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Posts posted by eddygalvin

  1. hello, here is a script that was written to connect with a desktop java application. ---its a script that sends request from the desktop application to the web server and transfer the results back to the desktop application. it is a sort of relay script. please i need explanation that will help understand what the script is actually doing and how it works. any resource on php desktop applications connections would be of help.

  2. "So please you have to check with your FTP client your files or your script and try to research about the posibility of a DOS attack althougth I doubt about it because now almost all the hosting providers have DOS protection and some providers don?t have this feature in general but they offer for a few bucks this feature for some clients that want to be protected from a DOS attack.Dos attack? i know nothing about that but i am going to find out more about it.i checked the access log and found that all the bandwidth was only used by the http traffic.this was as a result of the proxy script that was running on the web server. the proxy script sucked up all the bandwidth.------------------------------------------------------- i have been able to find some work around it. doing some tweaking on the script.this will hopefully reduce the amount of bandwidth used.-------------------------------------------------------

  3. hello, i have a project to setup a relay sript this will transfer infomation sent for my desktop appliction connect to other servers.
    but i have observed that the badwidth usage of my webserver has tremendiously increased. i would like to include a php code that will restrict the bandwidth usage of the php scripts relay scripts installed on the webserver, but i dont know if such php code exist, i have tried other way to handle this problem also tried reducing the php scrips execution time. i think there is a more efficient way to handle this.
    please i need help handling this issue. i also like to include automated action(task) if any of the scrips exceeds the bandwidth set.

    has anyone encountered this kind of challenge previously?

    help, these my recripts are eating up the bandwidth.

  4. For example, is it a constant high level of around 150MB/hour or are there very large spikes followed by periods of low transfer? Can you find out which files are being accessed most often, and the amount of bandwidth used up by those files?

    i have checked the ip log i see very large spikes followed by periods of low transfer.

    but i cant find out the files that are being accessed most frequently. please how do i check the amount of bandwidth used by those files. thanks.

  5. hello, i have a project to setup a relay sript this will transfer infomation sent for my desktop appliction connect to other servers.but i have observed that the badwidth usage of my webserver has tremendiously increased. i would like to include a php code that will restrict the bandwidth usage of the php scripts relay scripts installed on the webserver, but i dont know if such php code exist, i have tried other way to handle this problem also tried reducing the php scrips execution time. i think there is a more efficient way to handle this.please i need help handling this issue. i also like to include automated action(task) if any of the scrips exceeds the bandwidth set.

  6. hello i have tried downloading XDEBUGGER please i need help on how to install it. i use windows xp. all that is contained in the software is some zipped file. do i need to install the binaries on my system or on the server?.

    There doesn't seem to be a problem with the assignment operations for $recipients and $cost. Look up the values for $to, $balance, and $left. Try XDebug - it's a pretty good free debugger that works with Eclipse (or NuSphere, NetBeans or any other PHP IDE).

  7. hello need a bit of help on this code, it give an 'insufficient units to send sms.'

