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Posts posted by jmb2006

  1. Ok theres this girl that i rally like and im not sure if she like me too. I want to find out if she like me so i dont make a total fool of myself if i ask her out. But i really dont know how to ask her out i mean i tottaly freeze up when im about to ask a girl out its like i think im saying it but i cant open my moth to say it. The last time i went to ask a girl out i got rejected and made fun of for three months. So i turned to the internet to help me. If anyone has advice please help me out. I really like this girl :angry:

    Notice from BuffaloHELP:
    Pay attention to the topic title and description I edited for you. "I NEED HELP" is not what this forum is asking to name a topic.

    ok i havn't been laid in 5 years and i havn't had a girlfriend in a year but heres stuff that helped me out when i actually do leave the keyboard, around every 17 months or so, it may seem really obvious but it will help.
    Find out what she likes see if you like any of the same things and try to befriend her by talking about it. Starting with friendship is a good foothold, means that she likes you and you could work your way up. Also try to find out what makes her laugh because girls like boys to be funny. 1 more thing, confidence, when you do talk to her dont start jibbering, prepare what your going to say so you can say it confidently.

  2. well its not a firewall exactly but it will be used as one, my grandad paid Ł500 for a custom built computer which will be used as file storage and a firewall. It has 2x250GB harddrives, AMD Athlon 3.2ghz 64bit, 1gb of RAM and the choice of os will be FreeBSD. Graphics will be a bit crap because me and a mate from school whos really into BSD will be setting it up from the command line. Anyway Me and my grandad have an IP address each from telewest, we have a router that is plugged into our modem with 3x100mbps ethernet ports and 2x10mbps ports, 1 100mbps port plugged into our modem, 1 into my grandads computer and 1 for my wireless router which i connected into with my laptop. Anyway basically i wanted to know if it would work setup like this:

    See Diagram: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

    Also has anyone already got anything like this setup?

  3. virtual reality is going too far, yeah sure its ok but if someone gets addicted to it they will get confused with the real world, even cause psychological problems. E.g. say if some loser who failed thoughout their education and ended up living in a dead end flat with a dead end job got virtual reality where they had a perfect life, a pretty wife, perfect job, big house and got used to it and then eventually realised that it was all fake. He would think that he is a loser not worth living and probably end up killing him/herself.But hey thats just my opinion.

  4. lol today i got expelled from my school because they think i hacked them, all i did was go into school with my laptop and connect to there network with an ethernet cable and browse the net.oh and captured a few kilobytes of data with ethereal.oh come on whats so bad about that :)do you think they went overboard in expelling me?

  5. hey, i have a problem its not just with linux though its with *bsd also.when i try to install linux or freebsd on my laptop it doesn't work, well freebsd doesn't boot it just goes to the main screen and stops there/crashes. Linux, well linux installs ok but after that it keeps crashing like every 5 min so i have to uninstall it and put windows back on, my laptop has 60gb hdd, 1.5ghz intel celeron m processor and 1gb of ram so i cant see what the problem is, why does linux keep crashing on my laptop and is there any small distro of linux that uses less processing power + ram than others.

  6. hey check out http://www.phpfreaks.com/ there is a tutorial on user/membership on there. As for users + profiles, you could add a table to your database called UserProfs or something else with these columns.


    Email Address,

    Real Name

    and more then just create a php file like this:

    <?phpif (isset($user)) {$db_server = "localhost";$db_database = "members";$db_user = "user";$db_pass = "pass";mysql_connect($db_server, $db_user, $db_pass) or die("Could not connect to database server.");mysql_select_db($db_database) or die("Could not select database.");$query = "SELECT * FROM $db_database WHERE username=$user";$results = mysql_query($query);$num = mysql_numrows($results);if ($num > 0) {$email = mysql_result($results, 0, "Email Address");$realname = mysql_result($results, 0, "Real Name");print "<b>Username:</b> $user<br>";print "<b>Email:</b> $email<br>";print "<b>Real Name:</b> $realname<br>";$a++;}}?>

    just learn php/mysql there are plenty of tutorials out there and its not that hard to do, here is a good tutorial that helped me: http://www.freewebmasterhelp.com/tutorials/phpmysql

  7. well today i was just sat on my bed having a bowl of cereal whilst watching tv, anyway the bowl spilled and the place directly under the bowl was my phone, it was covered in milk at first i thought it had seriously messed my phone up but after 10 minutes with a towel it worked fine, it still is working fine now, PHEW!!Tip: always keep your phone away from liquids or anything harmful to your phone, even if you think ahh nvm it wont happen to me dont even take that chance.

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    Edited Topic Title. Please make sure that topic title has to be descriptive.

  8. :sigh: ok try this then:

    <?php$ip = $REMOTE_ADDR;$host = gethostbyaddr($ip);$file = "file.html";if (file_exists($file)) {if (is_writable($file)) {$outfile = fopen($file, "a+");$input = "<font face=\"arial\" size=\"3\"><b>IP:</b> $ip<br><b>Host:</b> $host</font><br><br>";fputs($outfile, "\r\n$input");fclose($outfile);}else {print "File \"$file\" is not writable check permissions.";chmod($file, 0777);}}else {print "The file doesn't exist, creating it now. Please Refresh the page.";touch($file);chmod($file, 0777);}?>

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