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Everything posted by ange

  1. Maybe it's because apple felt pity for the plans some iPhone users have if they don't jailbreak their phone (at least IMO some of plans are too costly for their own good.)well, I don't really get apple's logic for doing things, but I don't mind as my iPod touch was updated to 3.0 for freemy review of firmware 3.0 is that it's an excellent improvement of the previous firmwares. Copy and paste is sooo useful. And so are the tabbing of links in safari. Saves money from buying other web browsers from the safari store.
  2. From what I've heard about google's os is that it's for google employees and it's preloaded with apps and settings convenient for employees to use. It uses Linux and I assume it's derived from ubuntu.There shouldn't be any reason to try google's os unless one just wanted to see the differences between their specialized flavor of Linux and other flavors. Btw, there are websites to let you create/customize your own Linux flavor.-Ange.
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