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Posts posted by Spudd

  1. You have to pay to use Xbox Live. It is an excellent service, and I do find it superior to the online services for the other two leading consoles, but those let you connect for free. Last I checked, it was $50 for a year, or $20 for three months. That's my main gripe.Another problem I'm sure you're already aware of is the red ring of death. This sometimes happens to your 360 when you least expect it and renders it unusable. In my long time with my 360, I have never seen the red ring of death, so I can't say much about that, but it does happen, so you should be aware of it. If it's under warranty, just send it in to Microsoft and have them fix it. If not, and you're too cheap to pay to have them fix it, there is a trick involving towels and overheating that doesn't sound 100% safe, but apparently does work. If you want to do that, there are videos all over youtube about that.I would get the new 360 if I were you. I don't know how compatible it is with modding, but it is worth it for the built in wireless adapter and hard drive. Wireless adapters are about $100, and you will not be able to find a bigger external hard drive than the one in their new 360.I'd recommend you get either Halo 3, Halo: Reach, or Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 if you have friends you want to play with online, as these are the games most 360 gamers tend to have. If you're looking for a top notch single player experience, then look into the Bioshock games, Mass Effect 1/2, Assassin's Creed 1/2, Resident Evil 5, or Devil May Cry 4. Some other games which can be played online, but are best for local four-player multiplayer are Rock Band 2, Guitar Hero 5, and Castle Crashers. Anyway, if you get the new 360, it already comes pre-loaded with a nice big hard drive, but you can bu fairly sizable ones separately as well if you really want one of the older XBoxes. (They do get a bit pricey, though.)Hope this helps. ;)

  2. Final Fantasy VII was not the worst game I ever played, but it might be the most overrated game I've ever played. It's made out to be a masterpiece game which changed the face of gaming and set a new standard for RPGs, but that simply isn't true. Aside from the games that followed which copied Final Fantasy VII's gameplay and story elements, (most of which were made by Square as well,) it had little influence on future RPGs in general. Most of FF7's gameplay elements were seen in earlier installments in the series; the primary *new* feature in FF7 was simply that the game was in 3D. Unfortunately, it's just another case of a perfectly average game getting far too much hype.As for the WORST game I've ever played, there was this game on the Atari 2600 I don't even remember the name of, with a grid, and a little dot you moved around on the grid, with other dots that seemed to move around the grid at random as well... I could not for the life of me figure out how to play it, and we didn't get it with instructions...Does that not count because it's an Atari game? Perhaps I'll go with Easter Bunny's Big Day, then. It's a game a friend of mine had for the PSX which primarily involves solving Jigsaw puzzles as fast as possible with a few mediocre minigames. That's the one I'll go with.

  3. I'm a big fan of memHT, personally. (https://www.memht.com/) It may come pre-installed with a bunch of modules that you won't want, but at least that way you have a nice wide selection of modules to start with, and don't have to go through a load of addons. Another thing I really like about it is that it has a built in forum that actually looks and feels somewhat like a typical phpBB or Invision board, as opposed to some CMSes that have very minimalistic forums, or even none at all. It's very easy to customize, and very fun to use. It's a little bit bloated in terms of features, which I know some of you might not like, but it's great if you don't have a lot of PHP and MySQL knowledge.

  4. I have written several lengthy posts recently, but my MyCents haven't been updating at all; they're the same as they were two days ago. Now my hosting account has been suspended, and my site is down. Is this some sort of glitch, or have the post requirements for getting MyCents been seriously modified? If I can't get enough MyCents to get my site back up and running in time, I'll be forced to look elsewhere for site hosting. I don't want to do that, as I have a LOT of content on thew site that I won't get back, and I really like having that domain name, but I may not have a choice. :/

  5. Personally, I like the way real instruments sound. If you listen to synthesized pianos, violins, guitars, etc, versus real pianos, violins, guitars, etc., the difference is quite obvious. Synthesized instruments are perfect which is both a pro and a con, though in general I think it's more of a con, since you don't get the error and emotion that goes into a real person playing a real instrument, which sounds more natural. It is true that these imperfections can be simulated, but in general I prefer the sound of real instruments. Although, a combination of the two can be quite effective as well

  6. I don't ave ODST, and so far haven't gotten a beta code. Not that it matters, considering my PC probably couldn't run it. :)It looks great though. I really enjoyed playing Halo 3 with my buddies, and Reach looks even better. I'm sad that they removed dual wielding; I know it was broken and overpowered and didn't give good rifles a chance, but I still had a lot of fun with that. :P