    <?include "igwt.php";include "mysql.php";include "../../api/smsapi.php";session_start(); $message = $_POST[message];$to = $_POST[receiver];$from = $_POST[from];/* if (strlen($to) == 10){$error[] = "You have to specify the country code, too. Eg. 13333333333";} */if ($_SESSION['username'] == ''){include "loginerror.php";die;exit;break;}$check = mysql_query("SELECT name, firstname, active, sms FROM users WHERE username = '$username'");$row = mysql_fetch_row($check); $_SESSION['name'] = $row[0];$_SESSION['firstname'] = $row[1]; $_SESSION['active'] = $row[2];$_SESSION['sms'] = $row[3];$_SESSION['username'] = $username;$left = $_SESSION['sms'];$on = $_SESSION['active']; // check the mobile number$atom = '[-a-z!#$%&\'*+/=?^_`{|}~]';if (eregi($atom, $to)) { $error[] = 'Invalid mobile phone number';}if ($left == '0'){$error[] = 'Not enough SMS credits to deliver this message.';}if (empty ($to)) {        	$error[] = 'You not specify destination address (TO)!';    	}if (empty ($from)) {    	    $error[] = 'You have not specified any sender id!';    	}if (strlen ($message) > 465) {			$error[] = 'Your message is too long';			}if ($on == 'no'){$error[] = 'Your account status is not active.';}if ((strlen ($message)) <= 160) {                    $balance = 1;                 } else { //greater than 160                    $count = ((strlen ($message)) / 153);                 if ($count <= 3 && $count >2) {					$balance = 3;					}				if ($count <= 2 && $count >1) {					$balance = 2;								}				if ($count <= 4 && $count >3) {					$balance = 4;					}			}			$recipients = explode(",", $to);$cost = count($recipients) * $balance;    	if ($cost > $left) {    		$error[] = 'insufficient units to send sms.';			}						if (!$error){mysql_query("UPDATE users SET sms = sms-'$cost' WHERE username = '$username'");$tudei = date('Y-m-d');mysql_query("INSERT INTO sms (username, message, date, tono, fromno) VALUES('".$username."','".$message."','".$tudei."','".$to."','".$from."')") or die(mysql_error());$mysms = new sms();$results = $mysms->send($to,$from,$message);}echo $sus;?>

    Notice from rvalkass:

    All code needs to have code tags around it.

  8. hello i would like to setup a bulk sms website where users will be able to do the following1.users can recharge thier account with recharge vouchers2.send credits to other users on my site and have a referrer system.3.give a signup free sms to my users.I have made some research and i learnt that i require a gateway API to send sms intranet. this i have already done. i would like to know which software or script to install on my webserver that will give those features listed above thanks.thanks

  9. hello i have written an php to send signups to a webpage on a different sever. But when textrunning, i got a warning error

    Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/gminds/public_html/SendSignupHttp.php:86) in /home/gminds/public_html/SendSignupHttp.php on line 59

    Although the signup process was complete this warning would bounce vistors off my site. i have checked but have not found what was wrong with the script. i have attached the scripts below. Any help on resolving this issue will be highly appreciated. thanks.



    this is the first script SendSignupHttp.php




    /*Require the PostRequest function for posting the API request to the server */

    require ("PostRequest.php");


    $resellerusername = "rock";

    $isReseller = $_POST['rbIsReseller'];

    $username = $_POST['txtUserName'] ;

    $password = $_POST['txtPassword'] ;

    $companyname = $_POST['txtCompany'];

    $firstname = $_POST['txtFirstName'];

    $lastname = $_POST['txtLastName'];

    $cellphone = $_POST['txtCellPhoneNumber'];


    $email = $_POST['txtEmail'];

    $address = "";

    $city = $_POST['txtCity'];

    $state = $_POST['txtState'];

    $country = $_POST['txtCountry'];

    $emailtosms = "0";


    /* ==================================================



    // submit these variables to the server

    $data = array( 'ResellerUN' => $resellerusername ,

    'CustomerUN' => $username ,

    'IsReseller' => $isReseller,

    'FN' => $firstname,

    'LN' => $lastname ,


    'EMAIL' => $email ,

    'COMPANY' => $companyname ,

    'ADDRESS' => $address ,

    'CITY' => $city ,

    'STATE' => $state ,

    'COUNTRY' => $country ,

    'CELL' => $cellphone ,


    'EmailToSms' => $emailtosms,

    'PASSWORD' => $password);


