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Posts posted by filmdesire

  1. I believe that the world will end late 2012, although my theory is different.
    It envolves the accident of Chernobyl, which is in Ukraine near the border of the formally known USSR [now Russia]. Reading through my Physics book I discovered a page on the accident at Chernobyl. It states the whole accident and what had cause the horrific event, mainly human error. Although it then goes on to explain a shelter project (SIP - Shelter Implementation Project). This shelter had started progress of construction in August, 2007 and is planned for completion in late 2012. Now the sarcophagus of Reactor 4 has been seal although has now been leaking radiation recently, this is why the new shelter is been built. Once the shelter is complete then crews will then start to dismantle Reactor 4 and the remains of Radioactive waste in Reactor 4. My theory is that in the process of this dismantle progress, which is due after the shelter is complete, something will either happen or go wrong. The radiation under that area will still be active, once tapped into for removemal anything can happen. So thats it, we wait and see.

    If anyone agrees or wants to add or criticize this thoery, please go ahead....

    What a load of baloney. Even if your theory is completely and utterly accurate on the USSR, the USSR alone does not have the capability to blow up, literally, the entire world with. IT does not have enough nuclear energy. The theory being that it takes up to 8 atom bombs of todays standard, at atmospheric level to set off to split the earth. Even then it will not destroy it.

    In 2012, I do believe some governments and organisations will take benefit of the Mayan prophecy, oh I don't know, maybe invade Iran for a change to spark some 2012 controversy. Or allow a Zion government to take over another middle-eastern nation with no army. BUT if you carefully consider the Mayan culture, their traditions and what kind of tribes they were, you'd be very silly to believe in their prophecies. They made made many prophecies, and out of pure luck, or magic, a few of them had some truth.

    They allowed their men to sacrifice their own lives, and even sacrificed their children, and blood for their 'Gods'. They live in poor conditions in the depths of Mexico. Do you really believe a small tribe with little knowledge of the educated world would predict a disaster that would end this world.

    Please feel free to google the Mayans. If you have an ounce of theological understanding, you'd believe that their is clear evidence that Moses, Jesus, Mohammed, all demonstrated some divine abilities which enabled them to prophesies, even if you aren't religious, you will find archeological and scriptural evidence of the existence of these people, even of Noah himself. Their prophecies have all come true or are shaping to reality, yet you find the Mayans prophecy more frightening. It's a real shame.

    I think people have given up on true forms of spirituality and theology, and have fallen for conspiracy.

    Thats my view anyway.

  2. Relationships are not my forte. But honesty, which I believe Xisto is fond of - is.The truth of the matter is, by your long winded description, it is easy for one to assume that your relationship consisted of something overly emotional. A Hollywood love episode which slowly faded as the realities of this world hit you. Humans lose interest in one another, it is a normal feeling to suddenly turn off from one another, seek something else. It may seem extraordinary, but couples who have been married for decades, we're talking anything up to half-a-century here, barely use the word 'love'. The times they were bought up in, it was either arranged or what we now call a 'quicky-marriage' where by two people marry for financial or economical factors.One in however many couples will get divorced, the latter is usually 7 or less depending on where you're from. Out of 3 couples, all women will experience domestic abuse at least once. 1 in three however will suffer from long term abuse, these are the figures in the UK. This is far worse in the United States, considering there are more backgrounds to exploit for national statistics organisations.You cannot, by law, and in some cases morally, expect the same right as a married couple. You cannot be expected taken care for financially by your other half, and nor can you share debt and other assets. The law does not recognise two people who just live together, or are more than friends. Could you imagine how much it would cost the state to do that? They're lawyers out there who live of our tax money, could you imagine with all the cohabiting couples, the tax payer- paying for a state provided accountant to calculate your rightful assets?This is why, when it comes down to the matter, I'd just be glad I didn't waste more of my time. Move on, and just be more vigilant. If you want to pleasure the flesh, then you don't have to be committed. If you want a relationship, then decide and plan your future, and have a list, whereby you have a criteria, something to look for in a man/woman.Be glad you didn't waste more time on something you were already pondering over and wasting your life with.

