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Posts posted by DragonKing01

  1. xbox is defintly better than ps2. as for pc, i dont really have any favorite games for it so its not my favorite game system. i like being able to store music and being able to listen to them during the game. xbox live is the best online service in my opinon. having all those competitors at a buttons click and then getting put in a game of your skill level. xbox is just awesome.

  2. i think they need to come out with a cartridge that allows you to surf the internet using a wireless router or connection. That would be awesome to be able to surf on the ds. Hopefully it comes online soon. It sorta gets boring playing against with people that are close to my ds.

  3. yea i think there has been announcement that they are making codename xenon. Everything that has been in development is locked down like there is no tomorrow so anything rumor wise redmond just keeps saying they confirm or deny the feature. though i have heard other details about it from other places and differnt things from other places. right now everything about it is just rumor.

  4. Yes xbox next (codenamed: xenon) is going to be awesome i hope. Hopefully microsoft will keep all the good features from the first xbox. Microsoft of course has not let anything spec wise or appearence. Hopefully they will have more details when E3 this year comes. Or atleast make a press release and tell some more about it.

  5. yes try to install the installation file it came with, if that does not work go over your changes. Though i think, that m.points should go right after m.temp_ban. I am not for sure because i am not that good at phpThough, you can get a newer version of IPB because they restored the trials, they have limits though unlike v2.0PF4

  6. I didnt just here that. Sorry but CS is that good of a game. To me, it could lay on the street and 20 cars could run over the disc and i wouldnt care[actually i would a bit because i had to spend $50 to get that game]. Halo is tons better. In every cateogory you can score it in. Just wait till Nov. 9 when most people that have an xbox will more than likely be playing halo 2.

  7. No the november 9 release day will stay. If you read the Official Xbox Magazine Issue December 2004 they have a review of it. Though it was already tranfered to RTC, so it will release on the expected day. As for the piracy of it, i think that when they find out who was the leaky source it will probably be gone after a couple weeks. That sucks that other people can't wait to get while others are waiting for official release. If we can wait they can wait.

  8. PSP does not even have a price yet. i would think it would be anywhere from $450 to $300 dollars. It will be probably crushed because of all the parts that made the price skyrocket. For function i would get the psp if i even had that kind of money to spend. Though the DS is look a bit promising for the price. Not bad for the functions it has.

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