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Posts posted by jrichardson8605

  1. There is a bad thing and good thing about both of them. Norton, when you use the automatic file scanning, it slows your computer down. I don't know if this is true or not, but i'v heard that Mcaffee came with a virus. I'v used it once before, and it did not slow my computer any.The file scanning procedure for Norton seems to work better than the Mcaffee. It scans the file in more depth, which would catch the more *hard to catch* viruses -_-

  2. If your computer keeps restarting when you are defragging your computer, just disable the screensaver and any other applicaitions that you might have running. A good idea might be to use Ctrl+Alt+Del to check for other running processes running on your computer.

  3. my school has an ok budget for technology stuff. they replace the computers like every other year in some parts of the school. they are not top of the line or anything but they are good enough to get the job done. But i agree that schools really need to expand the curriculum in the technology area. two years ago i took a website authoring class and they hardly teach you anything. they tell you the basics and make you use frames (which i rarely see used anymore). then they put you on dreamweaver which does everything for you, so if you didnt understand things in the first place, it didnt really matter. and everything i do seems to be almost self-taught stuff in school. the teachers hardly do anything except give you a book to read or an assignment. it just seems that technology is speeding ahead while a lot of the education about the technology is just lagging behind in many schools.


    I used to do Intern for my high.., we did the same thing that was stated above..., we had some old p133 computers that we just through out. Although, they did have windows 95 on it.., they was still slow to use. I can only imagine how much slower they would have been if they had XP on them because of the framework of the processor and the operating system. Here soon, I will be hired at the High School, and i can give you more information about schools and computer usage.

  4. i like firefox the most and i have tried them all. but for some reason ie is faster when i use gmail. i have no idea why but firefox takes ages and the pages don't load. i also don't like the way firefox handles downloads as there isn't a dialog box like in ie. but firefox is better i think as pages render very quickly and it has cool skins. the only other browser which is as good as firefox is opera. It can display wml pages which is useful for me because i own a wml site. (wml is like html but for mobile phone browsers) but unfortunatley opera is not free and it gives you a banner ad at the top until you pay so firefox wins. And i hope that all the good browsers aren't very popular- then people will make viruses. I don't mind who else has firefox or if nobody does.... just as long as i have it then i dont mind :D even if my signature shows otherwise :D


    This can be a hard decision to make. Firefox is good for customizing and for speed if you open the about:config in the url. Although, Internet Explorer, will display somethings that Firefox will not display. For an example, if you have a code the flips the page horizontally, then Firefox will not allow you to scroll through the page left and right. If you open the same website in Internet Explorer, it works perfecty. B) If I had to make the decision, I would stay with Internet Explorer. :D

  5. hi friends, anyone have tried Wireless Internet  ? the differences between dialup or other connections wif wireless? is it secure?


    Yes.., it is very sercure. The network i am running now is ADSL and i have a password set for hexideciaml and static IP. I haven't had any problem out of it every since I did that. I am using a D-Link Router, which I would highly recommend to anyone. :D

  6. if you want to acquire a software antispyware or you already possess one and you want to know if it is safe you can read the following information that pcworld recave in which there is comparative of the best antispyware. there are some that some that are not so good in my opinion but they turned out to be the best and others that I thought were the best and they turned out to.



    sorry for my bad english  :P



    I believe the best anitspyware that you can use it the one that microsoft provides from their website. it is called Microsoft Antispyware Beta..., it's the best one that I have used.

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