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  1. So recently, my internet connection is slower than usual. I checked my netstat and here's what I got. Is this fine?? Please look at the screenies. PS: I'm using bittorrent when I took this images. But I've been doing that all the times[opening bit torrent while doing other things like browsing,playing ragnarok] but the internet is really slower this time.
  2. I think there's really something damaged in this pc. Cause right now I'm just browsing and everything is fine. Later when I'll play eventually it will hang. So do you guys think that the prob is the vidcard?Note: As I said before I shutdown the computer improperly. Could it also damage the parts of my computer?
  3. So here's the deal. I have this computer for I think 3 years now. Then one of this days it started to hang. It hangs when I'm playing Ragnarok Online, but as of the moment, I'm just surfing the internet and everything is fine. I don't know what the problem is. I've formatted this several times thinking that the problem was a virus. I also have a habit of turning of the computer by the AVR, I mean I don't shut it down properly. Could it be the case? I just thought that if i keep doing that maybe some parts of my pc will be damaged. I don't really know what's the problem here. Here's the info of my pc. Here's the temp. Anyhelp would be appreciated. Thanks.
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