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About english41yoguy
oh, hi again. Thanks for your concern for my boys' welfare. Since you ask, no I won't be raising them to have my 'sick imagination'. Actually I know my little fetish is a bad habit and my thoughts are not healthy ones, but, like any bad habit, by its very definition - I enjoy it, and i want to keep it (if you can grasp that logic). I know full well i can control it, whereas maybe others couldn't. I would wish my sons to be something better than me, and much more orthodox in their 'sexual/romantic impulses' let's say. As for you wondering if my wife knows .. do i let her know that i'm thinking of every underage girl i see out there in a sexual way? Well, i'll let you figure that one for yourself, Einstein.
"sounds to me that someone took your innocence away before fully developed and that is all you know. you are right. most wont understand because we aren't as limited as you are. sicko! get some help!"By the way, you write as though you are being intelligent and incisive, and even have the crass affrontary to sound as though you have constructive 'concern' for a guy like me.. 'get help' you say (so predictable and so typical - and so unmeant), 'find out where these demented thoughts come' from you say (actually, as i said, I know perfectly well where they come from and probably understand it better than the so-called psychologists).Well, as i said, you are 100% wrong about someone taking my innocence - unless you are speaking of my innocent adolescent hopes and beliefs that pretty girl-peers would naturally come my way.. i admit.. that DID dissappear in an unsatiated and unfulfiflled cloud of hormonal confusion and failure. Not asking for sympathy here, just stating a common experience to many guys in their growing years.By the way i'm 'happily' married now (deviant fantasies aside) with two boys, but it was not an easy road getting there. Maybe you got there much easier in your life, - maybe you had plenty of excellent healthy-character-building sex on the way and now your current spouse is a model of sexy perfection - if so, don't be so *ing smug about it - because you're probably a jerk in many other ways, and she's probbaly a jerk too which is why you are matched."limited" - you talk about limited?? That is precisely what you have proved yourself to be, pal, in your cod-typical reactions to something you find ugly. Anyway, what exactly is 'limited' about fancying children? If anything, it's extremely the opposite - because it's extreme, against the norm and, supposedly, immoral, which actually is a strong part of the erotic appeal. Shocking maybe, peverse i admit, unpalatable probably to many - but explain to me why "limited"? OKay - i get it, the only possible explanation for this word which you youself probably didn't even think what you meant by it when you put it ... it's limited because it is something that can never be acted upon, unless i want to ruin my life, my family's as well as the victim kid. Either way i 'lose'.. right. Well, in that case every single person in the world right now loses because of one fantasy or another which can never be fulfilled. YOU are totally limited, my friend: in one word that caps your entire post - "sicko!" - you prove that your entire contribution was solely for the purpose of passing insult, rather like in the school playground calling out the 'common enemy' and feeling justification in your safety in numbers. You efforts are no more sophisticated than that, absolutely no different.So please don't say ''get help'', because you and others as LIMITED as you who display a carbon-copy reaction to this topic, don't actually mean it in any intelligent or sincere way at all. In truth, if you had your way, you'd simply string my balls up.. throw away the key etc.. so at least have the honesty to be direct - instead of trying to dress up the utterly basic attitude that you have as something reasoned and expressive.Also, please don't think I'm 'hurt' or offended. It's more a case of that I'm just deeply irritated by a posturing lack of intelligence when i see it, and an arrogant unable-to-think-outside-the-box' mentaility of holier-than-thou attitude (does it bolster your ego a bit to condemn a perversion you think beneath you, yes it does doesn't it? - and that's really your main reason for expressing an opinion at all = SHALLOW.)
"A lot of humans natural behaviors and instincts are being demolished with each passing day."Um, actually. the truth is the opposite - the very problem is that a lot of very all-too human behavours and instincts, deep-routed in our genetic makeup are being perpetuated, REVIVED and resurfacing with each passing day. Just read up on the life of chimps - who fight each other continually, and are even known to kill for pleasure.. or bonobos (closely related to chimps - and us) who as a completely natural part of their lives have sex with their family members and juvenile offspring... yes, true. Not that i'm suggesting we should allow and encourage these actions within the human race, but they exist and they are real and they are natural.
