website ;)Grtz, DeathStroke

  4. I had my first computer about 8 years agooIt was a Pentium 166mhz , 32 MB RAMIt wasnt that bad for a first pc, i still know the first night i had the pc i played all night long PacMan :(I had sowmutch fun.And then it happend, a few hours after i got my new pc it already had a virus :D I was terrified, I thought the world was going to end, but afterwards it was a harmless litle vires and we lived happly ever after ;)Still have and use that one, only its a bit upgraded now :)

  5. Here 's myne:1) Diablo 2 LOD [PC]> best game ever made 2) Ratchet & clank III [PS2]> dont now why but i really had funn whit this game ^^3) Warcraft III TFT [PC]> orc's and elf's , what do you want more :)4) GTA San Andreas [PS2]> sweet graphics, gunns, blowing the sh*t out of evryone and a lot of freedom, i love it 5) Tetris [GameBoy]> Srry my first game i ever had, but it is SwEeT ;)

  6. I played DII:LOD for about 3years and i think its the best game i ever played. It all started when my friend gave me diablo1 and i finisched it whit the knight in a few days. At that time i heard the expension set for dII was released. The next day i went to the store and got dII and its expension pack. When the installation was finisched and i started the game, i was stuned. The graph, the charecters, evrything... It was and still is the best game i played so far. And from that day onn i became a Blizzard fan, I played wc3 and expension the frozen throne, atm i'm saving for WOW. I hope maybe blizzard will stun me again whhit this game and I hope i will have as mutch fun *bottom* i had when i played DII.DII rox!!Grtz,DeathStroke

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