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Posts posted by iworld200

  1. I dont understand what is so horrifying about logitech, as regarding this forum topic is concerned, I would like to share my opinion about logitech.I have been using logitech keyboard and their webcam since 6yrs and I didnt find any problem/fault in them. With respect to quality, I feel, its better than those fake chinese tronics. I would rather like to put it this way, no electronics can be guaranteed to work life long... and in that sense, I feel logitech is worth it!

  2. Interestingly, the link is for the Logitech diNovo Edge keyboard and not the G15.
    Anyway, on the topic, the keyboard has excellent features in comparison with similar keyboards, especially the back-lit keys and integrated LCD screen. I'm not really a fan of macro keys though, in that I would not specifically try to buy a keyboard with such extra keys. I don't play any games that having macro keys would give me an advantage in anyway e.g. Team Fortress 2. I am currently using a Microsoft Wireless Entertainment Desktop 8000 that similarly has backlit keys. However, most of its features are geared towards improving media center functionality, like volume and channel controls plus a trackpad. I really like the convenience of a dedicated volume control provided by the keyboard. Also, it runs a bluetooth, which gives me the convenience of moving the keyboard where I like e.g. when I am making notes from textbooks.

    Do you generally use wireless keyboards and mice for gaming?

    thats really a very cool innovation. Well, what is the major difference between G15 or diNovo edge. I checkedout the link, and I didnt find anything so specific, however I would definitely like to have one such keyboard. Its so awesome.

    I am using a old classic wired keyboard, and this new stuff is really making me crazy.

  3. This may seem scary but there's no real reason to panic yet. This tech isn't widely used and it's really hard to set it up and all. And as Watermonkey said, there's no use worrying about everything new - problems may come and go but if we stay careful that's enough. Staying worried all the time is up to no good.

    I agree with you.
    Infact we just simply cant waste our time worrying about the rumors or the real jammers. All that we are supposed to do is be careful as you said. However, I feel, hacking data isnt a new thing, there have been situations which people have already come across like bluetooth hacking. So, people just got to make themself clear whome and what information to share over phone. And regular checks on the installed softwares will also serve the purpose.

  4. I was so much worried before, thinking, i need a website and a webhost in order to test my php programs and my search through internet gave me a nice suggestion, and i got my dream program easyPHP. its the best for the beginner. It has everything that a beginner and an advanced programmer needs. Its very easy to run. After having installed, I checked whether the easyPHP is running or not by opening up the browser and entering LOCALHOST; the default page of easyPHP loads. All the php programs need to be placed inside "www" folder of easyPHP. It can be tested by using the following url LOCALHOST/example.php
    please note : its just an example of the code to execute.

  5. Its not like, we cannot live without our cell phone for 24hrs. But its just that the present generation has got addicted to the use of phones on the move. its like there are certain jobs which depend on these phones and hence for those people its quite difficult to live without phones but it isnt termed impossible. Well in my case, I use my phone basically to text msg. Texting takes a lot of time since m not used to it in my new phone-Iphone. Hence it almost goes full day to contact my friends via texting. And in such situation i cannot think of staying without phone. otherwise, i am happy without it!

  6. Heaven? Hell? - What do you think...

    Heaven? Hell?


    Replying to tdktank59I felt the Spirit of something fill my Empty Soul when I was sitting here and asked for my Maker's help. I had gotten to the end of my rope and could feel myself slipping toward the end of my life once again. I looked upward toward Him and cried loudly: Oh my God, please help me. I can not do this by myself. It is to hard. I need help. I immedialtely felt his Spirit filling my Empty Soul completely up. I have felt a sense of peace for the last 3 months when this happened. My Maker, I call God, had taken the worries off me that I have no control over. I am now able to focus on things I can change. I also have a best friend named Jesus. Jesus Crist. I trust him completely and I know now I'll never feel alone. He'll be with me when I part this Emotional and Spiritual world we live in. Anyways...May you and everyone that clicks their way in here, may you each wake up rested and feeling energetic. (((HUGs))) -reply by Robin

    I read about your experience, and it got me a new experience about the people and the extent of their belief. God exists or not, its unsolved mystery. However, heaven and hell are the two terms used basically distinguish b/w god and the evil.And I believe its no different than a story character. Everything on this earth moves on how we live on it. If v fight for something, then the bloods flow and if v stay in peace then happiness spreads. Thats the formula and this is nothing to discuss by relating to heaven or hell. Lets think practically.

  7. There is nothing like hell or heaven, its all the human imaginations. Regarding sounds from hell in siberia, I dont consider it as something worth to hear about, since those may be some sounds which we humans woudnt have discovered before but they exists like underground water and species which are yet to be named, etc. Just because something which is unknown exists, we cannot blindly term them as hell or heaven. Its all based on a fairy tale told to awaken childrens from darkness.

  8. I'm not sure about the details, but php lets you set locales and then format things in such the locale. You should first call setlocale() to tell php what language to use for its outputs, including date formatting, then call strftime(), which gives a formatted time string. See for details:

    in php is it possible to display the servers date instead of the systems default date in local language?

  9. It's true that there are plenty of sites out there that are merely scams. I have received plenty of junk mails on my account and was tempted for a while to register. Anyway, it's a good thing that there are sites which help sort out the scams from those that are not. If you are looking for more info on this one, you may check out http://ww12.mmo.ph/. I just happened to stumble upon the site, and it's pretty good.