  3. it's true that my emotions would tell me to let certain people be put to death. a good example would be if someone killed a family member of mine whether or not it was justified.
    there is more than making decisions on emotions though. in my opinion, there is only one justifiable reason to kill and that is for self defense if someone is assaulting you with deadly force.

    society has made it justifiable to kill someone because of the emotions of others. this is unacceptable and barbaric. we now live in a time where we have more knowledge to help people who are dysfuctional in society and within the laws society sets. there ARE ways to help these people before they commit such acts and even after they commit such acts.

    i know i am treading on a thin line of what is right and wrong and not many would accept my point of view, but it's only because those people don't know any better and they give in to believing killing people is acceptable. what i have to say isn't even limited to someone who kills another human being. it extends to other people as well who have fallen short like drug dealers,rapists, etc....

    i'm not really looking at this situation as a law issue because i don't believe in a lot of laws that are passed. i am looking at this issue from a moral standpoint. basically, it's in a nations best interest financially to execute someone rather than help them because it costs time and money to help people effectively.

    the basic question i would like to ask though is that if someone kills someone illegally, what is morally right? to kill that person or to help that person be a productive citizen? or is it better for criminals to be punished in jail only to commit the same crimes when they get out, or truely try to rehabilitate them the RIGHT way? most people who commit crimes or immoral acts don't have a life anyway so how is jail punishment?

    what i am ultimately saying is our system is flawed, but the peole living within the system are feeding in to it and not standing up to what is truely right. death penalty is nothing new. instead of choping someone's head off, we are injecting them with a poison. why not keep choping heads off? because society deemed it unacceptable. so basically we drew a line over time of what is right from wrong. killing someone is ok, but how you kill someone might not be ok.

    in the united states, we have currency on it that clearly states "in god we trust". so i have to ask, in god we trust for what? isn't it him who judges what is right from wrong and lays down his own laws? anyone who believes in him clearly knows that he brings life so why do people think it's up to them to take life away and not trust in god to judge these people in his own time? i am not really a religious person, but when "in god we trust" is printed on our currency and god was implimented in our pledge of allegience, religion plays a role in this somewhat since the majority of people living in the world believe in god.

    i have said it before and i will say it again.... if we can't help people in society but rather take the easy way out, then we learn nothing about life and the potential inside us all, and that is truely a shame!

    Well, I do agree with most of the points you've put forward. But lets be reminded, there are people out there who have turned away from treatment, and rehabilitation. A person does not become a murderer over night. It is a slow and quite frankly, you say barbaric, and I bet it was a barbaric process. Often starts from drugs, to petty crime, moves on to violence and car theft, and one day, you manage to rid someones life.

    To a family member, I think God himself provides them a right to avenge or forgive. God no longer is involved in the judgement as far as this earth goes, that is the common belief in all the main religions. Otherwise God himself would seem unjust. God provides this option. And I suppose only one who loses a daughter, a wife, a son, mother or carer would understand the hurt.

    I don't believe someone has to die for a criminal to find the right path. If all criminals did that, this world would be a very different place today. And fair-do's to those who do find the right path after committing a horrific crime, but the state is NOT going to fund rehabilitation of a murderer, a serial rapist, especially one with a history of crime. It is after all our tax money that pays for such services, and to pay for a service, and lose a life, is too heavy-a-cost for many of the nations moral stand-point and financial cost.

    I hope you can understand what I'm trying to convey...


  4. Well my good people of the world it is something man made,unatural mechenical or in other words artificial etc that has the ability to "think for its self" but its more than just that that seperate our brains from every other organism on earth it is the fact that we can make a thought a discision based on given facts which we logicaly work out in our head and make a logical discision. This is something an animal could never have the brain power to eg. if a monkey saw a loin covered in blood it would not relise that it had just killed something and therefore it is covered in blood unless perhaps it smelt the blood or any other similar circumstance. But for a brain or computer(lets just call it a processing unit because thats what it does, process infomation) to gain artificial intelligence that processing unit must be able to make a certain amount of connections in a given time. Now connections are tiny electrical zaps that travel from one place to another in the processing unit telling it what to do etc Now I dont know the exacts statistics for how many connections a human brain makes in a millisecond but its something like 10 billion I not really sure but the least amount of connections you need to acheive artificial intelligence is something like 2 billion i'm not sure about that either but look it up if you need to.Peace out brothers and bong on!!!
    (and I smoke marijuana by the way and im only 15 and I know all this *BLEEP* and read about what I explained about nanotechnology is aswell, hehehe who reckons i'm smart? and yes I really did right this myself from what I know and I didn't copy it!!!!)

