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Posts posted by jayzeed

  1. Of course atheism is classified as a religion, i see no reason for it not to be.

    they beleive what happened, and have a theory of the afterlife

    Atheism is the lack of "theism", or a beleif in god

    The degree to which one can be considered an atheist while simultaneously being and adherent of a sect of a traditionally monotheistic, polytheistic, or non-theistic religion is the subject of ongoing theological debate. Some people with what would be considered religious or spiritual beliefs call themselves atheists; others argue that this is a contradiction in terms.

    Thanks for reading

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  2. This was on Dayton daily news
    Personnaly, i dont use myspace. But it can be set to "freind only" or whatever right? just dont accept them as freinds

    Potential schools check Facebook, MySpace pages
    By Dave Larsen

    Staff Writer

    Sunday, January 04, 2009

    DAYTON — Students applying for college should put their best face forward on Facebook and MySpace pages.

    "Last year, we had a number of students who had posted some things that were not in the best interest of the university, nor did we think it was valuable to have that type of student on campus," said Rob Durkle, University of Dayton assistant vice president and dean of admissions.

    UD admissions officials don't actively check social networking Web sites, Durkle said. However, they will look at pages that are brought to their attention, such as in the case of a concerned parent of a potential roommate.

    "Where we are aware of it and if we think it's detrimental to either our students or it's not the type of thing we want to condone on campus, we could go back and reverse our decision and say to the student: 'We're rescinding our offer of admission,' " he said.

    Ohio State University does not routinely look at Facebook, said Mabel Freeman, assistant vice president for undergraduate admissions. "Now when we go to hire students, we do," Freeman said.

    Miami University does not check students' Facebook or MySpace pages, said Laurie Koehler, director of admissions. "But employers do, so we encourage students to be thoughtful about what they might post, because it never goes away," Koehler said.

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  3. I read about this girl on yahoo... she was SOO embarrased, she had to move. they found nothing. thats not even remotely right, and all because some girl who doesent even realy know her ( or was in a fight ) told them she had "Controband Objects"
    an article on the washington post said

    "...(NAME REMOVED FOR PRIVACY) had been accused by a friend of handing out prescription-strength ibuprofen and over-the-counter anti-inflammatory pills -- possession, use and distribution of which were prohibited without school permission. A teacher had found such pills in a planner (NAME REMOVED FOR PRIVACY) had lent to the friend. "
    ..."...School officials found no incriminating evidence after a search of (NAME REMOVED FOR PRIVACY)s backpack; a school nurse and a teacher -- both female -- then escorted (NAME REMOVED FOR PRIVACY) to a private room where they asked the teenager to strip down to her bra and underwear. The officials did not touch (NAME REMOVED FOR PRIVACY) but asked her to shake her bra and hold open her underwear to determine whether she was hiding the drugs on her person. They again found nothing. "

    THat is terrible. i would hate to have this happen to me... especialy by same gender workers ( they were both female )

    I removed the name for privacy

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  4. I think marijuana being legalized would be terrible. its already ruining lives illegal. although for the people who already use it, it would not cost as much, but for the people in the upper class areas, with nothing better to waste their money hand, this would be terrible.

    I would hate to see any of my freinds becoming potheads, just because they can. and dont think kids wont get it , because i know alot of people ( including me ) who have age twenty-one + freinds, who would buy this for them if asked/payed.
    People would be trying to sue the government for "wrongful death" or "assisted suicide" when there family members or loved ones died,
    which would cost more than they can produce

    Making it legal would make it SO much harder for those addicted or in rehab

    One last thing.

    The taxes (30/50$)? an ounce, would be good for the economy in some ways, but bad in others, if this does happen, it should be temporary.

    Critics of the war on drugs, such as Boaz, contend that drug prohibition is a futile, costly effort that has failed to reduce drug use. They point out that the drug war costs the federal government more than $16 billion a year and that billions more are spent at the state and local levels. As a result of this massive antidrug campaign, four hundred thousand Americans are imprisoned for drug law violations. Sixty percent of federal prisoners and 25 percent of state and local inmates are held on drug charges—mostly for the relatively minor offenses of possession or low-level dealing to fund their personal use.

