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Posts posted by dselley

  1. I do like the new graphics of Windows Vista but if you haven't got a recent graphics card and a good amount of RAM then your computer is going to struggle. I don't think you have to have it switched on though. They won't work anyway if you haven't got a card newer than an NVIDIA FX5200 I think. Lets hope its more responsive when it is finally released. I don't think there are many real changes from XP they both look like they have the same features but I haven't spent a lot of time using it.

  2. There is no security alert on my pc. But I did login to cpanel using a proxy the other day. So it must be my connection. I'll try resetting my IP address and if that does not work then i'll ask a friend to see if they can connect then i'll report back here.UPDATEOK i've just asked a friend to try it and he is on the same ISP as me and i've just reset my IP and it still doesn't work so I'm goin to mess about with the firewall and router and stuff and see if I can get it working.

  3. Well I have tried using filezilla now and still cannot connect. I have also tried connecting to cpanel again and still cannot do that either. I have no idea what the problem is as I cannot even connect to the FTP or cpanel. Does it matter what country you are in as I live in the UK. When I goto my cpanel address it does think about connecting the loading bar across the bottom is slowly going across for about 20 seconds then it just says page cannot be displayed so I do not know if its a timeout or my IP has been denied for some reason.

  4. I use FTP most of the time as it is faster. I use SmartFTP for this. I use Cpanel when I have loads of files to upload then usually I zip them up and upload it as one zip file. Then use Cpanel to unzip them. It is a lot faster this way. I only usually use cpanel when I have to upload files this way or create or edit MySQL databases.

  5. I don't think its a virus but spam, through the windows messenger service, these are very common. The best thing to do if you are not on a network would be to disable the messenger service. You can do this by going to start>run and type services.msc then scroll down to messenger then stop the service by right clicking and pressing stop then right click and goto properties. Then where it says startup type choose from the list and press disabled then press apply. This should stop those messages.

  6. Well i'll try and explain it. Overclocking is forcing the computer to run faster than it should, say you have a 1Ghz processor and you use the BIOS to overclock it to 1.2Ghz. The main advatnage of this is speed but overclocking may eventually ruin the processor as you are making it run faster than it was designed to do. A lot of the time the RAM is a limitation as when you overlclock the computer you also overclock the RAM. Anyway this website can explain it a lot better than I can.
    Hopefully this helps. If you do overclock remember overclocking too much can destroy your computer. So be careful.

  7. I think that Zonealarm is the best because it has a triple defense firewall which is handy as it tells you when a program is installing itself with a popup. I have used it for years and it has never let me down or slowed down my computer. It is also really easy to customise and it tells you when a program tries to connect to the internet.

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