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Posts posted by TimothyA

  1. If I have to trust my sources, Win2K is the most stablest server platform in the windows series. Windows XP is more for the home user and can be stable if all the bloatware is stripped. So far the most stablest windows I've used was Windows 2003 BETA (Yes, it said beta). I was the early adopter of all three Windows 3.x 95 and 98 and I found them all to be REALLY unstable. But that's just from my point of view.

  2. A dell or a gateway costs 5000USD+ over here...so I got a "reletively a cheap" computer. However this time I'm going to build it myself for 500 USD :(And thanks for that offer, but I hate intel with a passion :D (Damn DRM creationists!) and HT is just a myth!AMD is all the way to go, and I'm going with the SLI northbridge from, who else?, nVidia.Btw, the cause of the frying was because the electricity company sent like a few to many volts into my house >.>

  3. Well, for starters I got this computer like 6 months and a day ago for 3000USD...it was craptastic quality for double the price and 1/4th of the quality... Most of the parts were from 1999 and earlier, of which I only got to know about 2 months later. So now, ONE day after the guarantee expired....the HDD fried itself, the CPU blew itself to bits and the motherboard can be modified into a skateboard to give it AT LEAST a purpose. Now, I want to know why this happened EXACTLY one day after the guarantees?And second of all, why are parents so stubborn to not ORDER QUALITY PARTS that are WAY cheaper than here from america or europe? Instead I'm forced to buy a 2000USD computer that will be total garbage within a week instead of a PC that will be able to function for at least 5 years for the price of 300USD...someone tell me, please...As for the actual problem: Why did this frying happen to my PC?

  4. Denying firefox access... one of the most horribly things you could ever do. Second, why design for IE if FF is taking over the market? Third, design for FF and after that you try to apply hacks for IE. Fourth, fix the shoutbox so it doesn't shows the horizontal scrollbars on default. Fifth, who is Owner?. The google ads could be placed in the middle of that sidebar to make it look a little bit more perfect....Design: 8.5/10Code: 5/10 - Make it work with FF and I'll give a 9/10

  5. As for compatability with windows XP....nil. Unless you run some emulation software like WINE or WINEX or CEDEGA, the latter 2 are for emulating the DirectX library (meaning Games). WINE is usually for the emulation of simple windows apps. As for further, you could compile windows applications by source with CYG libraries and the same for windows to use linux applications. However support between distros depends on what packages are installed, like debian has a different packaging system than mandrake and redhat. So it could become a problem if you try to use a .rpm in a debian distro. As for interferences with windows, there will be none as linux can't read by default a NTFS drive, and even less write to one. Of course you would have to have the harddisk partitioned BEFORE installing linux or windows, or if you don't care about maybe losing your data you could resize your partition so you have some space to install linux on. I hope my information was correct and helped you deciding to move to linux :P

  6. Fix: Unplug the network cableGet performance out of your PC... run linux....if you want to play games without an emulator you just would have to get a stripped down version of windows....Second, PC's can be upgraded whereas a console cannot [at least, not legally]. AND, you don't need a stupid memory stick to save your games on :P. I personally like to slam on my keyboard than throw the controller stick through the room when I get angry...keyboards are less expensive B)

  7. Mister, you are a little bit to late....M$ already bought up most big vendors....as for the xbox-360, it's only to milk out even more of the xbox franchise...which is a big ???And how the heck did you ever connect Apple with Microsoft? Apple is the competition of M$ and CANNOT be bought by microsoft because of anti-monopoly laws, therefore M$ even supports Apple.... Can you say evil?<sarcasm>Now, I won't suprise if Google is going to make their own OS or if linux comes rising out as the victor with their own console.....Heck, maybe M$ is going to do a ipod-ripoff :unsure: </sarcasm>

  8. I am all for this kind of internet, even though it's already invented since my birthyear.... I mean, why havn't they implemented it yet? Because it's expensive to install....And therefore I am totally for this option of internet so I can finally kick the bucket on my government ISP who is charging me right now 300USD a month just to "enjoy" 128kbit/32kbit internet which barely even functions....If googlebots read this, please buy curacao and use it as a testing facility :unsure:

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