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Posts posted by Dak1ng

  1. That, without a doubt, would be embarrasing.
    But it could of been worse. Imagine the punishment your friends would of dolled out for the next few weeks if it had been a video of you doing something really corney, like the video's parents take of their childrens early birthday parties where they are stuffing cake in their faces, or kissing the family dog or some such other child like foolishness.

    At least your teacher was cool about it and didn't flunk you or march you off to the principals office and kick you out of school!

    I laughed when I thought about what you said. I can actually imagine that happening to me. :)

  2. I forgot the name of the show, it may have been something along the lines of Inside Death Row. I don't think these child rapists should get 5 years. Though 5 years is a long time to think about something, the person that got abused is scarred for life. I think all cases of rape when the victim is under 13 should get a life sentence.


    The reason why I say 13 is that some teens tend to be caught up in relationships, and decide to have sex WAY too early. It pains me to see a teen getting a stat rape charge for something that would have been consensual if the other person were of age. In addition, the person facing the stat rape charge is now considered a sex offender and would be in the same category as the child rapists.


    I think the 18 year old (for consent) is mainly in place to discourage teens from having sex (which is a good thing to discouraging teens to do), but some people and the DA take things way too far.


    If a victim is under 18 and it is legit rape, I think they should be locked up for a long time, life or slightly less, depending on circumstances.

    I agree with you. I'll also make sure to check out that show if it's still on tv, if not, ill see it online.

  3. kawai, I think I had the same problem you did. When I pressed alt+0160, I just got beeps from the computer. I also tried alt+255. Didn't work either. I realized it had to be done on a number pad. I was using a laptop. You actually have to hold down two buttons. Alt, and one to access the other buttons on the keyboard. For laptops, I find that alt+0160 doesn't work. For me, what worked was:Alt+Fn+255

  4. Hi guys \o/ !
    i wanted to let you know of some plans i have !
    feel free to tell me what u think, or if i should change something to make it more of a success

    So, i plan on opening a free for all drawing cumunity, its called paintchat for you who did not know.
    its going to be quite a hassle to get everything working but im going to have a forum and different rooms
    for what you would like to draw, like a genre for example, adult rooms or roleplay rooms.
    the only reason i have for doing this is because i love drawing and doodling ! and it would be very fun to get to learn more
    people that like the same.
    I am going to have weekly events like collabs where everyone join in and make one big drawing.

    a little bit of info about paintchat:

    PaintChat (or PChat) is software for drawing and chatting on the web. Think Photoshop + AIM. It differs from Oekaki
    and similar software in that an Oekaki is an asynchronous message board system, while PaintChat is real-time drawing
    and messaging.

    The PaintChat interface is a Java applet that runs in any web browser that supports Java, including Netscape 6.2x,
    Netscape 7, Mozilla 1.4+ and Firefox. It is simple to use, yet offers many professional-quality features, including
    the JTablet Java plugin which accesses your graphics tablet's full potential.

    I hope i succeed in building a little comunity with people that love to draw and i hope u guys joins and check it out when its finnished!

    if you have any experience about hosting a paintchat or just anything about it please discuss it with me here !

    im currently trying to find out what host plan i need to have acess to Java and ssh.

    /Kawai :)

    Wow, you must be one heck of a coder to be able to do all of this. I suggest that you go with the Logic PRO plan if you're using Xisto. If you actually do get this site up and running, I'll be your very first user.

  5. I was wondering, what kind of computer do you own, take the poll, if you own more then just one check how every many you own.
    Tell us about your computer a little bit, why do you like it or why do you not like it?

    I personally own a Mac Mini running OSX Leopard 1 Gb memory, 78 GB hard drive( wish it was more ) and a 1.83 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo processor.

    HAH! I'd take yours any day over mine:

    Gateway Laptop model MX60027 running Windows XP Home Edition x32-bit, 50 GB HDD (Surprisingly I've still got 10 Gigs of space left), Intel Celeron M 360 processor, and 256 MB RAM.

