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Posts posted by Indou

  1. haha it really is mad. Honestly though, I wouldn't mind the BBC simply showing adverts instead of us having to pay them instead. ^^ I like a break sometimes. IF i need a drink or to go to the toilet. And i'm watching a film on BBC, I have to wait until the very end >> Or just go and miss important bits of information. Other than the odd film, Top Gear, Torchwood and Dr Who. I rarely watch BBC stuff.

  2. UK has a lot of racism. The government can claim that the majority of people aren't, but I work in a shop/super market. And, it's not difficult to miss the very often comment. I'm 1/4 pakistani, and even I insult them on occasion. Though, most of the time it's due to a joke of some sort. Doesn't make it right though. But, people insult other people. And it's not hard to find a reason. It's just that it's easier to insult the obvious then to dig for it. Human Race, look at our history. We are violent. It's our nature. There are just different levels.

  3. Erm, what the hell is Bing? Am I the only one who chuckles at the name and is reminded of Friends? >> Seriously. It's just another search engine pissing in the wind. If it becomes a problem for google, they'll just buy it. Right? And the fact I never heard of it before gives it little credit to myself.

  4. hmm. Ive been here for, less than a week ^^ And i've already been trapped into this posting coil. The whirlpool of posting and hosting. Very smart. Very seductive. xD Plus, better than most cheap hosting. I left a site I had been a member of for 3 years recently, I guess something had to fill my posting void. All for the greater cause I suppose. Anyway. Happy Anniversary. May you live together happily for another 20 years ^-^'

  5. Ok, so most of you will know that AOL sucks. Well, I have it. Of course, my parents pay for the internet, so no matter what I tell them, they will 'fob' me off :/ Anyway. Wasn't really a problem until recently. Got the new Battlefield 1943 for me PS3. Worked awesome. Was kicking some *bottom* ^^ but then, the game crashes. I thought, fair enough, arcade game, not a proper game. Going to have some issues. But then, after I restart my Ps3 a few hours later, I cannot connect to EA online to play the game :/ Tried for an hour to get on. Nothing. So I did some research. Apparantly, all who have AOL and that try to play any EA game online, cannot during peak times >>' or off peak, I get those two mixed up. But it doesn't matter. It basically means that I can't get on unless I play at some stupid hour. Annoying. And EA and AOL blame each other >_< But I think it is EA and their servers. Because I can play Killzone 2 online just fine. Which by the way I went back to and cursed whatever reason I decided to stop playing. It's fun. Like, really fun. So yeah. I will not be playing or buying anymore EA games :/ And when I move out, will definately not be getting AOL.So there it is. Also. Left my jacket at work. Came to it today, covered in cream >_< Some guy left and they workers decided to throw crap at him. I. WAS. FURIOUS. I love that jacket :/ Now it stinks and needs cleaning. I will get revenge.

  6. When Swine Flu kills a couple thousand in a day or less. Then we should panic ^^ Running to the hills. Doing whatever we do when Death comes knocking. Otherwise, business as usual for me. Though, I can't help feel that working in a public shop, or store for some of you, means i'm at the center of all illnesses that pass my way. >>' Meh ^^;'

  7. Feel sorry for the people with Aids who then catch a Flu :/ or, the over hyped and dreaded, Swine Flu. I'd want none of them ^^ I haven't been really sick in a while now. Used to get really ill during this time of the year, or as I call it, Wimbledon xD I used to always get really sick during Tennis, and then watch it as I was bed ridden. ^-^' Lol. I wont watch Tennin unless i'm sick now.

  8. People said that only when pigs flew would America get a black President. Then Swine Flu. ^^ It is highly exagerated. Giving it a name other than the flu was a bad idea :/ It makes it special, when it isn't. Just another strain of the Flu. Which, is no more deadlier than the regular kind if the person is not treated or is in bad health beforehand. So bleh. I'm not worried. Japan has enough to worry about though ^^' poor guys. So health cautios. Though, they kind of do breathe each others spit >> Not literally...

  9. Wow, that's a big post you got there. Kudos ;D Anyway. A friend of mine liked to ask "how do you know?" And he would use the example of a microwave. "how do you know how to use it? How do you know you know?" >>' Annoying. We know because we learned. If we hadn't, we wouldn't know. But then, if someone met a microwave for the first time in their lives without instruction, they would attempt to at least work out what it was. Tools, creating and using, is what gave us Humans our edge over other animals. And when you think about it, swords. Look back in time, where did the universal idea for a sharpened piece of metal come from? Japanese made the Katana. No one else did. But swords were definately made in different designs. And it wasn't like they talked to each other. So maybe it was pre-programmed into our minds. The tools to kill. I think, choice is limited to the time and place that you are in. But it is all connected somehow in the basic coding of our brains. I dunno. xD Did I choose to come here? or did someone else choose for me? I wouldn't have chosen to come here on my own. >_<

  10. It's the simply fact that everyone uses Windows Messenger :/ So, everyone else is going to use it as well. It's like AOL. We know it's crap. But people still use it. Why? Most people are stupid >>' My parents use AOL. And thus, I use AOL. And only recently did I really start to feel how crap AOL are. Search 'cannot connect to EA online, AOL'. And you will learn my pain. Anyway. MSN. I use it xD Don't like it. But I'm too lazy to use anything else when It's there when I turn my PC on. ^-^'

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