    Overall a 3/100 idea

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  5. First off, pro-lifers, dont yell at me because i say this, but i think you are wrong. screaming and rioting because someone cant have a baby in their current state.

    Abortion is a VERY personal / private matter. I dont think that any one should try to stop some one else from having an abortion. if i was pregnant, and couldnt afford or did not want a child i would abort the child, and probably give the stem cells for research. which is again, private.

    People who think abortion is wrong, also have a valid point. You are taking away an innocent childs life away, and that is not right at the same time.
    The following is from Gallup.com

    "...The 2003 Gallup Youth Survey* found that while a majority of teens (aged 13 to 17) do find abortion acceptable, a full third (33%) believe that it should be illegal in all circumstances. Approximately one-fifth of teens support the legality of abortion under any circumstances (21%), while twice that number (45%) believe it should be legal only under certain circumstances."
    "Abortion is frequently framed as a "women's issue," but Gallup data indicate that teen opinions on abortion do not vary significantly between girls and boys. Thirty-five percent of girls believe abortion should be illegal under any circumstances, while 32% of boys feel the same way. Twenty-three percent of boys believe abortion should be legal under any circumstances, compared to 19% of girls."

    I am in the 23% who agrees it should be legal.

    Southern teens in the US think it should be right by 12%.

    Each side has a valid point, and i think it should be kept private.
    thanks for reading, -

    Oh, and "anti-abortionists" are called Pro-choice

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  6. I think this is a very good idea, with no immediate or any foreseeable consequences, that will help in multiple ways.

    1) Household bills from incandescent lighbulbs will be reduced by up to 75% by the proper energy-compact lightbulb

    An ENERGY STAR qualified compact fluorescent light bulb (CFL) will save about $30 over its lifetime and pay for itself in about 6 months. It uses 75 percent less energy and lasts about 10 times longer than an incandescent bulb

    2) the enviromental effect would be extremely large. have you seen the wal-mart commercials that talk about the 1 light bulb- per costomer removing like 500000 cars? imagine 34 for 6 BILLION ( thats the average) thats 204BILLION light bulbs which is like, removing all the cars X 2!!!!

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  7. First we should start with the definitionDefining Cloning:

    Cloning is the production of two or more beings that are complete genetic copies of one another. There are two types of cloning:
    I. Cloning by induced identical twinning. As the fertilized egg splits into two cells, each of them is then induced to make a fresh start and behave as if it were the original fertilised egg. Each half would then grow into a separate foetus, and having come from the same fertilised egg, they would be carrying exactly identical genetic components.

    II. Ordinary cloning, which is achieved by injecting a nucleus from a somatic cell of an adult animal into an egg whose nucleus had been removed. The cell would then grow into a foetus that would be a true genetic copy of the adult living animal from which the somatic cell nucleus was taken.

    I am 50% catholic, but i have nothing wrong with cloning. the main problem with cloning would be overpopulation.

    Roman Catholicism and other Christian denominations believe that the soul enters the body at the moment of conception when the sperm and egg unite. They feel harvesting cells for embryonic cloning is tantamount to live human experimentation and contrary to God's will. Further, they maintain producing cloned zygotes that are unlikely to survive is tantamount to murder. Some Christian conservatives express concern that cloned embryos would have no soul, since it was, in their view, born outside of God's parameters. (Even though some believe Eve was a clone of Adam via Genesis 2:22. Then the Lord God made a woman from the part he had taken out of the man, and he brought her to the man.)
    Other Christian traditions like the United Church of Christ do not believe a fertilized ovum constitutes a person. They believe that cloning can be conducted ethically in order to help treat disease and improve the public health.

    Cloning for recreational use would be a BAD THING, cloning to reproduce important world leaders, or dinosuars :lol: would be helpful, important people, would be a serious thing to use this for, cloning to have children for people who cant would be helpful. Cloning should be kept TOP-SECRET confidential to only world leaders, and Government scientists. also for target training would be good for government use, but cruel

    In any case, human cloning is still a long way away, and the evaluation of its immediate advantages and disad- vantages may vary with the passage of time. It would, even, be premature to say that after so many years of genetic engineering in plants, its safety for humans has been definitely established. Its applications in animals is as yet in its very early stages. Unpredictability is probably the greatest concern in this respect. Mankind should not forget the lessons of splitting the atom whose unexpected consequences emerged only after some time. Close monitoring of plant and animal cloning experiments must, therefore, continue for a considerable time.