    // send a request to the API url

    list($header, $content) = PostRequest("http linenums:0'><?php function submitSignUpForm(){ if(isset($_POST['txtUserName'])) { /*Require the PostRequest function for posting the API request to the server */ require ("PostRequest.php"); $resellerusername = "rock"; $isReseller = $_POST['rbIsReseller']; $username = $_POST['txtUserName'] ; $password = $_POST['txtPassword'] ; $companyname = $_POST['txtCompany']; $firstname = $_POST['txtFirstName']; $lastname = $_POST['txtLastName']; $cellphone = $_POST['txtCellPhoneNumber']; $email = $_POST['txtEmail']; $address = ""; $city = $_POST['txtCity']; $state = $_POST['txtState']; $country = $_POST['txtCountry']; $emailtosms = "0"; /* ================================================== SUBMIT A REQUEST TO SIGN UP VIA THE HTTP API =====================================================*/ // submit these variables to the server $data = array( 'ResellerUN' => $resellerusername , 'CustomerUN' => $username , 'IsReseller' => $isReseller, 'FN' => $firstname, 'LN' => $lastname , 'EMAIL' => $email , 'COMPANY' => $companyname , 'ADDRESS' => $address , 'CITY' => $city , 'STATE' => $state , 'COUNTRY' => $country , 'CELL' => $cellphone , 'EmailToSms' => $emailtosms, 'PASSWORD' => $password); // send a request to the API url list($header, $content) = PostRequest("", $data); // display the result of the request //echo $content . '<br>'; $tok = strtok($content, " "); //Split the $content result into words if($tok == "OK") //Success { //Redirect user to the signup thank you page header("Location: signup_thankyou.html"); } else{ //Display the full error message $tok = strtok(" "); $tok = strtok(""); echo $tok . "<br>"; } }}?><!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd;<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml/;<head><meta content="en-us" http-equiv="Content-Language"><meta content="text/html; charset=utf-8" http-equiv="Content-Type" /><title>Untitled 1</title></head><body><table align="center" border="0" cellSpacing="0" width="80%" > <tr> <td style="PADDING-TOP: 10px" vAlign="top" colspan="2"> <h3 align="center">Your enteries have been received 's Back Button to go back</h3> </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="PADDING-TOP: 10px; font-weight:bold; color:red" valign="top" colspan="2" align="center"> <?php submitSignUpForm(); ?> </td> </tr></table></body></html>

    this is the secound script PostRequest.php


    <?php /*=============================================================================================** The function to post a HTTP Request to the provided url passing the $_data array to the API===============================================================================================*/ function PostRequest($url, $_data) { 	// convert variables array to string:	$data = array();		while(list($n,$v) = each($_data)){    	$data[] = "$n=$v";	}		$data = implode('&', $data);	// format --> test1=a&test2=b etc. 	// parse the given URL	$url = parse_url($url);	if ($url['scheme'] != 'http') {     	die('Only HTTP request are supported !');	} 	// extract host and path:	$host = $url['host'];	$path = $url['path']; 	// open a socket connection on port 80	$fp = fsockopen($host, 80); 	// send the request headers:	fputs($fp, "POST $path HTTP/1.1\r\n");	fputs($fp, "Host: $host\r\n");	fputs($fp, "Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n");	fputs($fp, "Content-length: ". strlen($data) ."\r\n");	fputs($fp, "Connection: close\r\n\r\n");	fputs($fp, $data); 	$result = ''; 	while(!feof($fp)) {    	// receive the results of the request    	$result .= fgets($fp, 128);	} 	// close the socket connection:	fclose($fp); 	// split the result header from the content	$result = explode("\r\n\r\n", $result, 2); 	$header = isset($result[0]) ? $result[0] : '';	$content = isset($result[1]) ? $result[1] : ''; 	// return as array:	return array($header, $content);}?>

  10. Hello,any help on designig a bulk sms site that sends text messages to mobile phones, the site would have the following features-manage users with an sms credit points for sending messages-have refereer options for members-members would be able to recharge thier accounts with voucher-sms scheduled delivery.-embede API with any sms gateway.-manage adresse bookAny help on the software or scripts to install on the webserver that would give these features would be highly appreciated. thanks you contributions highly needed.

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