There are thousands of websites teaching webdesigning and giving tutorial but there are some website that stand apart and are really places to visit ...after seeing them even if you are not intrested in web designng/development you will feel the rage within you
To start with i will just tell you about these websites...I AM NOT PROMOTING ANYTHING ,I AM NOT A AFFILATE PARTNER OR ANY SORT OF THING they re just websites i've found quite intresting ...i will be listing only 3 I know that there are many(plz share!)
they r not according to any rank (all of them are good) by Vitaly Friedman, Sven Lennartz and Michael Dobler)
It is one of the largest online web designers community(including jacob gube)
Run by David legget a very young blogger(21yrs) has beautiful website which pays for writing tutorials (150-300 USD) started 2 yrs ago has over 20,000 suscribers and growing very fast