    I just saw the site which you mentioned above, and found, its all about videos on making money online. Howeveri didnt find anything particular to scam sites.

  10. I have tried out few different cellphones which i purchased online and i dont use few of them anymore.the phones which i had bought are : watch phone, tv phone, iphone, nokia-n95, samsung a star.None gave me any happiness when compared to my recent phone : nokia-n97. its the best of all. With this phone i feel i havent discovered all features, because, its such a great phone with allmost unlimited applications. I usually use it for calling and texting purpose. But in my free time i do all sorts of actions in it like playing games, listening to digital songs and capturing crystal clear pictures. more than that the internet. it is the best!

  11. I got a china made TV cellphone which i purchased online an year ago. I stay in India, But this phones tv sometimes doesnt work. I dont know what the reason is. Regarding the clarity, the resolution is so poor that sometimes when it works, i find it very difficult to identify whether the character shown is a human or an animal. I would rather say, big screen TV is better than TV phones.

  12. Apart from the cell phone plans, there are also services like SkypeOut and JustVoIP that offer really cheap rates for long distance and international calls. With $10, you can make international calls to manufacturing plants in India and China, and talk for 5 hours! I doubt it would take longer than 5 hours on the phone to actually get the parts needed to repair a cell phone.

    first of all charges depend on the country in which the cell is to be serviced. Next, the type of problem to be sorted out. Then export tax may also be charged. Considering all these, I feel, getting a new phone is better when compared to servicing a damaged phone.

  13. Yes cellphone internet costs are heaps.it basically depends on the service providers.for me, I live in india. i use some connection, it costs me 20rs/day for a very low speed connection. in such a speed, 1 webpage opens for 30mins to 1 hour (average assumption). however, if we plan to go for an higher version/upgrade, then the cost reaches peak : 20rs per hour.you can imagine the cost per day and per month.

  14. Did anybody try using mobile phone for internet browsing. How fast is it. As far as i know, there is an GPRS & EDGE for GSM, and i dunno the exact name for CDMA. I just ever try GPRS with max 115kbps, but i think only 33kbps in max actually.For GPRS-EDGE & CDMA sometime said can get >1MBPS, even nearly 3MBPS, is that true?

    Yes I have had a great experience of browsing in mobile phones.
    I used Nokia 6300, but i found that its very slow.
    Few sites doesnt even open.
    May be its the problem with the service provider.
    However in apples 3G, I feel, its worth to browse. I like it a lot.
    I dont know how you measure its browsing speed.

  15. Xisto is good free host. Other than that Ripway is also one good option. Other alternative free hosting sites are listed in this webpage here
    By the way, if any one is looking for cheap hosting like Xisto - Web Hosting then they can go for psychz.net which offers 2.95$/month hosting package which is exciting package than our CH i think.

    No matter which host you pick make sure you've Fantastico/1-Click install option in your control panel for installing scripts.

    thanks a lot for such a great list of free web hostings.
    But where can I find free webhostings with unlimited space?

    yeah... Xisto is cool. I am one of the most satisfied customers. I have been with Xisto for more than 1 year (I started my hosting account 1 month after I signed as a member) now and it was my first web hosting experience. I am very satisfied, I never considered moving away from trap 17. Now i have 3 products with them. One domain and 2 hosting services.
    Below are my sites... Both of them are hosted in Xisto with a basic plan since I did not require more space and bandwidth.


    Have been through lots of learning after i started hosting websites. I am glad that I chose Xisto. People have gone through *BLEEP* before getting a good hosting provider. I was lucky in that case...

    The customer support is again one of the best. Till now I have raised around 3-4 support tickets and all of them got the first response in 1 or 2 days and ggot resolved in 1-2 days from the day of the first response. I would any day recommend Xisto to others. I have been recommending it to many people for long.

    Don't you see that I am still contributing in the forums. ;) . I might not be regular in posting, but i never fail to visit the forum on a daily basis and make some occasional posts.

    I just checked out your websites, those are very simple sites. And in that varalu.com I got some good contents especially that programming stuff. And I truely believe Xisto is simply the best when compared to rest.

  16. this is really an awesome topic. I found most of the posts were so useful and informative. Likewise, in order to gain more people, the topic of your website should be clear and convincing. Never ever steal any one elses work. do your job sincerely and i am quite sure you will reach your expectations very soon.As already discussed, google adwords is the best way to promote your site, although it costs few bucks, but its worth it! Adbrite on the other hand is also ok. But if you are looking for something free, then i can say, its waste of time looking on forums or google!

  17. Have you lost your job? Well please tell us how and why.
    When I was talking to someone about their job they said they had lost it earlier that day and it struct me why and below:

    I was an employee in "satyam infotech"- India and suddenly I got a message saying your post has been cancelled due to on going recession and we are sorry to inform you that etc etc...
    I was so much shocked. I couldnt imagine i was out of this company.

  18. hey shyam you can use proxies to bypass your school's firewall.I am sure that your school doesnt use a costly and the best firewal.
    But then also all the best

    Not all proxies work all the time. As for as i have seen, there are lots of free proxies available online but none can do your job without converting them to premium.
    So any more idea regarding this would be more helpful.
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