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Everything posted by Duckie_22

  1. Thank you for all your responses. And I have been considering them all and looking back and seeing a different perspective. Its true that other guys I have dated liked me because I was not easy and a hard catch so they had to work. I guess I have been giving this guy everything too easily. We have not had sex or kissed or nething since we stopped dating years ago. But I still give in to everything he wants really easily. Anwii.. you are right in some points. I know that he does value our friendship and he values me...to somee extent. And we both do act selfishly. I know I did... I do admit that. I dated someone else after he came bck from the army because he didn't show me that he wanted nething more but to b friends... and the other guy wanted me and showeed me that he really liked me. I can't say that feeling loved and wanted didn't feel nice. I'm human and did neet that. Its just right now with my best friend, I don't know its getting out of control. I decedided that I'm not going to tell him. And just be a friend to him. The sexual questiions never bothered me.. except he's never asked them... So it weirded me out a little. I'm going to do as Legend suggested about the 100% trust and boyfriend thing. Besides the whole breaking up thing.. I rarely ever do act selfishly... Thank you everyone. You have all given me something more to really think about...
  2. I really didnt influence him. i jut told him the truth about her that she wouldnt tell him... like she was a smut. i also told him that I didnt want them together... They hid their relationship from me because that gir didnt want me to know. She also knew how strongly i felt for him.
  3. we are sexually compatible apparently..... Thank you... im really am trying to build up the courage of telling him.. its hard. I cant hide wat i feel for him much longer... its been too many years =)
  4. Hi everyone, ok here goes... Im in love with my best guy friend. But i am soo scared of telling him. We met when we were in our freshmen year of high school and we messed around for a year (so until the summer before our sophmore year) ... his 'girl friends' found out that we were falling for each other and out tried to put a stop to it.. They did everthing in their power to break us up. He finally gave in to them and we stopped talking. I got mad becaue he listened to them, and we had a huge fight, i slapped him, and we stopped talking for about 2 1/2 years. We started talking again right before i went to college. We were awkward at first then we fell back into our usually pattern of us being best friends. and talking everyday. then in nov of that year he moved into a studio apt below our house.. he lived there for about 2 months. We were together every single day and never got sick of each other.We slept in the same bed together and sometimes cuddled. We got really reallly close. but we never discussed our feelings.. He was kinda still dealing with an ex of his. He got jeolous anytime a guy called me.. or he if he knew i was talking to a guy. Evryone was always tellling us how cute we looked together. He then moved out and went away to the army. During that time he called me and noone else except his mom. I didnt know how to feel about that.. In that time period I met someone.. and me and that boy started going out. My best friend never really approved of him and kinda faded away.. he didnt really talk to me. Me and the guy had a really really really bad break up and my best friend was there for me. THen my best friend started talking to a girl I had just gotten rele close to. And that hurt me... Because they met because of me while they were supposedly cheering me up about the breakup. I feel like a real b***h saying this, but I put a stop to their relationship. after I found out that theyre where dating. After all that happened I stopped talking to the girl and so did my best friend. Me and him were in an awkward phase. NOW for the past couple of months we have been talking alot and we have been good. But all of a sudden he has become very sexual. Asking me very sexual questions.. But about me and what I like. I dont know how to view this ... I want to tell him I really like him and want to be with him, But I dont know how he actually feels... Or if its worth risking our friendship which has been through alot... I AM SORRY that its a little lengthy.. and I think some parts might be confusing.. if so just let me know and ill explain better. BUT PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE I NEED ADVICE!!!! THANK YOU!!!!!!
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