    As I study computer science and Artificial Intelligence at one of the UK's top institutions, I can tell you that it has more to do with localisation than anything else. Obviously like you said there are many 'connections' or neural links a robot will have to make before it reacts. However this is all programmed, and using very common AI algorithms and search methods, it makes it a whole lot easier.

    Localisation is the process whereby a robot will simply move to a location, look around, and find where it is on a map. This theorem cannot however be applied to the Mars Rovers, one of my lecturers worked on this Mars mission himself at NASA. He explained how this search problem was different from regular search algorithms as there is no map.

    I recommend you read Introduction to Artificial Intelligence. You fill find that these 'zaps' are not really zaps at all but very careful algorithms and programmed structures. Some structures may overtake one another, i.e. the camera sensor may supersede the touch sensor, maybe because the camera sensor is found to be more accurate.

    We program mini-robots and get them to move on a large man made grid to see if they can follow a line, and find the shortest path on a grid using many of the available search algorithms. Right now, I can tell you, as smart as you think people like NASA are, they have not yet developed anything remotely close to human intelligence. Not even the the walking-dog robot which was funded by the military, as it depends on heave machinery and balance mechanisms to balance itself.

    I'd say there is a huge amount of computer science knowledge needed to part-take in anything such as robotics. We are having trouble just having to get the robot walk on two legs, or drive in a straight direction regardless of the rocky surface. We want it to balance itself, i.e. know when it needs to readjust behaviors. We need it to find where it is on the map. We may need it to react to its environment, and furthermore if it's going all the way to mars, we may need a power-plan!

    As you can see, I've outlined some of the very very basic concepts of AI, the challenges. And remember, Not 'Zaps', just simple programming and behavior architecture coming in to play. A load of sensors on a machine.

  5. SO in Maths class the other day, my tutor explained how zero was an even number. -1 being an odd number, 1 being an odd number also, therefore 0 is seen as an even number. I wonder if it has any other properties, unknown to me - of an even number?Apparently according to WikiPedia, zero can be divided by two? Can someone tell me what that is. Also

  6. Woah woah woah, so much MS Word dislike.Microsoft Word is by far one of the best word processing applications I've used. And I've only used three, MS Works, Open Office, and Word. Well actually 4 if you include Google Docs. I can only recommend that you look up on how to change the autosave settings in word. As for freezing up, all operating systems I've used have had problems with freezing up. It's inevitable. Even linux systems which people say is not prone to freezing, froze on me the other day while I was at university.Actually the best option would be to change your habit so you save every three paragraphs of text. At least every page. Be paranoid, when you're thinking, just hit that shortcut CTRL + S - it's literally painless...:)

  7. Agreed! It's sometimes so hard to read, especially with the crappy capatcha code generators. Often it could take me up to three attempts.And also no capatcha security codes should be case sensitive. And I think if the user gets up to 5/6 characters correct, then the site should assume that it is not a script, and that the action was performed by a human. I think this is relatively easy to implement, and programmers are just being lazy!It's not so annoying right now, people may find it a stupid rant. But arrgh i hate wasting a minute on just capatcha codes!

  8. I do believe in the civil existence of the death penalty. The issue arises when the subject is mentally unstable, and once proven, he is susceptible to the death penalty, both in the religion I believe in, and according to the western laws of civilisation.I once saw a documentary my social studies tutor in school showed me, where a group of men kidnapped and raped a young teenage girl repeatedly. During these episodes she died, and postmortem studies showed that she was repeatedly raped even after she died.Her rapists weren't caught, except just one. The girls father told the sheriff that he would shoot him - himself with his own shotgun if he was let free by the courts. Luckily for her father, the man was sentenced to death by the county. Even before he was shocked to death he smiled at her father behind the screen, when her father willed to see him die.People like that are not mean't to live with civilised people. People who pass various tests and psychiatry exams. People who are fit to act civil, but fail to. Religiously, forgiveness is above all, even for murder, forgiveness is ever great. And leaves the wrong-doer with an even bigger court sentence, also religion acknowledges mans guilt, and forgiveness and repentance can prove a good change for the wrong-doer. If the wrong-doer finds salvation in religion or spirituality, then the reward of it will pass on to you. However an eye for an eye tooth for a tooth, which both the Bible, Torah, and Quran provide option for, for family of the victim, is a permissible act. Today America supposedly bases its law on God, therefore keeping the phrase 'in God we trust' - alive. Therefore many of the states in the USA believe in the death penalty.

