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Posts posted by bgtone

  1. What an intriguing possibility and scenario.One possibility:The people, as a mass would have a variety of emotions and reactions. I think fear would be a dominate reaction, as common human behaviour is ?we fear what we don?t understand?. After the intensity of the first 4 or so hours I think we would begin to digest the reality of the situation, and then begin debate on the meaning of the message, the possible intent of the aliens, and the options of actions and reactions available to us and the consequences. History shows us that within our own planet similar scenarios of sorts, like cultures/countries/civilizations taking over other cultures/countries/civilizations in a forced and sometimes unforced manner, and the results of those actions and how it affected the people of both sides. Society as a whole is made up of so many complex parts and relationships that give it a delicate balance (and sometimes not so balanced). Leaders are (in theory) there to lead us in the right direction as a society be it willingly or unwillingly sometimes. There will definitely be those who insist on an aggressive reaction to the aliens and would be prepared to fight to the death. Some would realise the meaning and intentions of the aliens straight away, "We come in peace to induct your people into our inter-stellar civilization" and resistance futile. But for that to be the dominating theory and interpretation that may take...awhile. In the meantime I believe that we would try to communicate back to them, so we could further establish their intentions, which could help give more feedback to support the possible theory?s that we currently had shortlisted. It would be tricky for us to establish a global stance on the aliens, since we have so much trouble at the moment agreeing on global peace within ourselves. I think instant compliance with the aliens peace request is beyond the human race, but I do believe that we could work towards it in steps. For example step one could be resist trying to blow the scary unknown things out of the sky. Then in further steps we could work with the aliens to seize the opportunity to realise that the universe is bigger than just us earthlings and become integrated with the aliens. There will be those that will never want to be part of the integration, and maybe an agreement can be made of ?borders?, where those who choose not to be a part of it are left alone to live their lives there way, such as a zone or country called ?Integrated Peace? is where everyone who choose to be integrated with alien societies live. This would be a tough transition, but for the greater good of the future, I believe aliens coming in peace have the potential to make us more well rounded beings and expand our horizons. There possibly could be radical extremists opposed to integration with alien societies that could hinder or slow the whole process, but I believe that there should be a choice for everyone weather they joined or not joined the integration. And that choice would define if they got to live in the integration zone. Their even may be those who choose to be exposed to alien societies but after a while may struggle with it all and choose to immigrate back to a non integration zone, again I believe they should get the choice. Cause all humans would not comply with integration if there leaders or government official decided it in their best interest to be integrated, it would fuel a rebellion against the leaders and integration. So if each individual were given a choice, but it did affect where they lived on earth, I think it would keep the rebellion to integration minimal. As our human history has told us, that rebellious element will always be there when it comes to change. So with choice in place, I think that eventually, over 100 hundred years or so we as a planet could become 90percent integrated and accepting of it. I would choose integration, I think we humans have a lot to learn. I believe we are like new born infants when comes to knowledge and co-existing in the universe with harmony. I also believe our hearts and minds are our greatest trait.Anyway, these are just some of the thoughts that popped into my head when thinking about this scenario.Thanks, Bgtone

  2. I agree, thunderstorms a very cool, the rain and lightning.I love looking at the pictures some people have taken of lighning, some very amazing shots. Id love to some day learn how to take pics of lightning and get lucky enough to take a really cool pic to share with other lightning photo fans.I find the smell of rain is so soothing, i always wondered if the was a relationship between rain and humans. Someone once told me the human body s like 70% water or something like that, and with that in mind maybe there is some.... deeper bond ...between humans and rain, as we breathe in the moisture and energy of the air, maybe this theory is only my imagination, but having said that rain definately has an effect on me.

  3. I got this game the other week, i love it! I am a UFC fan which does add to the appeal of this game for me, but still it is a very good. I love how technical the game is with the moves and details, which also has a downside of requireing a lot of button combos to remember, but when it all comes together and you pull off that difficult win its an amazing feeling. The way they setup a fight and the all the little things they use to introduce your fight, espically if your the main event for the night, makes you feel like your watching it live or on dvd, very cool.Great game, very technical, but very rewarding when it all comes together, as a UFC fan i give it a 9/10

  4. I used to use Azureus/Vuze but it started giving me issues and crashing too often, so i started searching for an alternative. Then i came across uTorrent, it is a great program, it is a bit different and simpler interface to Azureus/Vuze but it still had all the features i needed and it does a good job and it hasnt given me any issues yet. So i agree that uTorrent is a very good program. A little while ago i did play with Ubuntu out of curiousity and used Transmission then, it also seemed pretty good and did the job but didnt have a lot features, maybe the current version of Transmission has expanded its feature base. But i still reckon that uTorrent is easily my favourite.

  5. Hello everyone im Bgtone,Im keen to explore, learn, create. Im hoping to create my first website and eventually host it at Xisto. Theres seems to a very helpful communtiy here and i hope that i can also help others, and contribute on a varity of topics. Im open to any suggestions to start my learning of website creation possiblities, there seems to be so many avenues to take depending on the function of the site, i guess i should start basic before i explore more advanced website features and technology.Thankyou, Bgtone

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