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Posts posted by sarajevl

  1. Hi,Sorry, but I can't help you with the programming stuff per say, but I wanted to through out a viewer opinion. I watch a lot of online videos and I avoid websites that load the video before giving me the optionto press play. I like to read the info on the page, and a few websites load the video first and then depending on the connection I have at the time, the rest of the page may or may not load in the next hour. Myspace is really bad about that, and you tube is a pain as well. But there are sites out there where the player loads, ready to play the streaming video but requires a user promt before they pla. I prefer those, and I can't be the only one.Just an idea to consider while you are designing.See ya, and good luck.

  2. I am a new gamer. I grew up with computer games not consoles really, but we did have an Attari system when I was really little. Now a days I play a lot of simulations, like Sims and Sim City and Stronghold. and a few adventure games like Myst. I bought a console just to play the Harry Potter games though. I also like Fable. So what exactly does that make me? Oh, I also have Unreal Tournament on the puter but haven't played in a while.

  3. Welcome to the wonderful world of programing! I am not real sure about what all you will need on the gaming side but I have a couple of resources you might be able to use in setting up your server.The first is a web-site called no-ip.com. They let you create a free subdomain for a personal server.The other is a ?program? called Abyss Web Server. This is the console and stuff for running the server.Disclaimers:1) I am not a programmer and cannot gaurantee that these resources would work for wha you need.2) It has been almost two years since I ran my server and am unsure if these products still work the way they did.3) My terminology s**ks so when other people explain what you need they may call these resources by a different term, probably more accurate.Anyhow, hope I helped a bit.Good luck.

  4. Hi there. Atached is something cool I learned in High School Pre-cal. It was the end of semester and the teach wanted to show us something interesting to keep us occupied our last period. Anyhow it shows in representational ofrm the definitions for each dimension and how you buil one dimension from the next lower dimension. Pretty nifty, but keep in mind that 0, 3, and 4 are represted not actual (can't do actual on a 2d plane).


  5. You'll probably want to read the Xisto story. It's around here somewhere, but I can't seem to find a link to it from the search.


    I have been going through a lot of posts today because I am new here and I have the link you are talking about. I got it off another introduction reply.

    Trap 17 Story

    Even though I came here for the web hosting, I think I am going to like the forums a lot more than maintaining my web site. there is some really awesome stuff here.

    Chat later!

  6. Awesome. This is my first day as well and I am glad to see so many computer specialistsin the forum as members, not just administrators. I am more or less a novice, but I am lucky enough to have a brother who is a programmer. I will be putting a lot of stuff out here but I am just browsing today. Hope to see you around!

  7. This is cool info. But I wonder, what hapens to the tissues that do come into contact with the 7 milliamps. See, to figure the damage your body sustains from electricity you need to know what electricity does to live tissue. Here is why I bring this up.If electricity at that small a "dose" kills, then why did those stick things work to bring you back to life. Do ou know what I am talking about - Back in the early stages of the electric paddle we use today to restart a heart, they used smaller paddles that they put directly on the heart while the chest was open. - So if the heart could be restarted with direct electric current, why would you die from it?It just seems that the bodies reaction to foriegn elements and stuff needs a lot more reasearch.

  8. Hello everyone, and I hope you are all having a great day!I am new to the whole forum concept so this is fun. I am setting up a tutoring business to pay my way through college and I need a web site to get the business off the ground. I have set up a web site before, but that was just for fun and it was almost two years ago. That time I hosted it off my home pc using no-ip.com. I don't have the 24 hour internet connection anymore so I am going with an online web host. I decided to try in here because I need SSL certificates and want my own domain. I can buy this stuff free with the MyCENT program, or that is how I understand it anyhow.I have been poking my nose around for about 2 hours though and this pace is so much better than just earning points. There are some really cool topics and not all about computers. I am going to have a blast going through everything with a login.Enough about the site though, ya'll want to know about me. I am in my 20's and have had an interesting adult life. I an a college drop-out, and divorced. I have been diagnosed with a minor but stil complicated mental illness. I am back in school now, and completely broke, a situation I haven't seen in about 5 years.I am christian, non-denominational, and I love all things Harry Potter. I read a lot of fan-fiction, and occasionally I even write a little of my own work. I sew and crochet. I think that is about it. Ask me anything. I might even answer you. :-D

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