  9. Rape scenes are quite uncommon actually. However, I do agree with the point that writing in rape scenes where it is not used to reflect the seriousness and wrongness of the topic, it is obviously wrong.For example, the move Clockwork Orange was criticised extensively for showing rape scenes excessively. However a foreign film Irreversible, was highly credit for an 8-minute long rape scene in which the cinematography featured was still and very unsettling for the audience. All you could really see was a distant struggle and the victims screams which were tightly concealed by her rapists paws. The scene was highly credited for its innovation of general cinematic techniques, however the rape scene is one of the key sequences that are shown today to in film theory classes where one studies 'shocking cinema'. I can understand your concern. But the truth of the matter is, the reality of rape (and not corny-porn rape), is that it is a very serious situation, and if the film/tv drama you watch does not reflect that, then write a review about it. But I think it's correct to stereotype films and tv dramas in general. I hope I was of some help. If you wish ask me something, then please do reply and I'll get back to you.

  10. I know there was a time where only the newspaper/tv press had Mac OS as it seemed reasonable due to the amount of work in relation to creativity and design involved in their works.The PC is ideal for 'real' IT solutions, or business in general. There is nothing a PC can't do that a MAC can. I'm hesitant to say the opposite about the Mac. I have used to MAC for design work, and when I studied film at university, I used Final cut pro to edit sequences. As far as PC Vs. Mac goes, I suppose it depends on your needs. If you'll be doing work largely based on photography, film and design, then go ahead and spend that money on a Mac.BUT if you'll be doing that alongside reports, business memos, networking, management work - then a PC is a better option. It is also seen as more conservative. Today Apple charges its clients a huge sum of money on a product that would cost you up to half as less, with more flexibility options in the future. This includes upgrading the hardware components, and inter-compatibility. I'm afraid to say the Apple laptops and desktops are far more complex in design and even more costly to repair!The demand for Apple is getting higher, but I bet only a few of their clients are real enthusiasts, maybe including students who are interested in the 'looks' rather than whats in the junk.That's my view, I currently run an i7 laptop/PC. Mainly for photography and design work, inc. stuff I do for uni (programming/comp science)

  11. Hi,


    I may be able to help you. I've dealt with similar situations, and I know how tedious it can be when you're unable to know the exact problem.


    As far as your adapter (charger) goes - - it does not matter whether the green light is on, just two days ago my cousins laptop charger wasn't working, but her neighbours worked on her laptop (they had same model laptops). Her concern was whether it was the laptop, as the GREEN LIGHT was on.


    The green light indicates that their is electricity flowing through the adapter. However, an internal fault with a resister or any other component can leave the charger useless.


    I KNOW WITH DELL - it will detect if you do not have a battery as it will show a RED 'X' on the battery icon, and a plug icon to say you are plugged in. My issue here is that the adapter seems to work, and that both batteries are not working.


    This further implies that your laptop charging facility, isn't functioning properly. You can call DELL for support however they charge as it is out of warranty. My advice would be to consult Dell, find out the possible problem and deal with it yourself.

  12. paypal always sucked and they always cheated people. people used paypal because they were convenient. i laugh now when i hear so many complaints because i have been warning people about paypal FOREVER!

    I've only had one bad experience, which was that I was told to wait for delivery as a buyer and it went over the 40-Day dispute. Despite what you think, there are many sellers out there both genuine and fraudulent who are making a very profitable return using paypal. Paypal is ideally for merchants as the commission is far less on their returns - as they earn more.

    PayPal is a smart company, there are a lot of problems, of course - like any other company (maybe somewhat more with paypal) - but I thought I'd outline the advantages and disadvantages of PayPal in general,


    - Easy to set up for consumers - and businesses / merchants
    - Quick - Easy transactions
    - A very high level of security checks to prevent breaches
    - Very buyer focused (may be regarded as a disadvantage for merchants but it ensures genuine products are bought and sold)
    - Growing internet users = buyers from around the world
    - With the UK - and many other countries, an integrated system from a local mail service which allows you to print stamps on envelopes
    - Most ebay sellers prefer the service.


