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Posts posted by psioniks

  1. For those of you who have a website using Joomla CMS (Content Management System), you may have upgraded to version 15. If so you may have noticed that TinyMCE, which is the text editing tool for Sections, Categories and Articles isn't working properly. After investigation, I have found a way to deal with this issue.

    Well here is what I did to fix it and it seems to be working now(fingers crossed).


    Go to: Extensions--> Plugin Manager


    You will notice that TinyMCE is listed as: Editor - TinyMCE 2.0


    Click the Editor - TinyMCE 2.0 plugin to open it in the Plugin [Edit] page

    Joomla 1.5.12 has updated the TinyMCE editor to version and yet it is listed as TinyMCE 2.0 To over come this problem there are a couple things we need to do.


    First we need to change the plugin name to Editor - TinyMCE


    We will also need to change the plugin Parameters


    1. Functionality - Select Extended in the drop down list

    2. Code Cleanup on Startup - Choose Off

    3. Code cleanup on save - Choose Never


    Save the Editor - TinyMCE plugin. It should be working properly now.

    Tutorial from: this site


    Notice from rvalkass:

    Anything copied must be Quoted.

  2. Well I must say that Google Chrome is my favorite browser. Is fast and simple.
    I have installed Chrome 4 beta and now it supports Extensions. That was the only feature that kept Firefox users away from Chrome, but now is here. I found some really interesting features you can have a look here: Chrome Extensions

    If you don't want to use a beta version of Chrome than you can use ChromePlus
    They are always one step ahead of Chrome official relises.

  3. Hello Xisto community! :) My name is Ilir, I am Albaninan and I live in Rome, Italy. I work as a physiotherapist. My passions are: Photography & Photoshop, Music listening & production, Design & Webdesign. I discovered this forum by chance on google and I am really happy to be here because it looks really different from other communities. Looking foreword to spend some time in this forum.....

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