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Posts posted by Keyra

  1. I heard about this one site, http://www.hotchickseatingtacos.com/
    I thought it was pretty funny, but also kind a dumb, when you go this website, it's pretty much what the website says... pictures of hot girls eating tacos, so I guess the domain name or url is definitely effective, it's about what the domain says. Anyway, what do you guys think of it, I was thinking of submitting a picture to the website myself.


  2. Look, I never said ALL Boy are Stupid, first of all. However, I did notice there's a lot of posts on here, that say Girls are Stupid. I believe THAT is Dumb!

    I don't believe all boys/guys are dumb, just like not all girls are Stupid. I will give you this, there is a lot of stupid girls, just like there is a lot of stupid guys. Either way, if your complaining about girls that are stupid. It really just tells me your the dumb one that has gotten involved with stupid girls. Not all girls out there are that way, and many guys seem to find the right girl for them, so when you sit there complaining about stupid girls, take a look at yourself first and your choices, then you can decided if you wanna complain about the same thing.

    @Anwiii & @Legend112

    If not caring solves your issues with girls, then by all means, of course, having a meaningful relationship might not work with this motto.
    Some of the other guys in this community might have something to learn from this perspective, they seem to be tryin' way to hard with girls, to the point where they're constantly getting they're feelings hurt over the most insignificant things.

    If you want an example, I read this post and it made me think of this.


  3. I wasn't here for the old days, but I gotta say, this forum is very easy to navigate! I'm liking it so far, and I love the community! I think I'm getting hooked!


    Well I must say I honestly love the new look of the forum. Very sleak and easy to find what is needed but for one thing. Used to be when you log in it told you just how many days you had in credits for your account. It's not there now or I have not been able to find it. This was very handy to have I feel. I hope maybe I have missed where it is or Xisto will bring this back. it is a must needed tool.

  4. I've seen so many posts here about girls being stupid, what about the fact that boys can't seem to take a hint or are very clueless about others needs. Somehow it seems like they don't have the ability to put themselves in other peoples shoes, or look at situations from a different perspective. I'm not tryin' to say all your stories about girls being B#$%es are wrong, I'm sure there's a lot of stupid girls out there, treating guys badly, but it just isn't the case ALL THE TIME, the way you guys make it seem.So if understanding girls is a little more of what you need, let's talk about some of those issues here.

  5. Hahaha.... Seinfeld is the Best!

    LOL. That reminds me of a Seinfeld episode where George thinks people are talking about him when he leaves the room. He decides to put a tape recorder in his breifcase and "forget" to take it with him. Funny as hell.

    Woah... that's the worst thing you could have done... first of all, you did a very mean thing. Put yourself in her shoes, if you were a shy, nerdy type, and all of a sudden you had a popular person talking to you telling you all these nice things, but at the same time, telling you you can't have them, but your amazing and beautiful but we can't be together, but your real nice and I don't know how I'm gonna live without you, but I gotta go. You did such a mean thing to her, your pretty much playin' with her emotions. Her way of dealing with that situation, was to remove you from her life, best thing she could have done, you were causing so much pain to her, that's not a nice thing you did.

    Try putting yourself in the other person's shoes before you do what you consider acts of kindness.


    I have a worse girl story.. Now I have nothing against the female population, this is just a convenient time to post about the events that unfolded a few days ago.
    I had a good friend that I started to have feelings for, but I was the popular, athlete guy in college and she was the shy, nerdy, really nice type. I'm a very nice guy and I hang with all types of people and was always extra nice to the less fortunate. I told her that I liked her.. giving her the boost I knew it would though I'd told her that it couldnt change our friendship at all, I just wanted her to know the good qualities she had and to be confident in herself. I always reminded her of how great of a person she was, how beautiful (it was only on the inside but i never said that) she was, etc etc and kept telling her to tell me self-affirmations about herself "My name is _ and I am beautiful or and I am smart". After I graduated this semester, I was being nice and telling her that it would be hard to get over her but I'd have to cuz I was moving halfway across the world and we were just friends anyways. I kept being available everytime she wanted me and more. Because I really did care for her as a friend very much so, just not anymore than that after I'd graduated. Finally, all that seemed to get to her head that she got so conceited and told me that she didnt care to talk to me anymore and our friendship was over... like completely out of the blue. And this girl completely had fallen for the positive reinforcement I'd given her. I had done nothing to get her mad at me. She just became so conceited from my kindness, not knowing it was just kindness. I've been trying to decide if I will let her off the hook and ignore it all or tell her the truth about everything. I would never consider revenge but I started thinking about it from her perspective. She thought I genuinely cared and she pulled the cruelest trick. That's a really cold move... Any ideas? Truth or Let it slide?

