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Posts posted by HoDhOd93

  1. Here in Egypt schools are from 7:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.We don't change classes the teachers do .. We don't have lockers so we go to school with a backpack full of books and notes for the nine classes we have everydayThere's one break at the middle of the day when you can play, hangout or do anything but there's no cafeteria so if you want food you have to bring it from home or buy itYou spend 2 years in KG then 6 in Primary school then 3 in Preparatory school then another 3 in high school and it doesn't have to be different schools .. Some schools contain all of the stages.You only get to choose what you want to study at the last 2 years of high school so it's pretty hard because at the other years you get to study ALOT of subjects : Arabic - English - Maths - Chemistry - Physics - History - Geography - Painting - Computer - Music - .... All in every year

  2. Why does she feel like this!? Like she's at the bottom of the world Like someone's torturing her ? and she can move forward :: She wants to cry, but her tears are afraid to fall dawn! When she smiles? she knows it's like a fake crown :: She wanna runaway ? she wanna hide! It's like theres crazy woman deep inside :: Or maybe it's like a thunder, but a thunder without rain? She can't figure out the girl in front of her in da mirror...even if she tried over again :: She's lost in her own feelings, like there's someone crawling in her soul!! It's you! Cause without you... She's not a human ? she's just a useless doll :: The only problem she has is you She can't figure out what to do!! :: When she remembers all yr memories she's like flyin' over the moon Cause she knows the rain would fall dawn soon :: & her heart will beat so fast ,cuz she stopped waitin 4 yr train That when she sees you, it'll remove all her pain :: If she's not bleeding, that doesn?t mean she's not injured But when she sees you! She'll feel like a flying bird :: Cuz livin' her life without you is so much painful The girl is ME...and ur ma COUNTRY ..Cause um Haitian .. um sooo grateful

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