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Posts posted by ashton

  1. Dr. Phil is someone from the U.S.A who gives families advice on how to do things (varies from family to family). It is a day-time talk show basically.My real dad gets like that sometime with money. Sometimes he will be super nice and send you to the movies with fifty dollars then the next day he wants his change back after he told you you could spend it all.My step dad always has to be right. It's bothersome because if you get into trouble he will ask you a question and directly after that he'll ask "Am I right or wrong?" and when you tell him his wrong he will get pissed off and continue on for another hour proving to you why he is right. By then you just give in and say he is right.But my advice to you is to speak with a grandparent, aunt, uncle or someone and tell them what's going on. Hopefully they talk to them. (I'm not sure how close you are to your family but this is what I would do because I am somewhat close with some of my family.) Or get a therapist because that kind of environment could be un-healthy in the long run.I really hope your dad realizes what he is doing before it's too late. Best of luck to you. ;)

  2. nine times out of ten, yes I do get depressed. I never really break up with my boyfriends (unless I move, but I don't count that) they break up with me. I don't jump from relationship to relationship like some people I know. i actually give it a thought. If I get into the relationship, I figure it should work. It never seems to work that way. ;) I get over it though :D.

  3. I think we should. Mainly because I'm a military brat and I know alot of people who have gone to Iraq. Some have come back hurt and my best friend's brother was killed. I don't care about all of the so called reasons behind why we should stay because if you were in many of my and my friends shoes you would feel the same to! I honestly believe Bush had his mind set on going to Iraq when he first got into office. He didn't have solid evidence of the so -called "weapons of mass destruction". We should just pull out. We have Saddam, Bin Laden is no where to be found.And the US economy is like non-existence. We are in debt up in everyone's asses. Michigan is like one of the worst-off states. and I live there. At fifteen I can not find a job. Before the war, my brother at fourteen had two jobs!Yup, that's what I believe.We need to get out of there.

  4. I'm new to this forum and do not know whether this has been discussed or not, so I'll dive right in and start something controversial.


    This thread is really about whether gay marriage should be allowed, not whether it is right or not. I think to disagree but still allow something is the ultimate example of tolerance.



    I am very supportive of homosexual marriages. It doesn't bother me at all. I have a lot of non-heterosexual friends and associates. The way I see it is that happiness is all everyone really wants. And if a human being finds the happiness they been looking for another human being of the same gender than so be it. Who are we to say that its wrong? Because when it all comes down to it the only one to judge is God (or whom ever you believe in).

  5. It's a shame I know, I've made 32 post and have introduce myself offically. :D Anyway my name is Ashton. And for the record I am a female. I am fifteen years old, going into the ten grade (sophmore). My favor color is pink. My hobbies include: photography (I'm a very very beginner), web designing, using Adobe Photoshop and helping others. I hope to start driver's education in the winter. :(

  6. Will you get tattoos? do you already have them? if your going to get them what is it? if you already have them what is it and whyd you get it or why will you get it?


    I want one really bad. I want to get it on my anckle or shoulder but my step dad said its painfull to get it on the bone so I should aim for my thigh or stomach or something. I don't even know what I want a tattoo of... I just want one.

  7. I currently have a 5GB Creative Lab Zen Micro. It hold 2,500 songs. I liked iPods when they first came out but everyone has one now, plus their like $300 dollars. And there is alot of space on those things, that I know I would never use so why spend so much money?

