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Posts posted by youngHUNTER

  1. The only time you are going to setup in BIOS is to set the default display (AGP or PCI). Once the OS boots up, right click to access your display function and select setting tab. It's self explanatory.


    I currently have two 19inch monitors to aid me in video editing production and it works wonders (no more cramming 7 menu windows in one monitor).


    I remember when I assembled my computer I used another AGP Video card. There is a built-in video in the motherboard, which would be needed to setup inside bios to set the primary as you said, Is it possible that instead of using AGP and PCI I used the built-in and another AGP.. my setup before is working but the video on board will not work...

  2. Hey everyone my name is ryan I am new here as you can probobly tell.


    Hello Ryan, how do you do? I am new here also how do you find this site? me from my friend, anyway both you and me welcome to this site? no body welcome me when I came in... anyway I find this site very interesting, see, there 's a lot of topics here wherein you can learn many things about computers. Hope you and I and the rest of the member enjoy the rest of our spare time here....



  3. The goverment have all the time to do what are wanted to do. it could be out of the public or not. Hacking computers could be their ways to track down illegals as ARNEL said, but this chore has the authority to do, it is not means that goverment can do everything they want and how about our privacy as we are talking about? I believe that even they don't tell to the public that they do hacking for justice I know they did it quitely. As an individual it would be okay for me if the goverment hack my computer? but for those in the business or firm will not be okay for them. maybe they are more focus on the company's computer not the private pc, maybe they could but not so often... Anyway hacking could be in good or bad ways, if they just hack pc's for gather informations that they think they could give them lead to the target well, thats fine, but hacking and destroying computer that was more violence and expenssive...:unsure:

  4. Well, when I was in high school I don't even know the actual look of computer because I don't computer subject... When I was in college I started using computer but found it to hard for me to used, word, excel, paintbrush is very difficult for me. Now I learned how important the computer is, and today, if you don't know computer phased out. he he he.. Lately I realize how important the technology is, so I think children now especially high school student should learn to live in the modern world. "COMPUTER" must be part of there subject... Anyway, kids now are very smart when it comes to computer, my neighbor having two computers at home for their two kids, the kids about 5 and 8 years of age, they know how to used computers, play counterstrike, warcraft, and many more.. how interesting but they only knew games,,, thats not what the children should learn about computer... not only games but instead, to play and to create the games...I agreed with you people, computer is part of our lives... :-) I started to think how to teach my 3 year old daughter to learn computer.. :unsure:

  5. Well the other day I was having some hardware problems or something and I could not get to the bottom of it. I thought if only there were some way to find out what happened. Then I thought about it and realized there could be some sort of black box that could record critical changes to the BIOS and other system critical settings. You could boot the black box instead of a normal hard drive, cd drive, ect. Then you could fix what happened. This could also reset your entire pc to its original settings. So what does everyone think?


    I never heard that before, black box in my computer.. I think that was interesting...How does black box works? Do you have that piece of junk in your computer...?

    I seem you own an airplane. Please give the link wherein I can learn more about the black box....:unsure:

  6. I absolutly love these free font sites people are posting, there are so many to chose from  :unsure:  I have downloaded a few and am wondering how to use them in word or frontpage. I didnt see anything like import font or anything. is it possible?


    Yes, actually you can used that fonts in all windows applications, if you have the files already in your computer just follow the steps below to add fonts to your computer.


    1. Open your control panel

    2. Click on the Fonts Folder, there you can see many fonts already exist, these fonts was included in the operating system, it installed together with the operating system. These are you default fonts availabe in your computer.

    4. Under the font folder click on the file menu and click the import new font. locate the folder wherein your new font was located and click ok all the way down... if you notice there are progress bar which indicates that the font was added into your PC.


    Or you can simply copy the new font and go to the font folder and paste there.. just simple as abc...


    it is recommended to restart your computer to properly installed the new font...:D


    What do you think???

  7. My freind and i were talking the other day (we both know very little about computers, but im trying to learn  :D ) and he was saying that he thought u could put two video cards on one pc.  He also stated that you could sorta mix and match i told him he really had no clue what he was talking about and there was no way you could ever put a radeion with a nividia even if you could put two cards on one comp.  was he right? it dosnt really make sense to me. I thought you could just have one  :unsure:


    Actually you can do that, put two video card in one cpu, I did it before but you know you need to configure both, or else only one will work... I forgot the configuration becuase I've done it once... but I know it is inside the bios setup...:D


    You know those games with multiple monitor? some of them uses more than 1 video card that is why the display can as many...:D

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