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Posts posted by zacnin

  1. I am in a quest to use my computer to make a full time income. I am NO WHERE CLOSE! but have had a bit of success in a few areas.

    It is not easy. It is hard. It is work. I hate those "work from the beach for only 2 hours a day". That is my goal, but I won't it for awhile. People think (I was one of them) that if you build a website, BOOM! you will be a gazzilionaire. It is not that easy.

    But, the saying "Build it and they will come" is very true. People can read right through the BS if you try to fake a site. Find something you are interested in, find a niche in that area, and build your own little community.

    Another thing that has worked for me, is don't focus so hard on "online". Working behind a computer is a great freedom, but isn't the ultimate freedom to make money on YOUR terms? There are hundreds of ways to make extra cash out there. Freelancing or consulting is a great way I have found to make extra cash.

  2. I personally think any program where you have to PAY to make money should be marked a scam. I think that defeats the entire purpose of making money. There are plenty of ways to make money online without signup fees, membership fees or anything else. Just do you research and make sure that it is legit before advancing, even for free things. You just never know in today's world what the catch really is.

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