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Posts posted by Samael

  1. I don't know if many of you know this, but I found it out a couple of years ago on my first computer. After making the shortcut to the desktop for the *.bat file, if you right click it, there will be a shortcut tab, and on that tab is an entry box called "Shortcut key:" Just click in the field and press a combo of keys. Something like Alt + CTRL + Shift + R for example.Keep in mind it doesn't have to have all those keys, and can be customized to how you want to open it. So like for the firefox *.bat you may want CTRL + ALT + F.Pres those buttons at the same time and you will see it pop up in the field. Click apply and ok, now whenever you hit that combo, it will automatically run that file. Just thought you might like to know that if you didn't already know it. Hope you find it useful ( ^ . ^ );;

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