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Posts posted by Maude

  1. I had been using my computer from the date of purchase for all the online activities, right from chatting with friends to downloading music's, videos, etc., interacting friends and family members in social networking sites, online marketing, banking, and almost all the online activities that a common person does in his day to day life. My computer has the Windows XP professional, Service Pack 2, operating system at present. I had installed antivirus to safeguard against viruses. Now I am facing a problem with my computer. The system starts functioning much slower when I log in to some of the sites. I am not sure whether it is because of my Operating System or because of the website I am logging in to. Even though I try a number of things like clearing caches, temporary internet files, etc. I don't regain the actual speed. I am quite confused with the problems that started to show up recently.
    What may be the reasons for slowing up my connectivity? Is this an attack of virus or something else? What are the measures I have to adopt for getting rid of these problems? Or do I need to change my current Operating System?

    My RAM is 1 GB and HDD capacity is 40 GB, Intel Pentium 4 microprocessor.

    I will appreciate your suggestions.

    Hi asomormridle,
    Probably the anti virus software.
    I use adaware by Lavasoft. It doesn't hurt the computer or do anything strange. There's a free 10th anniversary edition available. you can try it and see if you like it.
    I have xp pro here at home, because I have dial up. I like Ubuntu better. Ubuntu is not as susceptible to viruses and it's not as much fun for the virus maker to foul up Linux.
    I'm on an old Sony Vaio with 192 memory and it runs fine.
    Run disk cleanup at least once a week.
    A freeware program, Ultradefrag is great. Download it from Sourceforge. It's fast to install and it works very well. The first time you run it, it may take a while if there are a lot of fragmented files. It does two passes. The first, it locates the fragments. The second, it defragments. If you run this once a week, it will help.

  2. My PC, Fujitsu-Siemens SCALEO P, with Dual Core 2.66 Ghz, 1 Gb RAM, Windows XP SP3, all of a sudden began to shut itself down constantly.Then it even began to grind to a halt during bootup.

    I knew the processor tended to get quite hot, so I cleaned the dust out of the fan to let it run unobstructed.

    However, the problem persisted, so I decided to try if I could do a Windows repair.
    I put in my Windows CD, and had the greatest trouble before I eventually got it to boot from the CD.
    Yet, when I put in a Linux (Ubuntu) CD, the machine booted up and even kept running without shutting down once.

    When the machine finally booted up on the Windows CD it said it could not do a repair as a previous attempt had already been made.
    I then tried to reformat the drive and re-install Windows from scratch.
    Same problem here, the greatest trouble to get it to start up, and when it finally did, it got through the copying of files, but then shut itself down again during the actual Windows installation.

    Then, my son tried to install OSX on my PC, once again, it was a success.
    The PC booted from the CD, OSX was successfully installed and the machine ran it without shutting itself down once.

    Then, another attempt was made to re-install Windows XP, same problem again, during the setup, the PC shut itself down again.
    , and another CD (of which we know it works) was used too, all to no avail.

    So, has the PC all of a sudden developed a problem with Windows, or what?
    Why does it accept every other OS with no problem but does it play up when working under, or even trying to install Windows?

    If anyone can give me any tips on why this might be happening, I would be very grateful.

    Hi mrdee, (hope I got it right)
    I did a clean install on an AMD machine this morning. Tried repair and no go. this was because the keyboard froze. During the repair, the mouse froze. It is a public access computer.
    It's possible that your computer may have some kind of conflict with Windows. Could be a device, could be who knows. Windows is an unstable os.
    I had a machine spit out four Windows installs.
    I would suggest that you go with Ubuntu 9.04. I use it on 2 public access computers and it works fine. I have no trouble with it and I like it.
    Sometimes, with Windows, you don't know what is causing the problem.
    I have 2 more Windows machines to fix and one is an emachine that's a pain.
    Good luck and let me know how it works out. I will check back tomorrow and if I can help I will certainly try.

  3. hi every-1 excuse my spelling never got an education.i have been a criminal for the last 36 years but not no more and find i have a great wealth of info that can be of some use to people out there
    ask away anything and i will do my best to find out. I have never hurt or attacked any-1 in my life so lets get that out the way and yes i no there is always victims of all crimes but lets get over the crap and try and use my knowledge to help. For example as a crook u have to change ur phone on a regular basis so u destroy ur phone. but what alot of people DONT no in england is that all nokia phones have a standard message access code(8705) and if u do not change this b4 u destroy it then all i have to do is phone voice messages from my phone access my other phone entre ur phone number then the 8705 and im in getting all the voice messages u DID NOT recieve with the numbers as people will still phone that number even though u have destroyed it. how can this help? did u no if some-1 discards, destroys there phone then they no longer own it and it is not illigal to access it by u. so if u have a company that does roofs then see if u can get there old numbers and do wot i have said and u never no u may just get the job off som-1 that wants some work doing

    Hi Willmark,
    You need to work on the uneducated act.
    It doesn't work.
    Hope to read you around the forums.

  4. How to uninstall deep freeze when it is in frozen mode??

    How Do Uninstall Deep Freezer If I Lost Password?..


    How to uninstall deep freeze when it is in frozen mode??


    Athough I read some possible anwers but I was confused..I mean if I set the bios date 3years backward to disable deep freeze...Does all my files and programs will lost or will it still be there? I have the valid password but when I entered it, it doesn't work. And I wanted to install another programs but since it is in frozen mode...Once the computer restarts, all the current changes I made will be lost...Can anybody help me please??? I wanted to uninstall deep freeze without loosing all the important programs and files I stored in my computer...


    -question by khriz

    Email support@farconics.com

    Have all the information about the product so that they know you have a valid copy. They will tell you how to work with this. You can also call them. The phone number is on the package of the product.


    I would try add/remove programs and see if you can uninstall it.

    Where I do tech, we have Clean Slate and I'd have the same problem if I didn't have the password.

    You only need to get rid of Deep Freeze. All your other programs will be there and okay.

  5. I volunteer as a legacy computer tech at a non profit.The primary end users are teens. There are video games and computers in the room.We have Windows, MACs and Ubuntu machines running.I also write fiction, which I wouldn't have admitted at one time. I am on a site where I will upload a book and see what happens.I know nothing about web hosting, I got here by looking for information about an emachine BIOS problem.I likes the post and comments, so I register.Hope everyone is well.

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