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Posts posted by BeyondEarth

  1. I actually just did this like an hour ago for the first time ever! A few things I discovered... Its a lot easier than youd think! Yay!Another person cant exactly be on at the same time u access the remote computer otherwise they get booted. They can log back in but then you get booted and its an endless cycle lol.But yeah I got a new computer and I used Remote Desktop to transfer some files without blowing cds. I was excited! I found a great tutorial just by googling "Remote Desktop guide" All in all, I like remote desktop! Woo!

  2. Hey Everyone just thought I would share, if you didnt already know, the pros and cons of building your own computer!!!


    First of all, lets start with my system specs that I cam up with.


    2.4GHZ Intel Celeron Processor and Compatible Motherboard

    1 Gigabyte of RAM

    80 GB Hard Drive

    DVD R/RW Burner

    Beautiful Sleek Black Case

    Internal Power

    Optical Mouse

    Regular Black Keyboard

    Cheap Speakers (But still good)


    I think thats what most people are interested in...

    Anyways, all of this for the low low price of roughly $400!


    The Cheap price is the biggest advantage to building a computer of your own. However, If you do not have other required things like I had (Monitor and OS) Your price can get jacked up rather quickly. Another disadvantage is all I have is the onboard Graphics Card. It works but I definately would like a better one.


    However, I went for a higher quality machine that will still be decent in the next few years (Hopefully Anyways) You could build a perfectly running computer for much cheaper than I had.


    You can definately downgrade to like a flat 2.0 GHZ processor even less probably! But you can definately go straight to 512 MB of RAM. You can also just go for a CD R/RW Drive instead of the DVD one. Most people can also probably cut down to only a 40 GB Hard drive, possibly 20! Cutting back on all of these will definately cut your prices big time. Just keep in mind some assembly is required as well as a monitor and an OS. The monitor price varies on what exactly it is you are looking for. An OS However, you can find an OEM Copy of Windows XP Pro for about $130 which is not horrible. So yeah!


    Basically, what I have to say is that I am very happy with the computer I built and I believe I got a really good price. I would suggest Newegg.com for EVERYTHING you need to build. Its very well organized and a huge selection to choose from! Easy to find everything you are looking for. I have not done much other searching for parts suppliers so feel free to post your links as well!


    Happy Building Everyone!!!


  3. Holy crap this is a classic! lol. This is such a good game. I might have to bust it out sometime soon... I remember back in the day trying to beat levels as fast as i could just to unlock all the cheats and whatnot. Multiplayer was awesome! My siblings banned anyone from using Odjob for having a height advantage. This game rocks! lol... Yay oldschool!-BeyondEarthP.S. - Of course Im the best at this game as well ;)

  4. Ok, Quite frankly, I was dissapointed in this game. I personally think it is way too complex. I liked the simple blowin up stuff havin as many weapons you want in good ol gta 3. gta vice city was a big improvement on the prettiness, however the weird weapon system confused me a bit, and with the whole leveling and eating thing in gta san andreas, its so complex its basically "The Sims: Life in the Ghetto"Im sorry for all of you lovers out there. I mean, I am a big fan of the series, I think they just went a little too far with San Andreas. Have fun blowin up stuff and stealing cars everyone!!!-BeyondEarth

  5. Hey, I really wanted to try this game like a year ago. I waited on my dialup internet to download the big file, and then!!! It didnt work!!! I was like... great. I must say it does look very good though. Im dissapointed I didnt get it to work. It looks beautamous! But yeah since I have never played I cannot really have any more input on this game! Have fun all!-BeyondEarth

  6. Hmm... I shall give my review on fable!Fable is in my opinion all most the master of all RPGs. Since I was in like... 4th grade, I wanted to make basically an MMORPG... offline. Fable is the closest thing I have seen. One thing it is missing is the complex skill system which many MMORPGs have. However, it has a very advanced character developement system. Good vs Evil, you can have brute force, magic power, range combat, lots of stuff! It does not have a race selection which is somewhat sad but oh well. This game has the freedom you have in an MMORPG but a very fun to follow plot as well. This is the reason I am in love with this game. If you are a fan of MMORPGs you will definately love the feel of freedom you have in this game and if your just a general fan of RPGs, theres no way you can hate it.

  7. Alright, I hope this works...In your browser... assuming youre using internet explorer... go to the top menu and click "Tools" and then "Internet Options"A window should pop up and you should be on the "General" tab. In the middle there should be a "Temporary Internet Files" section. Click settings.The top secion says "Check for newer versions of Stored Pages:" you should have either clicked "Automatically" or "Every Visit to the Page" If automatically is currently selected, try the every visit one. If that doesnt work, go back to "Tools" --> "Internet Options" and then in the "Temporary Internet Files" section again, and "Delete Files" if that doesn't work, then "Delete Cookies" as well. If none of this works.... Im out of Ideas... i think.... If none of it works, take a screenshot with the printscreen button of the page that you get and go to like ms paint or something, save it and post it on here so I can see what you can see.Hope I helped!-BeyondEarth

  8. I'm really hoping were on the same page here lol

    When you go toRunescape.com its all about runescape 2... however i believe its just known as Runescape.
    The first button on the top left side should be a button that says "Play Now" that button will take you to playing.

    Im guessing you dont really know about this because either you have it on your favorites and never go to the main page... or you are using the old RS Client to make it load faster. (Which now doesnt make it load faster just to let you know) lol....

    So anyways you can also access RS classic by going to the last button on the bottom right corner and continue to play the old one.

    I hope this helped a bit! I'm not real big into RS anymore... my id is Obsidian666 however and If I ever do decide to play you can add me and talk and whatnot. But yeah! Anymore questions, just ask! I am still quite knowledgable about the game.


