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If you take a careful look at the so-called laws today, the word "equality" is like a candy wrapper for injustice. They say it's equal - only when it benefits the women... even if it throws men into chaos... if you want to turn things the other way around, it won't work. As I said before, the initial "theory" to impose pensions seems understandable at first especially when they apply all their "good" reasons behind it. But in reality, this doesn't work in a corrupted society. The idea of launching pensions was a very naive one. If they'd have stopped to think about how people live today, and how things are getting worse every year, and carefully embrace reality before launching this pension thing, they would have probably avoided doing so... the world is so corrupt - and that's men & women! And so there's not much point to it. Do I have to work so hard only to see my "X" drive off with a brand new car and pay her vacations with the new partner? - really, is there any sense to that? - it's all paid by the children's food pension. This hypocritical system lets women do that on a mass scale. Tell me, where are we headed with national leaders like that?
Well, the truth is, our so-called representatives for justice are criminals themselves... the person that should go to prison is the mother... not the father... the corrupt system is persecuting the wrong person... not only is the woman criminal is this case but she probably is criminal also in that she spends the child support for other things which is a common issue for women 90% of the time... (they're using it as a form of personal welfare - it is corrupt to the core) In our system today, the real criminal gets away with murder and the poor innocent father gets slammed... In some places I know like Ontario, Canada, when a woman calls police claiming her husband beat her, - they BOTH go to prison... finally, it's good to see something like that. I believe this will eventually be adopted everywhere - it takes 2 to tango... so both sojourn in the prison cells... apparently, calls coming in dropped by a whopping 60% when this law was set in place and must be higher now... It makes sense that both go.... afterall, we all know that women provoke men to the limit... and so provocation is a dirty crime...
Well, that's the problem, proving things of that nature is almost impossible in the courtroom... and this also costs loads of money - to activate this whole process - and what if you can't afford all the costs incurred to go through the court system? In many cases, courtroom "costs" are well beyond the reach of many... so the problem continues... the man is already deprived of his normal things in life to pay pensions that are blown up and exxagerated... I know some men who have only 300 - 400 dollars a month to live on after everything is taken away from them... to think as a society, we pay judges and lawyers to screw the lives of people on a mass scale. The dammages are great and they are remorseless and wicked and continue to ruin people's lives like that on a daily basis. How is a man with that kind of a situation going to pay a lawyer? Some men I know have 1200 - 1500 dollars a month to live on after the dammages are incurred. Where is the sense to that? If I was to show up in court and claim that a woman should live on 3 to 4 hundred dollars a month, I would be accused of many things - wouldn't I? It wouldn't be well received in a courtroom. What applies to a woman should also apply to a man... they force a man to declare "single" on his paycheck (loosing anywhere between 300 - 700 dollars a month before child pension deductions) and turn around and force him to pay child support. Men now live a double role (single, and married) at the same time - does that make sense? Women wanted to change their status but they severely dammaged the status of the male... in general, you don't demolish one thing to build another... that's just plain principle and common sense... Listen, even low-down criminals in prison have more rights - where is the human decency towards separated fathers...? Criminals are fed, they have so many priveleges in prisons and these poor fathers are robbed of everything... was it a crime to make children? They can't even eat... how is he going to start a new life with someone else...? We deprive him of all these basic fundamental rights as a human being... and yet, the common prisoner has loads more rights... really, does this make sense? Where is real justice today?
your avatar got me laughing... Yeah, well, I think it's true what you say. But are women really the best bet in child custody? That is really questionable for many reasons... Other than that, in my home I humbly speak, the children never listened to their mother - Dad just said one word and everything fell into place. In general, this is what I saw in families I've visited and also with many people I've met (in talking with them) and in my home as well. So logically, why would you send children somewhere where they will be disobediant and troublesome. In general, women have a hard time with them... that only pushes children into delinquency... just look at the facts about teenagers today - what a serious dilemma... ever since this craziness to separate has started, the children are turning sour.... at school, they are a big problem for teachers... it is really way out of control. And control begins in the home - but where is it at when there is no real father present? Women just don't have the "grasp" on them as the father does... I'm not at all convinced that separation is the answer... we are destroying our youth... and yet, very few take marriage counselling and very few make the "necessary" efforts to make their marriage work and last... the least little problem - well, the door is very near... no kid honestly wants 2 or 3 or 4 dads... along the way in life - that's just torture to them... anyways, there is lot's of wrong with the so-called laws today... what a mess... Yeah, she carried the child, but we carried her through it... and the truth is, she should have no upper advantage especially when you consider equality... the man's role is just as important... you want equality - then take equality for what it's worth... the laws are biased, unfair, and corrupted... I think our society has taken a step backwards... There are thousands of men literally deprived from seeing their children - what cruelty! - especially to the children. I can't figure how you can love your children and torture them like that - it's insane... deprive them of their father... what unacceptable cruelty and wickedness. They have reduced the man to nothing else but a cash register... no money - no candy... the system is so corrupt they won't even lift a finger to help men with these problems - what a shame! If she deprives the children and the father like that, the payments should be categorically stopped. To think we vote for a government that dictates like that... what a picture...
it's strange... I don't get it, in some cases, for example, the "man" paid full 100% support for his family for 10 years, and the wife stayed at home - but now, after a separation or divorce, for example, for the next 10 years, he must pay 50% of everything - after covering 100% for already 10 years and the "miss" only pays 50% for those 10 years remaining - that's strange mathematics - what kind of an equation is that? I can't figure where equality comes in... if women want to be "equal", then go ahead, tally-ho with the reponsibilities as men do... for the next 10 years, cover all at 100% as the man did... you want custody - then take it for it's real worth. For example, the man covered the 3 children and HER - but she covers only 3 children - not HIM. No matter how you look at it, the man is always getting "fixed" or "short-changed". The way they figure things... and so, I don't know of any classroom that teaches mathematics like that! - strange calculations... it's no wonder some men refuse to pay - something is very unfair in all of this - if you look at the whole picture. But this is being avoided to maximize women's potential gains or "steals"... Don't forget, the man covered in full for 10 years with "O" support from the gov't. Women run off with their shady deal and steal with "ALL" support from the gov't added to the contribution from the "X"... man, it would take a blind person to not see the unfairness...