  6. Very Good Advice, I was thinking the same thing. Decide to do this one day and you'll definitely notice your true potential. Actually you might notice that other people are just like you too, there's a lot of people who have to force themselves in order to communicate to others, especially girls, I think knowing that you are not the only one might help and might make it easier to make your decision to go thru with it. I hope you decided to to this one day and please let us know how it goes.K

  7. Woah! You need to relax girl, you need to be hanging out with friends and doing things kids do. Seriously, why are you worrin' about boys at such a young age, I mean, if your havin' this kind of problems at age 12, just think, how much heart ache are you gonna have to go thru before you settle down. You need to say good bye to your "BF" who likes someone else, stop flirting with other boys, and just enjoy your time with REAL friends, friends who will enjoy hanging out with you, for who you are and not because your a girl they wanna be with. You'll have plenty of time for that later with real guys, but first you need to make real friends.




    help i need advice.


    How Do You Know You Love Someone?




    <p>Okay, So me and my boyfriend have been going out for almost three months now. I am 12 years old, but ive still experienced alot. Everyone tells me I shouldnt worry about these things, but I do. And me & my boyfriend have a long distance kind of thing. He always Flirts with other girls,and I always flirt with other guys, this seems like its not working out; but he treats me right, and sometimes I think that if I didnt have him, I wouldnt be able to live. But ive gone through so much pain ; even through a point Of Leaving Scars.. And crying myself to sleep for months and months. </p>

    <p>Still NO ONE KNOWS. Seriously, I just feel sad. And I wish I would forget about my boyfriend and find someone new, but its just too hard. I cant stand when he talks to other girls, and he's had his eye on this girl Alyssa.. My friend Ariana knows him well. And my boyfriend told her that He wanted to go out with this other girl, and I don't know if its Aylssa or not. Me and my Ex Anthony Hungout Last night, and got Close, like cuddling and holding hands. I know I didnt want to do it, but something makes me attracted to him whenever I see his face. I just remember about my Current boyfriend ; and it makes me want to cry. I need Help</p>Someone PLEASE read this , And give me advice ?

    <p><em>-reply by renee aiello</em></p>


  8. I don't think anyone really enjoys those type of parts, in a movie like Bruno they are put there to purposely make the audience feel uncomfortable, ah! it's why it's so funny!




    my mom let's me watch sex scenes with her.

    but with my brother and my sister its:


    all my mom tells me is, don't try having sex the way they do. it's crazy and will probably lead to pelvis breakage.

    i'm like laughing my head off when she tells me this stuff and in some scary movie were watching some girls moaning her head off

    but recently my sister's become carefree about sex i movies. like we watched bruno , and these gay guys are sticking wine bottles up their butts , and there's flying man privates. but it disgusts me when they have all that hardcore stuff like in bruno when he joins a gang bang and this girl is being fingered. i did nothing but duck my head deep into the chair.


    my family/parents may allow me to watch sex in movies but overall i can't really handle it.

    i will be glad to exchange this property with someone who would enjoy it xD

  9. The Key word there is "YET!"


    I used to hate that growing up Id be watching a movie on tv and people would start kissing etc. My mom would be there saying how awful it was to see that on tv and ask to change the channel :) Now watchinig tv with my older boys its funny cause when someone starts kissing my 14 year old starts marching up the stairs...LOL I guess I dont have to worry about him and dating yet :(

    It's kind a funny I used to think parents had this extra sense or something, cuz somehow they always seems to walk in at that exact time when there's something questionable on the TV, that we probably shouldn't be watching, it's like the whole other time, when it was fine, they wouldn't even peek in, but always as soon as something bad was about to start, that's when they just happened to be walking by, ha! I hated that.

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