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Posts posted by sils232

  1. Before we take step thinking that aliens visited earth , we must discribe the meaning of alien.Purely alien is an out-sider, means it didn't develop on earth from the beginning.and thinking about this more alien can be a small bacteria rather than those movie filmed aliens with such or so weird faces.So i believe aliens did visit earth but not at this times, but far back when our atmosphere was still at her diapers.Take this view of point to other directions

  2. Welcome around Siner! Have a good time here. Also that's cool I also know how to do valid xHTML and CSS websites but I don't have really much practice. I'm focusing on design more and I'm 16 as well :lol: . Nice to meet you !

    Uh!, Nice to know that you like to get involve in coding, I personelly like using php :P
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