Thanks! I need all 6 pairs of devices, it's a networking config for RS232 file transfers to and from CNC machinery. Can shut them off during down time, but just another pain to have to do so regularly. Trying to get this to run seamlessly.. Also hoping I we won't need to upgrade the wireless, I think he just spent a fortune on the antennas as it serves a broad range between three buildings on the site.. Will check to see If the routers/receivers have an option for G vs B. One of the adapters is on 6, but it's not the one that's getting knocked out. Possibly a neighbors? Not sure, need to check into that.. The ones that are getting knocked out are on 2 and 11 I believe.. (checked via network stumbler) Thanks for your help, I will continue with your list and see what can be done.. Regards, Kirk -------------------