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Posts posted by williamc

  1. do u think it's right that if a drug dog thinks there is drugs in a locker and the police search it and don't find any the student should be strip searched?what if they didn't find any drugs on the student eighther. i personaly don't think it's right 4 a student to be strip searched. even if they may have drugs. i think they should let the parents handle it.
    what do u think? First off I don't think it should be done in the school, a kid can become tramatized by that not to mention the ridicule they'll go through with there friends. If it has to be done it should be done at a Hospital or doctors office someone the parents are familiar with.. I do think the law and Police have gotten way out of hand to begin with. police break the law more then you or I combined. they drive around ( no seat belts) they talk on the cell phone while driving ( you or i would get a hefty fine if it was us ) they speed on the roads for no reason except there off duty and that puts us at risk of accidents or kids playing as well.. theres just no law for the police... :lol:

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