    Rev. Demetri Demopulos, Greek Orthodox pastor and geneticist:
    As an Orthodox Christian, I speak out in opposition to any attempt to clone a human being because humans are supposed to be created by acts of love between two people, not through the manipulation of cells in acts that are ultimately about self-love.

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  8. If you live in America, would you rather vacation here, or in another part of the world?
    If you live in another part of the world, would you rather vacation there or in America?

    And which place is the best place to live: the USA or your country?

    To question 1, i would rather vacation here a few times and in other parts of the world as well.
    Hawaii, Alaska(northern lights), Califorinia, Vegas, etc, are al the USA, and great places to vacation

    Venice, Brazil, Romania, Sicily, etc, are also interesting

    Q3, i beleive USA is better, mixed economy, Not communism, things like that

    thanks for reading

  9. Every day, thers a new curse/swear invented, and thats not a positive thing.I have recently found myself Cussing at home more and more every day, i had a freind over, an he brought his little brother, and hes 8, and i/my freind were playing on Xbox Live and i kept saying things like"F*** you (insert stupid name here)""This is F***ing BullS***""Im so sick of this F***ing S***""Go to F-ing Hell (insert another stupid name) "Dude, look at this F***ing Glitcher""Stupid D*** Zombies!!!""What the F*** is this""Go suck a F***ing C***"And many more!...Now that thats out of the way... i dont think this is a good way, people dont think about it, they just do it , at school its much worse for most people ( not me ) I dont use those words in school except lunch,and PE/towards my Chorus teacher

  10. Hmm, we JUST talked about the economy styles last week :XD: Communism economy or "command Economies" the government has all control over private and most control over the public, sectors.When they make a desicion, you buy what they make. you dont wear blue if they make grean, you dont wear a feather hat, if they make straw. Even if you get somthing from a relative or visitin another Country, and your wearing that in a command economy country, you may be arrested, especialy if its government colors. Monopolies can not happen as there is no competition between businesses.Free market, the government has little or no say in the market. the People or entepenuers control the public and private sectors and what you wear/consume is determined byconsumer sovereignty, or what consumers purchse more. this market is much more preferable to most people, but monopolies are possible which can increase prices for consumers.My prefered economy is the Mixed ( US ) economy because theres no monopolies, the government can step in, place regulations, ETC.THanks for reading, Jayzeed :lol:

  11. Religion is important to society, Humans live to fulfill religion.Christians live to please god, and do good, but think about it, if everyone only does good, only so much can be done,Its like a recharchable battery, when you get it full, you should remove it, and not put it back in untill its low.Religion drives people, it makes them do things they normaly wouldnt, or vice versa. I personally am a religious pacifist, because all life is, is molecules upon molecules, but if i died, i would prefer to be classified as Catholic.i went to CCD for 6 years.i was baptized. i have had my first communion. i will have a preist on my death-bed, i go to church once a month, etcPeople who do good to not go to hell are not "Good" people.

  12. This is a great idea, from a childs veiw-point. On one hand, kids would be excited to be able to drive sooner and enjoy driving ( including me ) . they would also be able to go to work if they have a job, sooner, being less of a burden on parents.On the other hand, teens already have a much higher chance of crashing or being in a wreck, and their insurance is high. Most teens insurance is already two-point-four times higher than an experienced driver due to this.In my oppinion, the PERMIT age should be lowered, but not the liscense. unless they passed the test 100%

  13. Just as everyone else is saying, Traffic ganeration/One:One to traffic exchange is terrible, Unless you have an ATTRACTIVE WEBSITE, and even then its not great.I use easy hits 4 u in my spare time and 2:1000 Of the people who view it stay active on the website ( because my main page isnt unattractive ) Make your website attractive, helpful, or entertaining and traffic will come.If you want to affiliate Send me a message with your URL

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