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Posts posted by Doomtheory

  1. Actually the PS3 and Xbox 360 will be about 500 dollars(us) And look at the Current-gen systems. The PS2 came out before the Xbox and they are both neck and neck in the gaming world. Also if you are another Xbox fanboy then you must besaddly mistaken if you think that Halo 3 is the only reason for buying an Xbox then you my friend aren't a true gamer. I hate people that make a big deal about games that aren't even out yet.

    -//.::End Transmission::.


    ROFL tseng you sleigh me...at E3 some big guy in charge of the devolpment of the 360 said that it'll be in the 300 dollar price range not 500...so yeah...and Bungie completely denied that statement made by gates that it is gonna come out with halo 3 the same day as ps3...but then again they denied Halo 2 as well for a while :P

  2. We allow almost anything and everything which is Legal. So be feel free to use your space in whatever way you like :P


    WOW YOU DO...FANTASTICO...KISS MY BUTT ABOHO...LOL I love this compnay


    Also I plan on making it called Doomtheory Designs...and make it like a website where I make you a website and script it and all for money...can I do that as well?


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