  8. Okay, there is some good advice giving in here so I think I could benefit from this.(background stuff)The school year before last (eigth grade) I left my current school and moved to Ft. Knox but in the second quarter of last school year (ninth grade) I moved back. Well, of course the are new faces. So I sat next to this guy named Kris the entire time I was in school in a Spanish class. We really never said a word to each other of true importance but towards the end of the year we started talking. I treated him like I treat my other male friends; I yell at them, hug them, hang on them, whatever. But when the school went to Cedar Point for the end of the year trip, he started hitting on me. Now I'm a very shy person under pressure and he asked me out in front of our friends; I like broke out into a sweat, I told him I didn't no.(end background)After awhile he got my number from a mutal friend and we talked and went out a few times, and he asked me again, I told him yes. But of course that's not my problem. A few weeks into being 'offical', he got upset when he found my website and saw that it still said that I was single. I mean between talking to and spending time with him, job hunting and keeping up my credits here, I never got around to changing it. Then he goes into this whole rant about me being embarrassed of him and kept bring up the events at Cedar Point when I 'turned him down'. So we're on a 'break'.So am I like should I try and work this out over something so small? or just kill the relationship now before something else small happens again?

  9. At my dad's house everyone has their own computer in their own areas of the house (My dad's is in the basement, step-mother's in her office and me and my sister's in our respective rooms) all connected to the internet. It was always that way since about Christmas 2000 (I was ten). But it wasn't until months later that we(my sister and I) found out no matter how much our parents loveed and 'trusted' us, they didn't trust us enough. They had a program (which was invisible, and you couldn't find unless you installed it) on our computers in which would record every website we went on, every program we had open, for how long it was open, and every single key we hit in those programs. It wan't until my mother found out they were reading my email that she stepped in and cursed them out for invading HER privacy and they took it off. :unsure: very amusing.At my mother's though it a different story. The computer is in the family room with the screen facing the seating area. ANNOYING. I'm on it most of the time, at night, mainly because by that time everyone has left, gone to bed, or is off the computer. And if I get on during they day everyone is like, "what are you doing?", "whats that?" or like looking over my shoulder and pulling seats up next to me.Blah, all all, yes computers in your room is some much better all long as you don't have crazy parents. :D

  10. Here is a few tips you should keep in mind if you like a girl and dont want ppl to know, and u flirt with her.


    1)if you like do something to her that looks like ur flirting with her dont do it until she does it to u, or esle it makes it to obvious.


    2)NEVER do serious things that will jsut blow ur cover, eg. hugging her in front of your class when you dont want pl to know u like her.


    3) Don't hang out in public-.- a classmate sees u ur in deep *BLEEP*...


    4) Only go to her house on a day when none of her friends come to her house any time of the day...


    That is all i got for now....


    Hiding your feelling about anything is not healthy, first of all. Second of all, I'm to young to be 'in love'. Seriously are you still in Middle school? This is very...stupid, I guess that's the word to describe it. Don't do it till she does it to you? What kind of BS is that? The whole point of 'doing it first' is to see if she likes you back. I hang out with boys in public all the time, what the big deal if people see you? This is like some wierd guide to how to stalk a chick :unsure:

  11. I don't buy anything off eBay but your didn't come with a AC charger? I have a black Zen Mirco and it came with a disk, book, clip, stand, case, bag, USB cord, and an AC charger? Did you buy a open box? Also mine works fine while it's charging. For future reference there is a Idle Shutdown (If I have mine on pause, I have it set to turn off after five mintues) and a Sleep Timer (After thirty minutes of me playing it and not touching it, it will turn off) on it. That may help you a little until you figure out your scedule.

  12. 2. Be open -- Share your feelings. You may think guys don't care about what women feel, but we do. Believe me, it pisses us off more when you lock us out. If you're feeling bad, don't be afraid to show it, or talk to a guy about it. Guys would rather have someone to love and take care of than someone who bottles up emotions and feelings. It's fake.



