Its a brand new clan. I plan for this clan to be a active clan in the pure clan community.When we have 15+ active members we will have events every day or every other day.
Clan chat: eazyboy18
Clan requirements 1 defence,obviously pures only,40+ combat.
Clan official look only for pk trips,
Clan Rules
(1)No spamming/flamming.
(2)Respect all Clan members.
(3)No bsing.
(4)No multi claning.
(5)Don't ask for a higher rank.
(6)Be active in the clan.
(7Be in the chat most of the time.
(8)No reporting clan members, what so ever.
Rank system
Recruit-Not officially in the clan, not met with requirements yet.
Corporal-In the clan officially.
Seargeant-Been in the clan for a little while.
Lietunent-Can lead events.
Captain-Can kick and lead events.
General-Can kick, lead events, suggest people for rank ups, and has earned my trust.
How to get ranked up!
Recruit people,come to events,train and improve,follow rules,show and earn my trust,make friends in the clan,be active in and out of clan chat.
Combat level:
Attack level:
Strength level:
Defence level:
Range level:
Magic level:
Pray level:
\?/Akatsuki Invitation\?/
Akatsuki Pures are inviting you to join our clan! Come to the cc eazyboy18.
Requirments 40+ pures only
1-5 def
Total Members:1-- was just created