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Everything posted by madgamer01

  1. Thanks for the site. It'll really help me out.
  2. do you like it and have you seen the Blue Collar COmedy TOur? Personally, I think Ron WHite is hilarious. I've also started writing some of my own stuff, but its not that good. I think the actual TV show bites. Its just not that funny.
  3. Here we can talk about one of my favorite RTS series, the Age of series. The newest entry is Age of Mythology: The Titans. It rocks. The series was my intro into the RTS genre and I love mythology and the history lessons of AoE, its great. Anyone else play this series?? If not, you can pick up AoE and AoK for cheap.
  4. Yeah, but there's a big difference between popping in a classic and playing Halo. Halo, IMO. is the game of this generation. It is the only console FPS to have gameplay up to snuff with PC FPSs like Half Life, Battlefield, and Call of Duty. And its story is beyond most other FPS games. But classic games have a different feel. They don't have all the cool stuff that Halo has, but it has an extremely solid and amazing core gameplay that stands the test of time. I still whip out an NES every now and then to play SMB3 because it is just plain fun.
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