  9. I did love this game at one point in my life... You see, I was loving the game, kickin *bottom* and stuff I wasn't even a jedi yet! I get to Davik's base and I accidently screw up at the party management screen, so all I got was the main dude and the guy with the big gun... dont remember his name. Im like CRAP! but ok, so I fight my way through the base and undoubtably I save along the way cuz, if I die, who wants to go that far back?!?!So I finally get to the spaceship... and I can't kill Calo and Davik!!! Impossible! I'm dead in like 10 seconds every time!!! So... the game was unbeatable for me, I stopped playing, didnt want to start all over again... never played again!Its tragic... *sigh* :unsure: -BeyondEarth

  10. Hello there! So... you want to know when runescape 2 is coming out... well! It is out!!! You have your good ol Runescape classic with all the old mining systems and stuff, and the fun sprites instead of the 3d models. I actually really like this version plus not so full servers! Woo! The sad thing is they arent adding new stuff to this one anymore.And then You have Runescape 2 which is the 3d one and looks way better Its got everything from Runescape Classic, with some changes made to like the mining system and whatnot, as well as much more new content. I believe I am right here, I'm not 100% sure, but I believe if the new 3d one isnt called Runescape 2, that used to be its codename while it was still in the beta testing stages.I hope this helped!-BeyondEarth

  11. You mean its not really a gas station?!?!? :unsure: Lol.... yeah anywho this is kinda helpful because I have intentions of getting/building a new computer and to keep it somewhat cheaper.... linnux was an idea and if i dont know what a common term is then hey! I'm in trouble! Lol... yeah thanks for the info!

  12. Lol oh dear... Well! These aren't in any specific order! Their feelings would get hurt if I had to choose one over the other lol...1: Don't Fear the Reaper (H.I.M.)Tis an awesome song. Instrumentals, vocals, everything! I heard the Blue Oyster Cult version and I fell in love with that, however, I'm loving the more modern sound of H.I.M.'s version.,2: Island In the Sun (Weezer) This is yet another awesome song. I hate to choose a favorite out of the Weezer collection, but this one takes the cake. A very fun guitar line, a happy, sunny feel. Its just one of them songs that makes you feel warm and fuzzy on the inside lol.3: Piano Man (Billy Joel)How can you not love this song! Yeah... thats all I got. I guess I kinda grew up listening to it a lot. My parents loved it and played it on the record player all the time. Its just a great song.4: Float On (Modest Mouse)Wow... you can't even describe this song. Its so weird and fun. Its quite random. I'll never forget the sheep in the music video. Its got catchy everything! Lyrics, Bassline, 2 guitar parts... I just have to smile when I hear it.5: The Joker (Steve Miller Band)Just personal memories and experiences I guess lol. "El Solo Guitarro!!!" (Note: None of you will have understood that last comment) Lol... Like I said, personal reasons..."Maurice!!!" Lol...k... Im done!

  13. Alrighty. This is kinda weird for me to post this because I really don't read that much but there are a few that I truly love!First of all, I really like "The Davinci Code" and "Angels and Demon's" Both outstanding books! Great plot! Unexpected endings! Kept moving to keep me interested! Very good! If you havent read either of them for any reason, religious or not, I would suggest reading them! They are great.Now my truly favorite trilogy... or at least soon to be trilogy, is the "Domain" trilogy by Steve Alten. Basically, its this huge story about the end of the world! Woohoo! Lol... But yeah. It's one of them books, like "Angels and Demons" and "The Davinci Code," where it supplies so much information you almost have to believe that its all real! Now I know fiction is fiction, and I am too lazy to look up to see if any of its true myself, but! Fiction is fun. And this trilogy gets my mind going and thinking and such. I love that. It has information bout the present, theories for the near future, and conspiracy of the world ending! Who could ask for more? The first two books are "Domain" and "Resurection" and eventually to come out is "Phobos" I am very much excited for the third book to come out, god only knows when but I am still excited!

  14. Wow... hmm... tough one. There aren't many people I truly loathe. Hmm.... I guess I can say I hate anyone who screws up computers for fun or whatever. I have had my computer formated so many times! You have no Idea how annoying it is. Anti-virus software and all that helps but every once in a while one gets through and bam! Your dead. Its tragic. Oh well... *sigh*

  15. Well, I'm a fan of coding my own websites, so, I'm not a real big fan of dreamweaver and whatnot. I do however use this program called W3E 2000. Basically, its got simple code already implemented into it which i dont really use, and then you can then type your code into the window, and click the preview tab! I much prefer this over saving a notepad document and clicking refresh in my browser so it works rather well for me!

  16. Im rather liking ur site here! Very nice. I like the little guy who takes off his head lol. Made me laugh anyways. A Comment on the girl picture. I do like it, the random purple strings are kinda odd there, but otherwise that half of the page would be kinda blank so I'm ok with it! So I guess my only suggestion to you would be to think of something fairly simple to put inplace of the purple stuff.Once again, ur site is very good looking. Keep it up!

  17. Hey guys this might be a fun one, what is your favorite day of the week and why?Mine is going to have to be fridays, especially during the school year. I like it because it means yay! The weekend is here, but still keeping everything in schedule. And I especially like it during school because its an exciting day like a weekend, but I still get to see my friends all throughout the day. I don't see people much on the weekends so ya.

  18. I have many favorite beverages! Im a beverage sort of guy! Anywho my top 3 would be...1) Classic Orange Julius! Get it at the mall... worlds best thing ever!2) Kwick Trip Koolaid in the galon! Its $1.36 (tax already added) It rocks!3) Any natural juice. Preferabley white grape or apple but ya.There ya go!

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