    -Recovering money after a fraudulent transaction is quite difficult at times,
    -Admittedly, they have a very poor customer service,
    - Many merchants of high value consider the merchant account inconsiderate of new practises. It is sometimes seen as amateurish.
    - If someone asks for a refund with excellent cause (i.e. non-genuine goods) they are able to keep the product and get their money back.
    - Paypal are therefore vulnerable to fraud which bypasses their loose laws on buyer vs merchant disputes.
    - They have a commission which may be considerable depending on deposition to bank account.
    - If your account is frozen - and you are innocent of fraud, it may take years - or never, before you can retrieve your earnings.

    As you can see, there are lots of advantages to the common buyer or seller. But for merchants - they have to be more aware of the regulations. But risks follow any business, profit/loss - if sellers are genuine, and have an excellent and pleasant customer service / refund policy, they can be very successful.

  13. Are you a member of Rockyou.com? You probably know about this (and have most likely deleted your account and sided it with a complaint letter to the company), but 33 MILLION passwords were stolen from the database, and are now floating around in cyberspace. Some people have gotten so ticked, theyve sued rockyou. Now, you may thing Its not their fault, it was a security breach. This is a lot worse. They might as well write their passwords on their office building. The passwords were stored in simple text files, UNENCRYPTED.

    Now, what is Rockyou? Theyve created social networking applications, such as Pieces of Flair, and Superwall.

    Now, heres kind of the problem with Rockyous user database. The most popular user password was 123456, followed by 12345687. Other incredibly imaginative and secure passwords were closely following these two, including Password, QWERTY, and rockyou.


    If a hacker used the list of top 5,000 passwords for a dictionary brute force on Rockyou, it would take only one attempt per account to guess about %0.9 of the communitys passwords. At this rate, hackers would gain access to 1 account every second, or 17 minutes to gain access to 1,000 accounts. Now, estimates show that sites like Gmail, Hotmail, AOL, etc. probably carry the same population of people who use these ridiculously easy passwords. But they have a captcha, a computer generated image that displays text and letters at a funky angle and weird colors.


    Posted Image(Generated by Google)


    Other security systems require you to answer a question (What is the color of the sky?), and complete arithmetic problems via a captcha.

    Posted Image


    Most experts agree that passwords havent changed from 20 years ago. Users and businesses are just becoming more careless about security measures. Companies are also worried about employees using the same insecure password they use for social networking sites as they use for their business. This brings a new threat of a mass password hack that could result in millions of dollars lost. Who will suffer? Those who are careless. Beware of 123456 passwords!

    Excellent Post! A lot of information there! I definitely agree! People are becoming less creative with the passwords. I dont even know what my facebook or gmail password is. You know why? Because I barely see it, because I can touch type, I coordinate my fingers to form a pattern on the keyboard (UK keyboard, im screwed in Russia, and seriously twisted in China) but hey it works! If I was battered to a pulp with a spoon I wouldn't be able to think of the password. Everytime I have to check my mail on the phone I have to use my fingers and think very hard of the keyboard layout.


    Anyway, I think all passwords should follow the same format (maybe not as uptight and with so much paranoia as mine but still) - something that is utterly random, that will take more than 3 attempts for a hacker to use Brute Force, as after three attempts, most applications like googlemail initiate a form of security often in the form of captcha codes and questions.


    Be careful! AND NEVER use the same password for bank accounts, business networks and school/uni networks. It is highly dangerous depending on the level of information at risk!


    And when it is advised to use mix characters, uppercase and lowercase & numbers + symbols, be grateful and use it to your advantage!



  14. well, I can see the difference, but what's the point? Is this your art or are you showing us how good you are in photoshop??

    This isn't original art, i.e. I did not take the photograph.

    What such practises do is create a challenge for the designer. If you can create skin tones from existing texture then it is valued by the advertising and beauty industry as it means you can overcome anomalies or even enhance the skin tone of the model.

    It looks simple, but it took at least 6-8 hours to get the right colours across. This was done by comparing the models original skin tone. Further to this, the eye colour, the highlights in the hair, and cutting out her body and hair (which is the most difficult to feather out) to extract the model was done to establish a more human like tone.