As expected, you understand nothing, and assume a lot. You're very short sighted and showing a typical knee-jerk response to a taboo you yourself can't (or won't try) to identify with. For a start, why don't you answer this:What is the difference between having the urge to punch someone in the face and actually putting it into reality? Or much worse, like 'killing' them ..have you ever felt like that? Of course you have, everybody has. But of course we don't do it (although a minority actually DO, as the daily news will attest). There's a world of difference between thinking something and actually doing it.. so get real please, our human lives are riddled with bad thoughts of all kinds. You must see women's breasts or asses every day that you would enjoy getting a hold of or doing much more than that to, but you don't do it - becasue you're not allowed to or you're not a bad guy. (then again, you might be - if you were given the 'job opportunities' of a concentration camp guard).Of course you might be one of those guys with no sex drive or is so blissfully happy with his sexy wife/girlfriend that he never even has these thoughts. If so, well done, but you're rare.Okay, so i have these thoughts about kids not just adults - but i don't do it, becasue it's not allowed, it's not socially 'proper'. Also maybe i wouldn't even do it if the law was taken out of the equation, because i actually 'care'. Not sure about that. just being honest. But the bottom line is I don't do it - just like you and most everyone else declines to act on your own bad impulses that you have from 'time to time' (like, throughout the day).You're actually displaying discrimination in a very real sense: making out my (and others like me) urges to be somehow harder to control than your own. Of course when any pedo does commit an offence, it is news worthy and as such paints a picture that every guy in the world with any type of pepdophiliac urge has offended, is offending, or is a potential offender brimming with desire and intent.Here's some facts since you were so keen to comment from your hilltop: I find pretty children sexually attractive. I enjoy the fantasy of it. In my case at least, I know I was NOT born that way. I could list precisely the reasons why I am like thiis (but i won't). But I will say it's NOT because i was abused in any way as a child, absolutely not in the least - so... wrong again with your stereotyping!So, what's made me this way, i absolutely don't need any help to discover whatsoever. What has happened has happened, what I am I am (a 'human being', actually, with all the typical myriad of characteristics, plus one or two slightly more 'extreme' ones, though hardly one-in-million freakish ones).If my thoughts become too much a distraction and energy-sapper from the more 'constructive' things in my life, then maybe i'll do something about it. But for now, I'll decline your suggestion to get help, thanks.Here's my suggestion for YOU: just concentrte on improving YOURSELF, because there's 101 ways that i am better than you, my friend, i guarantee it, and others are too. And there are plenty of ways you are 'losing' , if you want to put it like that, in your life too.PS by the way, personally i find homosexuality gross to even contemplate, and for the life of me can't understand why one man would want to *BLEEP* or even french kiss another. To me, this is patently obviously a 'perversion', and 'sick' and 'deviant' as it were. Being naturally 'born' that way doesn't make it less so... more so if anything. Something has clearly 'gone wrong' - millions of years of evolution to give us two separate and complimentary sexes with penises and vaginas with their associated functions and purposes has clearly not worked in the case of gays. A choice - HYPOTHETICALLY speaking - between a beautiful 10yo girl and a man seems a no-brainer to me. But each to his own deviant lust, so long as we don't harm anyone.
"In my eyes I don't see how any human-born being could ever see such an innocent precious little 10 yr old girl as a sex toy?"Well, I have to say I can. A 10-year old girl, assuming she is at least a moderately pretty example of one, is an extremely cute and, yes - 'sexy' thing to many men. Of course this requires having pedophile-orientated tastes. It seems to be hard for people without his 'outlook' to understand, but it is the very fact of the extreme young age which is attractive.. it's the whole package.. the innocence, the unblemished beauty and soft tender skin, the lack of pubic hair or breasts (thought often the growth of early breasts is an appealing feature in itself). It's their shyness which is also so appealing to many pedophiles, the satisfaction of being easily able to be dominant over them. With their budding little bum curvatures, perfect little buttocks and often beautiful long hair in a simple loose style - they can seem like a perfect 'woman in miniature'. A good way of putting it might be 'a little girl is like nature's work of art'.This is not the same as breaking into a poor kid's bedroom and raping one, of course. all I am talking about here is the actually attraction to them and trying to explain the feelings behind it, which seem obvious to me. I know i'll be villified for this post, but I also know that many men would like to agree with me... a great many.Before you modern-day witchunters come out in force, let me stress I honestly would not remotely touch a girl or condone anybody else for doing it - only that i can dream, and understand why somebody might want to get at their beautiful precious little vaginas (or anuses, or mouths).Believe it or not, it's actually possible to feel like this but not be the slightest danger to any little child for real, and to be an otherwize good citizean!