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Posts posted by WeLoveFord

  1. absolutely. for those people who've read ANGELS AND DEMONS (very very good book, you will be a smarter person after you read it) religion should be updated or else people will lose interest in it.Science and technology are taking over in this age, and if religion doesn't make allowances for science, such as accepting that evolution is more plausible than creation, then sooner or later there will be hardly any church-goers, because we strive for answers in life and science seems to be answeing them more plausibly than religion.that's just what i think.

  2. scares me...1) science teachers2) walking alone in unbusy streets after midnight3) scary movies (not good with them)what scares me a lot is when i think about growing old and not being able to say my life was worth anything. what did i accomplish? i don't want to look back when i'm 75 and see that all i've really done is fill landfills and waste water.

  3. Hello, I'm a unicyclist, and I unicycle when I'm not on the computer. I'm also in love with a guy named Ford. He doesn't know I exist. He has multiple personalities, but I'm in love with all of them. I'm obsessive compulsive, and so I just can't give up on him. I know he'll pull through therapy, I know he will. And maybe once he does, he can learn my name.

  4. Why doesn't anyone unicycle anymore? It's such a fun source of entertainment. It's a riot! I unicycle every day.In fact, all of my friends unicycle with me. We're going to start a club. We call our selves the unicyclinators. We all have really strong legs, because that's what it takes to be a unicyclist.You need stamina and endurance, and a strong work ethic. It takes time to learn how to unicycle. time and effort.and if you're suffering from any heart conditions such as angina, unicycling can clear that all up, and you'll be healthy in no time!!

  5. Here are some advantages of having a computer in your bedroom.1) you can talk to your friends all the time without having to exit because no one else will be going on.2) you can stay up as alte as you want on the internet.3) no one can see what you're using the computer for (for example, if you say you're doing homework you can play games)4) no one is ever trying to kick you off so they can have a turn.5) you can have your own settings6) you can play music off your computer in your room

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