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Posts posted by godlymoose

  1. I think that there could *possibly* be life after death. Scientificaly it is impossible. I'm a man of science. But then again, not everything turns out to be 100% true. If I had to say? I would say yes, because "supposedly" some of my cousins and aunts have experienced with things that I guess coudln't be explained.



    *On a side note this topic is producing alot of anger.*

  2. I already searched and I couldn't find a topic like this. But if there is I'm sorry. What I need help with is though. I need help having a "Welcome Guest" else "Welcome GodlyMoose". I want to put it on my index page also. I've looked everywhere and I cant find the code for it. I've tried making my own that failed. If I could use some help I would be very happy if someone could help me.

  3. I play the guitar. Prefably the electric guitar. I have enjoy playing the electric guitar more then the acoustic. I started playing the guitar mostly because of my music which I listen to. Which of course is Rock, and blues. I like to try and play Classic Rock, Metal, and Blues. As of right now I can mostly play alot of Rage Against The Machine songs. My favorite three bands in order are: Led Zeppelin, The Jimi Hendrix Experience, and Pink Floyd. My three favorite guitar players in order though are: Jimi Hendrix, Jimmy Page, and Tom Morello. Right now I currently use a Johnson JS-800 Electric Guitar. And I use a AC 120V~25W 60HZ Kustom Amp. I'm currently trying to save up money for probably a Gibson Angus Young Signature SG.

  4. This would be aweosme minus being "discombobulated" or ouchies in another word. Other then that I think I would actualy probably try this. Heck If I could I would actualy try doing this at least twice in my life. Noy only that seventy MPH must be a thrill since I've never been that fast outside of a vechile. I at tops have only been thirty MPH going down the water slides that drop down at the water parks.

  5. I live in the high price housing, high priced gas, corrupted politicians, and high gang and drug rate that is San Diego California. I like being here except for the fact that my school is dirt poor and the ever increasing price of the housing. Number one place in the U.S. for gas prices. Number four the most expensive city in the U.S.. Are last crappy mayor who only made San Diego worst was then replaced by a new person from city community, but would do you know he is being persucated by the Federal Court for The Stripper Gate Scandal in which they made a deal with a chain of strip clubs called "Cheetahs" where in they made them make it legal for the strippers to touch the people who going to the club. Because if they weren't aloud the buissness would be alot less. Luckily were getting a new mayor. And then finaly were the ex-meth drug central of the world. When I get older I'm gonna move out this city too somewhere else that is with driving distance of San Diego *Because of how almost all my family lives in San Diego. I don't it's the baddest city in the U.S. *I'd hate to live in it what ever city it is.*

  6. I would have to agree with Saint Micheal. It's becoming less popular. C++ is probaly one the more popular one as of right now for it's speed. And I only know a handful of sites running on JSP. The most popular website I know off the top of my mind that uses JSP is probaly http://www.webs.com/ mostly it's popular because of how they make it so that a 4 year old could make a website from freewebs. I've moslty been seeing JAVA type of lanuages in games such as Unreal Script from the Unreal Tournament series. And JASS from WarCraft III.

  7. What if a army private went awol. Wouldn't this be VERY bad. I mean like that control what they can do. Wouldn't he have to be shot and killed on site? And I'm pretty sure that it would go to the media like a snap. But if they're able to teach them how to do all of the above stuff, I wouldn't know why they wouldn't be able to find out why they wouldn't be able to stop him or something with all of the things they could teach them. Also with all of these this would bring a HUGE advantage to a army. If you captured someone who was a high ranked general in the enemy you could then use mind control on him which would be another huge advantage. Also finding where something has been before would be very good for tracking someone lets say for example a person that of equal to like Osama Bin Laden. Also with mind control and telekneisis you would probaly be able to maybe make a shield that is maybe converted from raw psi energey to phsycial or even mental shield. By mental shield I mean maybe make the person feel like that he can't pass a certain spot, or make him think that maybe a wall or a ditch is in the way making him think he can not pass it. The possibilities are endless.

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