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Posts posted by don7040

  1. Stay Away from TCF

    Tcf Bank Review


    I Agree with everyone that has a complain against TCF. It is by far the worst, pathetic bank ever. I worked at TCF Bank for over three years and was a supervisor for over two years. In simple words at first I would tell you the reason for poor banking experience of the customers that bank there. TCF which stands for "the customer first" has nothing to do with customers. As a matter of fact they are the last. TCF is all about sales. As other employees of the bank mentioned about the horrible sales goals that they give to their employees, the problem is not the goals, the problem is the termination that follows if you don't meet the goals. Most people that get a job at tcf are the usually young aged people that have no experience in the banking field. They take a while to get trained, but before they can be fully trained they get fired to either not meeting their sales goals, or the manager not liking them, or violating some stupid policy.


    As for the exceptions, most of the time TCF will refuse the large transactions just because the supervisor/manager on the shift does not want to deal with dealing with large transactions. Managers NEVER and I mean it Never follow the same policy for all their customers. Most of the time their denials are based on how they feel about a particular customer. If they don't like you they will find a reason to refuse whatever it is that you have requested. If they do like you they will make all the exceptions. As for a supervisor/manager's ability to make an exception, they can basically get anything approved that they want other than fee waivers.


    The ridicules terminations at the bank leaves the management having to retrain new staff every few months and that results in uninformed tellers and poor customer service.


    If any one wants to challenge this, try going to a few different TCF and ask the same questions, something that requires managers/supervisors involvement. You will get a different answer from every branch you visit. This is purely because of lack of knowledge of the bank's policy to begin with.


    TCF terminates any employee that they basically feel like, the persons making these decisions are managers/supervisors/Regional managers/HR dept. There a hundereds of policies at the bank and from time to time they get violated in error. If they don't want you they will get rid of you.


    I have seen people get terminated from TCF for the most absurd reasons. There are times when people have been terminated without reasons. When the emplyee questioned at the time of termination for the reason they were directed to the HR dept. HR dept refused to give any information because they called it an internal bank affair. The only thing that was told to that employee was that it was a policy violation. This is the reason for poor service.


    As for the fees, yes the customer does have responsibility to manager their account properly, except everyone makes a mistake here and there, and when they do TCF takes full advantage of it. They show to mercy. If someone used their debit card to purchase four items and a check was presented for payment, TCF will pay the biggest amount first, overdraw the account and then charge fees on all the smaller transactions even if the small charges were done before the big transaction. Customers are told that its just the way things posted on the account.


    They recently started a new scam, this is the latest. If you have been banking with TCF for a while, they will make your checks available for use right away. If you ask the teller at the time of a deposit if the money is available to use, they will reply yes. But when you do use the money they will hit you with lots of fees which they call "unavailable funds fee" even though they tell you that the money is available. If you ask they will even print it on the paper. Except after you are hit with the fee the matter doesnt go anywhere. When you call the customer service to complain, they waive one fee and make you happy.


    The bank employees are pressured so much to get sales that if you ever go into a bank to do some kind of maintenence on your account, like ordering checks on changing your adress on the account, it will never get done until you repeatedly go back.


    TCF is exteremly cheap. They do not hire personal bankers to open accounts or bring in sales. They do not have a seperate line for business account holders (so basically if you are a business owner that brings in a lot of cash, you would have to bring it in and hand it to the teller with zero privacy). They usually have one teller and a manager working on a shift. If they have more people scheduled they must go in jewel stores to get accounts.


    There is no set way of resolving customer issues at the branch level. Regionals usually ignore customer issues. And if the complaint is filed through customer service it is directed to the Branch, which then could be simply be deleted by any person of management.


    They are also very sloppy. Most of the time if you present a request that require filling paperwork, its usually just sits around on the teller line or in the office where anyone could easily grab it. This could be seen when you visit the branches, there are all sorts of papers laying around. Usually those papers have customer socials, acount numbers and such.


    TCF cares about nothing but new accounts opened. They don't care about the Customers and don't care about the employees, atleast the ones that cant fool people into opening account several times during a given shift.


    They constantly loose deposits because the back end of TCF is just as sloppy as the retail side. Customers issues and requests usally are passed around from one person of management to another and ends up getting lost, most of the time. They literally lie about policies to customers if they are unsure.


    Any TCF employee can search and get details on anyones account as long as they have an account with TCF. Information such as ssn, DL #, D.O.B and such are available to all bank staff regardless of customers presence.


    TCF employees constantly fool existing customer into changing from one account to another because they are given credit toward their sales for that. They will literally take you out of a good account and put you in a type of account that doesnt suit your needs just so they can get their credit.


    There are some few TCF locations with very good management staff and experienced tellers where all this doesnt happen, or doesnt happen as often rather but these good locations only account for less than 5% of TCF.


    I can write pages more of how bad the bank operates, but people always come to TCF because of its free checking promotions and incentives that are usually given out of acount openeing. Otherwise the employees have to figure out a way if they want to keep their jobs.

    Which TCF bank was that so I can avoid it.
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