  7. Human beings and animals are not the same. Some say humans evolved from monkeys, which evolved from fish, which evolved from some sort of prehistoric slime when it was struck by lightning or whatever the latest theory is. My personal belief is that we were created independently from other creatures, and that creatures were created independently from each other as well. Many argue the similar bone structure between dinosaurs and birds, or again, people and apes. There are other explanations, however, which are ignored by most "scientists." As a Christian, my belief is that God merely used a framework for us, similar to that which was used for the apes. Why? Because with some adjustments, it has everything we need to create, to express ourselves, to be fully aware of the wonderful world God created for us, and to fully appreciate it. I know most of you do not share that belief, and that is your prerogative, but I think there are other things that separate us from the animals.Some of you have argued that humans desire the same things that animals do. Self-preservation. This is false, and I can tell you why. We will start with self-preservation. If this is true, how can a human being risk their life for another? How can a human commit suicide? How is it that so many humans do drugs knowing full well that they may very well kill them? How is it that there are so many humans all over the world who give so much and expect little to nothing in return? No one wants to die, this much is true, but there is something drastically different between humans and animals in this department.Another place where animals and humans differ is the realm of creativity. Animals are built for the survival of their species, and humans are as well, but for more than just that. You see, humans are the only "creature" on earth with a sense of art. Some can argue that animals create art as well, but these can usually be explained; they are often used for attracting a mate, or for luring prey, and for other various reasons. Art has nothing to do with self-preservation; it is not used for attracting mates (generally speaking, of course), not for warding off predators, not for luring prey, it is merely something we do to share with other people, and to glorify our creator. Art cannot be explained by a scientist, nor can it be explained through the primary scientific theories, evolution, the big bang, etc.One who claims that humans and animals are one and the same is being ignorant of the many qualities in humans that separate us from the animals. Animals serve their purpose, and we serve ours, but another thing that differentiates humans from animals is that we determine our own purpose. Animals are born with their life all laid out for them. Humans, on the other hand, decide for themselves how they're going to live their life.

  8. MyCents have always taken a while to update, this is nothing new. Secondly, I don't have any problems loading the pages on this forum in Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome, if you're still on Microsoft Internet Explorer, you should really consider joining the rest of the world and getting a new browser:Mozilla Firefox:https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/new/ Google Chrome:https://www.google.com/chrome/
    Personally, I rather like the new forums; they look more professional, and have plenty of new features. There is something I don't like, though:First off, this may seem petty, but on the new toolbar at the bottom of the browser, there is a button that says "Setup ur own Website." I find it extremely unprofessional to be using texting-speak on a button that we all see in the middle of the page. I know some businesses are hopping onto the "u" bandwagon and abandoning "you," but such businesses usually have a product that targets pre-teen age customers. Most of us are adults here, please change it to "Setup your own Website.

  9. I don't think anyone will accept your request, and here's why: For starters, you have no ideas for the game, you don't even know what kind of game it will be yet, and you have already stated that you expect your "collaborator" to do all the coding. You also expect that they will bring a lot of money to the table. What do YOU plan to do as the leader of this project? I get the vibe that you don't actually have much experience with this sort of thing and are planning to leech off of someone else's talent. I may be mistaken, but that it what your post would lead me to believe, as you don't seem to give the reader any idea of what you plan to contribute. Another thing in your post that I take issue with is that you transition from talking about making a flash gave, to running a big money making business, "like Microsoft." You plan to do this off of one low budget flash game made by two random Joes who met on the internet? I hate to break it to you, but there are 1,000's of flash games all over the internet, and do you know how many single flash games led to becoming a Microsoft sized business giant? None. And you're not JUST talking about becoming a big business, you want to create a two section business? One to make money, and one for open source? You really think you're going to be making SO much money from your one business that you'll have enough money to support a no-revenue open source development team? And again, we're still talking about this coming from a post to discuss setting up a flash game dev team with NO real qualifications.Here's what I think you're trying to do: You are trying to make money, and a lot of it, very quickly, with little to no effort. I hate to break it to you, but in the real world, that doesn't happen. You can't make something out of nothing. If you want to run a business like this, there are things that you need:-Money (Via Loan works too)-Experience-A planYou have none of these. Get them, and then try to get employees. That, or learn flash and do some independent development of your own before you ask people to put in hard work for you with no reward in sight.

  10. I played this game a long time ago. It was pretty good, and fun to play for a while, but the game eventually got boring. There just wasn't enough about this game to separate it from all the other so-so MMORPGs you can find for free on the internet. Pick a class, buy some armor, get skills, grind on monsters, do quests, etc.. Nothing new, nothing special.

