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Posts posted by Mradr

  1. Updates as so far.To Do List: -1. Fix collision with smaller walls. -2. Fix os.calls to work under linux.(May stop patch from working on linux os, download the patch from above and unzip it right in the main folder where main.py should be.) -3. Setup final editing screens. -/-5. Fix downloading patch to download all the patches instead of w/e next in the line. (read fixs for Build02xx2010) -6. Need to fix crash after downloading the patch. Not sure how to fix. sys.exit() doesn't work. -7. Add more shaders/looks, water and sun light. Fixs: (Build02xx2010) ^1. Fix compression code. ^2. Fix other little bugs/problems that I saw in unworking code. ^3. Fix downloading patch to download all the patches instead of w/e next in the line. ----(Work around: Cus users are downloading the "patch", user will only need the newest one, but this does increase download time.) ^4. Added Speed startup/loadup time. Threading/task chain to spread the work. ^5. Fix bullits flying over head or below user. Fixs: (Build02032010) ^1. Fix error with scroll list arrows still showing after entering text in the feild box. ^2. Fix some compability issues with linux os. ^3. Fix invter mouse invtering the x axis. ^4. Fix some issues with clients going down/lossing connection. ^5. Added another collision system. ^6. Fix some networking code to lessin a little more lag. ^7. Fix other little bugs/problems that I saw in unworking code yet. ^8. Fix sound bug -music not looping-. ^9. Fix and added a little more speed boost to server. ^10.Fix bug where gun wont line up the right way.

  2. There seems to be invisible walls everywhere

    That was lag I bet. Server is always being work on, so it could've "went down" for a few resulting in the lag pushing you back.

    I don't like the recoil

    To much, to little?

    Also I'm all alone no enemies to shoot at or anything.

    Once I get server and some more bugs/visuals into the game, then the next set will be AI players. More than welcome to join my team I'm trying to make. Like I said I'm using python and panda 3d to build the game with if you like to help out. I'm also trying to get a hold of a few 2d-3d modelers for more "pertys".

  3. Hey everyone. I'm back again with my game. Its a hobby so I don't get to work on it that much. I did take some time off from school, so to keep my self busy I been working on it again. I think I have done a lot of improvements to the "guts" of the game. Visually... not so much, but everything was made using deled. If you like to maybe put something in for use of the game, please just ask me up, and I'll see if I can get it into the gamePosted Image. Atm I'm waiting on till the next patch/update for deled. My current map crashes deled ce a lot, so work visual was stop.


    https://www.sendspace.com/file/j514xd - exe

    https://www.sendspace.com/file/k09e9z - patch


    The game may need to download a patch on start up, so if the game crashes on you the first time, you just have to restart the game.


    wasd keys are to move

    space to jump

    shift to run faster

    c to crouch

    scroll or numbers to switch guns (sniper and mrifle)


    You'll also need to make an account. Just click "Creat A New Account". Dont worry about all those arts things, just type in a name and password using letters and numbers, no spaces, then click create new account. You'll return back to the log in screen, then just relogin using your new account.



    All programming for both client and server was done using python and panda 3d.


    To Do List:

    -1. Fix collision with smaller walls.

    -2. Fix os.calls to work under linux. (May stop patch from working on linux os, download the patch from above and unzip it right in the main folder where main.py should be.)

    -3. Setup final editing screens.

    -4. Fix compression code.

    -5. Fix downloading patch to download all the patches instead of w/e next in the line

    -6. Need to fix crash after downloading the patch. Not sure how to fix. sys.exit() doesn't work.

    -/- 7. Bug where gun wont line up the right way.


    Fixs: (Build02032010)

    ^1. Fix error with scroll list arrows still showing after entering text in the feild box.

    ^2. Fix some comparability issues with Linux os.

    ^3. Fix invert mouse inverting the x axis.

    ^4. Fix some issues with clients going down/lossing connection.

    ^5. Added another collision system.

    ^6. Fix some networking code to less-in a little more lag.

    ^7. Fix other little bugs/problems that I saw in nonworking code yet.

    ^8. Fix sound bug -music not looping-.

    ^9. Fix and added a little more speed boost to server.

    ^10. Fix bug where gun wont line up the right way.


    Have comments, or want to share ideas, please do so below. I would love to hear them or help if I can.

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