    I basically tried to reverse the image to her original.

    If you're still questioning my logic, there's the original I used, so try it yourself...

    Maybe it's my laptop but looks like the original picture just had the color balance and contrast enhanced.
    I was looking for maybe lighter eye color, like light blue. Or, even yet a dramatic change to deep crystal blue.

    One of my tattoo artists does this: he places his copyright like a tattoo on the body using photoshop. I thought it was a cool little trick. He bends and adds to the curvature of the location on the body. Your copyright or watermark would look good by her left arm, running down :D Who knows.

    That is an awesome trick. It's very possible although i've never tried it. I will try it, but the only problem is - if it's not big enough then it can be erased, and reclaimed.

    That can really hurt - especially if it's original art...

    But I will try creating that effect :) -


  15. Nice editing! It only looks like the only thing that changed was the oily skin and the skin color but nice job. Where do you get these stock images, so i can get some for photoshop or gimp?

    Thanks :)

    Its mainly what's changed. It's just a little hard to extract the body and revive the skin so it looks human like.

    You can get images from google usually. I mean being exact with search terminology usually helps. With celebrities like Charlize its pretty easy to get a HQ 300dpi + images on google, but often it is dificult and a lot of searching around!

    umm, if you want to find general images! Google phrases like 'teen model' or 'model full res'

    Or you may seriously want to consider joining free stock sites .

    My favourites -

    http://www.freeimages.com/ (have to join I think - inorder to get the hi res - may need to request permission or request large res from photographer)
    http://www.deviantart.com/ (you may sometimes need to request a hi-res, just say ur a student and need some editing practise and most photographers are happy to support your cause)

    Good luck! Let me know how that goes! :D

  16. May post a tutorial on this soon, what do you think?








    Would like some response.


    NOTE: Could take up to a few minutes to load due to size of photography!




    Eye Color

    Hair Color/Highlights

  17. An obviously great customer service representative, and a company which selectively employs not only great people but great policies.You will not believe how hard it is to find such services. Not all of the companies at the top offer such pleasant services. Usually the ones abroad carry more delicacy when handling their customer queries - usually to portray a friendly and pleasant image of their company to westerners. However if you look closely, many HIGH STATUS companies like Sony, GHD, Samsung find that quarrelling with the customer and facing a small court charge is to much hassle, instead to confess your sins and pay out or replace.It leaves the customer happy - and helps word of mouth.Weird thing is, NOT EVERYONE will realise how important customer service can be!:)

  18. People often wonder where the social roles of a man as the bread earner of the family and the woman as a home maker comes from. I recently looked up a grade one textbook for social studies, published by Vikranth Publishers in India, and I found the following:

    It is texts such as these that bring forward the question of gender equality. We still preach what men ought to do and what women ought to do and carve out their roles in society. Don't women deserve an equal opportunity in the workplace and don't men have any household responsibilities? Have you come across anything that creates or increases the gender gap?

    The text you quote builds the essence of familial sociology and social norm study, by quoting it like that, it will seem sexist. However it was probably sectioned under a specific example text to ensure that a basic understanding of 'dominant' ideologies are understood by the student before it is challenged in further study. This is how sociological studies work, by offering the views of many theorists, i.e. functionalists, (Durkheim), Maxism (Karl Marx), Feminism and many other theories including post modernism (Foucault).

    You have to understand this way of study, to better your understanding of society rather than to confuse the student to begin with.

    In regards to feminism and gender inequality, there are many strands to this argument, and many theorists (both male and female) all over the globe - yet mainly in the UK and USA - who argue the many corners of study.

    IF you want to know more about this text, read it in its full context or pick up an encyclopaedia of Sociology and it will certainly harden your criticism or you may turn the other way and consider the reality of why gender inequality exists, especially if you widen your study, then you will realise that the route cause is not religion, but more culture, and new media practises.

    All the best.

  19. During the Christmas Eve mass at Vatican - the Pope was unexpectedly put off balance by a woman jumping the barriers, causing the Pope to go off balance and fall to the ground at the walkway.


    The woman and the Pope were taken to hospital after which the woman was arrested for questioning, suspected of mental illness - and may have links with a previous attack.