  11. Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door

    I know this game is pretty old now; I just recently bought it, though. I had rented it twice in the past, and thought it was really something, so recently I had the urge to play it again and bought it. I purchased it online and when they shipped it it came all scratched up and didn't work and had to get a replacement which made me made, but I digress. It's an amazing game; I wish more RPGs were like this one. Many RPGs (Final Fantasy games, I'm looking at you) try to be more like movies, and don't involve the player in anything really important unless they absolutely have to. If that bugs you, the Paper Mario games will be a breath of fresh air. Sure, they (or at least the first two,) are still turn based, but every action in battle has the player do some sort of tricky input to make the moves work better, and you can dodge and block enemy attacks with god timing too. The characters in it are also very likable; they are all well characterized, and some of them have some awesome back-stories as well. I think it's a load of fun, and highly recommend it.

    If anyone's having trouble finding the game I bought mine online from Gamestop's website for $15.00, about $20 with shipping. You can also get it on Amazon for a fairly low price.

    I beat it back when I rented it, so I guess you could say I'm on my second play-through. I'm on chapter 5 right now, Keelhaul Key. I think I'm level 14 and have roughly 15 hours on my savefile. The game is still fun the second time around.

  12. Really like your first one, the "Gamerz Law" one. The effects make it interesting, but it doesn't feel too busy or cluttered either. I'll give that one an eight out of ten.As for the other one, it's kinda so-so. It seems like you could have done more with it, maybe given it a border. It's usable, but I think your first one was better on the whole. That one gets a six out of ten.

  13. Linekill, how long do you think a domesticated animal would survive if let free to roam as it pleased? They would most likely be hit by a car or eaten by some animal that actually belongs in the wild. The dog or cat may find the great outdoors enticing, but the truth of the matter is that they wouldn't like it after one night. Depending on the pet, they could freeze to death, it could be VERY hard for them to find decent food, and as I already pointed out, they're a target for both predators as well as your windshield. Although to be honest, I see where you are coming from; if you hate dogs and cats, setting them free would be the perfect way to be cruel to your pets and not feel as much remorse as if you had killed them with your bare hands.

  14. Singing can help promote literacy, as is the case with reading, and writing. Also, singing is a great tool for remembering things, the patterns in the songs help the brain digest the information quite easily, so your kids are likely to retain much of what they hear. One might argue that because you bought them in DVD form, the kids will just be glued to the TV and not actually learning, but as long as they are actively participating in the music it shouldn't be an issue. And even then, some TV is okay in moderation, and can be quite educational.

  15. Wow, seems to work really well, even better than TinyURL, if you ask me. (You get shorter URLs and the layout is less cluttered.) Small URLs are generally a good thing for putting your site in a signature with limited character space, and for that I think sites like this are an excellent utility.As for advertising it, there are many ways you can go about it. You can, as another poster already pointed out, put a link to your site in your signature. You can also affiliate with other sites, which might bring in a little traffic. (It appears that you already have a few.) Then there are those top 100 sites; they aren't perfect, but they can get you some hits as well. Hope these suggestions are helpful.

  16. I do not have Pokemon: HeartGold, nor SoulSilver, but they look great. Gold and Silver were probably my favorite games in the whole series. They had the day/night system, which was abolished in the Game Boy Advance Pokemon games which made me rather sad. It also had so many little extra things to do, like the bug catching contest, which was a lot of fun. Then, of course, they let you go back to Kanto when you cleared Johto, doubling the game's length, which was a major plus. I loved Gold and Silver, and from what I hear, HeartGold and SoulSilver are even better. Sadly, I dropped my original copy of Pokemon Gold into a bowl of tomato soup. (Don't ask me how.) So anyway, I'll definitely be getting this if I get the chance, most likely I will get Pokemon HeartGold.

  17. I've only played 1.6, and from what I can see, I'm going to stick with it. Counter Strike 1.6 is one of the few first person shooter games I've actually been able to run at a proper framerate. I also love the level of extendability with it. My vote would have to be for Counter Strike 1.6

  18. This one is, in my own personal opinion, the best video converter you will find:


    It handles numerous different formats. It also works very quickly. The one downside is the limited number of conversions per day, but unless you're trying to make a Youtube Poop or something, five conversions should be plenty. (And if it isn't, you can always do five more the next day. :angel: )

  19. Internet Explorer 6 was one of the worst browsers still being used. It was slow, ugly, rendered things poorly, and had no customization whatsoever. I won't miss it, and I can't see why anyone else would. Good riddance. Maybe this'll give those people who are still in the dark ages with their internet browsers a chance to look into a browser that's actually good, such as Mozilla Firefox, or Google Chrome.

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