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  1. wtf is up with kids these days? i'm not talking about toddlers or anything. i'm talking about those effing elementary and middle-school kids who stand up for themselves when i attack them! ok, that came out wrong. what i mean is, why are kids so damn bold these days? what happened to that aura of FEAR that highschool kids put in the hearts of these kids with just one look. i remember when i nearly pissed my pants when some highschool dude pointed to his wrist and smiled at me; he wanted to slash wrists up!! ok fine, so he was only asking for the time. but till, it was scary.Once, on the bus, i had to smack a kid upside the head to put him in his place. he had taken my seat! wtf!! haha jp. but seriously, I need your help people. it's time to make things go back to the way they were!!Smack a kid near you!!-david Notice from BuffaloHELP: In no way we promote violence...especially towards children. Banned from posting forever.
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