Hi there everyone. If you hadn't already read the title, my name is Jai. Well, Jai for short. My full online name is Jaichi Takura. No, I am not Japanese myself, but I really wish I was. I've been in the site-building buisness for a while now. Haha, I sound like a company owner. Anywho, I started on Freewebs -yay- a couple years ago and had a hourendous looking entry page with tables all over the place. Yes, you will soon realize I try to use big words but fail at spelling them... Hehe...My most recent adventure was owning a subdomain under someon who was hosted by someone. I recently learned thats not always the best idea. There is always the chance of one of them crashing and me going uh-oh, my whole site is gone in a blink of an eye. Well, actually, that is excactly what happened. So, it looks like I'll be spending a good chunck of my school break working on the new layout. I luckily have all of the content in an older layout on freewebs. Bless their hearts!! Thank you.Anywho, I'd better save some crazy for later.Nice to meet you all!~Jai