    Usually when I read advice I think its crap because it seems like that's the crap that happens in movies. But, Johnny, you hit everything right on the nail with this advice. In all the good advice, I would have to say number two stuck out the most for me. Before we dated I turned my current boyfriend down more times then the fingers on my hands, I finally told him why I wouldn't date him, he was too childish. :unsure: Now I can't say he's 100% mature now but he has been working on it. :D

  13. I enjoy watching TV or at least listen to it but I do alot of things and the tv is my background noise but what I really sit down to watch is:BET Nightly News- This is the only news broadcast that I watch religiously. It give all the information I want and need without going, "And more on that later tonight", or "The nation's biggist crisis coming up." Everything is to the point and it's only 30 minutes long So I don't have to wait the entire show for the only thing I really want to see.Charmed- I have no other reasons to watch this show beside the fact I wish I could do what they can do. :unsure: Dorky, right?Hell's Kitchen- This show is hillrous (spelt that wrong probably). Plus I like to see what stupid things the contestants will say, like, "I'm going to be here till the end". Then they get fired.Degrassi- Now alot of people say it's childish but this is just about the only teen drama that is real. Arguments, fights, rape, drugs, STDs, shotings, etctera, etctera. Because teenages aren't perfect and do make mistakes. This show isn't show just the negatives either.

  14. Now I never heard of MSN Spaces (big shock to myself because I used to always be all over MSN) But in my opinion (though you might not want it) is that blogs like wordpress, greymatter, pmachine, b2, etctera, etctera make your site if they are actually on your site mainlly because you can do what you want without worrying about the TOS or whatever rules they have and customize freely. I have had many issue with blogger and blogsome and a few other free blogging host sites. I'm glad you haven't had the same expreiences as me. Also I took a look at your site. It's nice and all but I didn't comment because I have no idea what it is about. lol

  15. 1. Don't be afraid of rejection, the more nervous you are the worse it is. I have a friend who asks girls out just to be an a-hole, he's been rejected 617 times and counting, no joke. He's pretty good at dealing with it :rolleyes:



    I don't like a guy who is showing his nervousness when talking to me or asking me out. It makes me think, "Is [insert a mutual friend here] okay?" Then when he finally asks me I get a attitude because he just worked me up for that.



    2. Make sure you know the person. Most relationships come off of friendships; that's where most of mine have come from.


    4. Make sure she has at least some interest in you, my friend asks out random people and he gets rejected 99.9% of the time lol



    Most guy who approach me is friends with my friends. Now, I guess I'm to nice or the guy at my school are idiots, because even my friends get the wrong impression.


    3. If you want a girl to go out with you, you're going to have to look pretty prepared most of the time. None of that nerdy crap, if you have glasses, get contacts, ect.



    I don't mind a guy with glasses as long they are not the size of a small country. lol

  16. I'm pretty sure he'll be okay because the site was the offical UK Sims 2 site. The Sims 2 is a well-known (globally) PC game and they are too... at the top of their game to lose trust in their millions of customers. Now all I said previously goes flying out the window if he got some link off the BBS (the forums).

  17. In first or second grade, I had a huge crush on one of my brother's friend (they were fifth or sixth graders) and I decided I wanted to showw off and display my new talent of hanging upside on the monkey bars. I couldn't get on them or off, but I could hang (first/second grade genious). When I finally convinced my brother to put me up there, he and his friends ran off to play (American) football in a field maybe 200 yards away. I wanted to get down a I started yelling for my brother and he was like just jump. Being as stubborn as my mother, I waited, not patiently, while crying and yelling my head off. My arms and legs gave out and I just fell, hard. I bit my tongue and blood was coming from my mouth. I was so shook about the blood I didn't notice the pain in my neck. That is until I tried to get up. Haven't been on those things since.

  18. I would have to say that my favorite car right now is the new 2005 Mustang GT. My step-dad and step-sister have got me hooked on Mustangs. It's like we'll see a Mustang and sit there arguing about what year it is. But make to the 2005 GT, whoo it's so hot even with the stripe on it.

  19. My favorite songs as of now are (in no particular orderI:Stilettos by Crime Mob- For some reason it makes me feel better :rolleyes:Grind With Me by Pretty Rickey- This is a hip hop boy band who are really H-O-T! lolSpoiled by Joss Stone- I can relate to this song so much that is scares me.Cater 2 U by Destiny's Child- It mellow and mush and... a good song.We Belong Together by Mariah Carey- A very good song.

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