  6. TheDisturbedOne--I'm not familiar with the Sacco and Vanzetti case, but from what you said I can guess what it was about. However, I think that they should get the death penalty, no matter what. Child predators/rapists usually don't get the life sentence or death sentence unless the offense was under some extreme conditions. Though, they should assign it to those criminals. After they've served their sentence, the go and do it again. The thought of a child rapists flat out disgusts and angers me. When I see stories on the news about some little 8 year old girl being raped, and the predator getting something like 5 years in jail, I get frustrated with the court system, but mostly at the predator. Also, about people changing in jail - of course they'll change in jail! I would want a slim,slim, chance of being released too. Also, what show was that?-----------------------------------------------------------joeblogg - That was a big thing when he ran for president (healthcare). It needed to be reformed because people wanted it and were denied of it for stupid reasons, and so on. However, everyone new it'd cost a lot of money, but they thought it's be worth it. Though I think they could have done better on the healthcare bill that was just passed (who the #%#$@ wanted that bill to be passed?). We were already in a debt, thanks to Bush, so Obama had that problem from the start. And with the war in Iraq, healthcae, and the economy, getting the country out of debt wouldnt be very high on my list either. Plus, the american dollar gets lower in value everyday, so i dont see how they'll pay your country and other countries back anytime soon. So you guys all the way in Austrailia think about Obama too, huh?

  7. TheDisturbedOne, I agree with you on ALMOST all of your answers. You're right about his approval rating. Last year his approval rating was some 60%-80% (somewhere around there). Now its down to less than 50%. Plus, even though I support Obama, doing things like giving him a Nobel Peace Prize before he's done anything doesn't make sense. For his satisfactory rating, I'd give him a 50%. He's started health care reform, even though I didn't like the way he went about it. He's pushed for stem cell research, which I could care less about, but at least we're advancing into the future.I don't think that I'll vote for him in the 2012 elections either, unless he makes an improvement.About the death penalty, I think that we should keep it. However, it should only be applied to murderers, and rapists/child predators. In my mind, I think these are the worst crimes that can be committed on a person.About the Health Bill, I think that it is crap. Pure crap. It shouldn't have passed, but it did. Cutting medicare, government run health care, we get more socialist by the minute. I thought this was a Democracy. About the economy, we've had slight and major increases, which would always be undercut by huge losses the next day. In the automotive part of the economy, Ford and GM seem to be doing a little better, but Chrysler is getting slaughtered (down 42%).I got two things we can debate about: Health Care, the Death Penalty, or the Economy. Your pick. :)

  8. In 2008, Barack Obama was elected as President of the United States. He promised that he'd improve health care for americans, withdraw the troops by 2013 (or 2012), and get us out of the economy slump. When he was elected, I thought that he'd "save" America. Since I'm highly Democrat (I'd slit my throat before I'd vote for a Republican), I voted for Obama, in hopes that he'd improve the American economy, and help save the environment. So, I only have these questions:How well do you think Obama's done since he's been elected?What is your satisfactory rating for him?Did you think he's done as well as you thought he'd do?Did you vote for Obama?

  9. This is the reason many people stay away from iTunes. There are many other websites on the net which offer legal downloads without DRM. But the problem is not all songs may be available in this format :) But I absolutely hate DRM because it doesn't allow us to do whatever we want with the product that we have paid for!. It's completely meaningless to be honest....

    I stick with iTunes because it's way more reliable than sites that offer free mp3 downloads.

  10. I'm not a hardware fanatic, but there's something that caught my eye:
    Isn't that something like 1000€? That sounds affordable, the first desktop in our house cost that much. It was in the old days... it's still up and running tho.
    Here's that 3X7R3M3 Baniboy desktop's specifications:

    AMD Athlon something(don't remember) 1.9 GHz
    ATI Radeon X300 (ow yeah! This can run crysis, I bet it can run 2 of them at the same time! :( )
    512 MB RAM! (It's all antique now, I guess I could get a nice price of these on eBay as a collection item :) )
    2 Optic memory readers/writers
    That's about all I remember about it's specs

    When was that computer made? And also 1000 euros is way more than $1250... for example:

    1 Euro > 1 Dollar

    Core i7 has been around for a while. Admittedly it has been priced very highly, putting it out of the reach of most people, but enthusiasts have been using Core i7 for a few months now. The Core 2 Duo range is being pretty much phased out now in favour of the Core i5 label for mid-range processors.
    As for extreme specs, check out the PCs entered into CustomPC's Dream PC contest this year. The winning entry featured the following specs:

    Two words: Holy S***
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