    The Pope (Benedict) was unhurt, however questions about security in Italy have been raised, recalling the not-so far gone events that resulted in the prime minister Silvio Berlusconi's injuries - which raises further questions about crowds, violence and security.


    Here is the video and full BBC news coverage on the website.



  20. all about love and friendship.... we can talk about love... whos inlove now ? for me or whois broken hearted? lol..... iam broken hearted... but its okey... iam inspired to do all my works... all.. :-)

    Eurgh. Someone get me a bucket - you're not broken hearted, you're just a little sad that's all. It's when a person lacks the attention which they were once accustomed to when one was idle - does a person confide secretly to their loneliness, and soon begins to make excuses for their failure in life.

    Love is non-existent - as is the genuine social capability of the beholder of those rose coloured lips which utter its nuisance to begin with.

    Good day.

  21. Hi guys! I just say this topic and i wanted to do it before it was too late. I hope i become a long time addicted member...?

    Hi, welcome!

    You're definitely going to become a long time addicted member if you can speak all those languages :P haha!

    Be sure not to spam and avoid submitting topics in the wrong place. Also it's easier to run in to something that you find interesting rather than write excessively about a topic that doesn't interest you!

    Read the terms to avoid withdrawal of post, hence - losing your MyCENTS!

  22. to get traffic your site should be a dedicated one to a good topic, with a good coverage of it.
    add your site to site directories in the rgiht category, and this will help drive traffic as your pageranking will improve

    I completely agree! Also you can google 'META TAGS' and be sure to keep the html tags precise, these will help search engine tracking and optimise your site for top results which is one of the biggest factors in bringing traffic to ones site.

    Further to this topic, I think spamming is a good way of bringing traffic to your site, but then again you don't want to mislead your audience by lets say typing up 'click here to see Jennifer Tilly naked!' - instead go for a general description and a friendly message.

    You need to be able to phrase your information appropriately and correctly - good English and grammar is pretty much all you need!

    Be sure to use GoogleAdsense if you have a decent budget! And affiliate with similar sites to possibly create a friendly network.

    Good Luck!

  23. Dammit! It's going to happen all over again!The race for 2010 - Jesus! Office 2007 is just about enough I think, to be fair i've taken a look at what's new, and it seems like everything 'that's new', is pretty much 'NOT-NEW'...I don't know what the fuss is about, it probably loads faster, great, hmm after that I fail to realise how 'artistic-effects' to visually represent your work could do more than lets say the Adobe software.Microsoft can only go so far, and I think after word-processing - presentation design - spreadsheet and database - notes and organisation/mail - there is really nothing more to focus on.Fine it looks neater too, but I'd say wait on it like you probably did with 07. It's better to be safe than sorry since it is a BETA version. A years worth of testing their software for free might seem like a fair deal coming from 'microsoft' but always think about the pros and cons - Pros - you get a unique experience, and a years worth of free LEGAL microsoft application which will possibly replace your original installation of any previous version OR run along side taking more space or less than the one before. CONS - You are a mule, you work for free, they need to hire people who can test their own software and measure its market.But hey I guess I can see why people would download it, it's not a bad idea, it's just worth pointing out that people shouldn't jump the gun and fall for an opportunity which at first poses to be beneficial for their own behalf, and not the big MULTI-BILLION dollar corp like MS.

  24. Just curious why the 911 dispatcher didn't send a cruiser in this time frame. 10 minutes is a long time to be threatened by this fellow before shooting them dead. Did she warn the guy that she was on the phone to the Emergency Services?
    Was he aware that the Police were en route?
    No warning shot to scare them off?

    I think this should be sent to trial and let a Jury decide the outcome, otherwise the shooting of people becomes rampant, but then again, I don't live in the USA. We are much more civilised in Canada...

    I agree with the fact that it should at least go to trial, but as the phone call suggests it sounds like she was left with little choice. The man was supposedly posing a threat to her,

    ALSO in regards to Anwii - She didn't know him, and she only knew that he might have been drunk because she could see him - the intruder was behaving unusually.

    Regards to GUN rights, i think that CANADA loves guns just as much as Americans probably do, the only difference maybe their mentality regards to defence and shooting for sport. After-al I personally think everyone sane with a spotless criminal record should have a right to owning arms - but you have to have a responsible community to maintain that balance, which Canada may be more advanced in.
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